I'm so confused.
There's too many "category" names for Japanese verbs. It's like someone said oh there's only 2 main verb groups so let's come up with 10000 names for them.
I started studying Japanese with the Japanese for Busy People book. They (or was it Sensei) called the verb groups, Regular 1, Regular 2, and Irregular. My dictionary calls them Godan and Ichidan. If I figured it out right, Regular 1 (example きく) is a Godan verb, and Regular 2 (example たべる) is an Ichidan verb. All my vocab lists are R1-R2 categorized.
Now, I'm at a new school and they use Basic Functional Japanese (a most wretched book!) and they're calling the verbs Group A (Rule 1), Group B (Rule 1), and Group C (Rule 2) and Group C has 4 different categories. The "rules" are for how you take the -masu form and back-extract the -te form. There's no mention of the dictionary form!
There examples are Group A きます, Group B みます, Group C -1 はなします, C-2 ききます, C-3 よみます, C-4 たちます.
Confusion alert!
Can anyone help me correlate the R1-R2, Godan-Ichidan, and ABC groups to one another. I can't keep this straight!
Many thanks!
p.s. I know there's been some discussion of verbs on Japanesepod101, but I can't even recall if they gave us the verb groups (I listen to 99% of the time to beginner and newbie classes). If the pod101 categories won't confuse me more than I'd like to know those too.