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くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby community.japanese » September 10th, 2013 1:25 pm

Teabag さん、マイケルさん、トラさん、
こんにちは :D
活気づきましたね :oiwai:

みなさんにお返事したいので、ちょっとポストを数回に分けますね :P
mmmason8967 wrote:
I wrote:...と柴犬の士郎います(柴犬は日本の犬種です)。







:lol: これは大爆笑しましたよ、マイケルさん :mrgreen:
(I've burst into laughter!!)


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby community.japanese » September 10th, 2013 1:27 pm

ではまず、Teabag さん、
Teabag wrote:くろくまさんの手紙のおかげて、奈津子先生の周りに後光を見るそうです。
いつも精一杯に私たちにサポートしてくれる先生は日本語の聖者に見たいんです :flower:

そんなにすばらしい返事をもらいました。 :wink:

いつものことながら、Teabag さんは褒めすぎですよ~。 でもありがとうございます :mrgreen:
JapanesePod で勉強しているみなさんは、とても熱心なので、私も精一杯
みなさんをサポートしたいんです。 :wink:


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby community.japanese » September 10th, 2013 1:46 pm

thank you very much for remembering my advice on いただく vs くださる :D
And thank you very much also for a brilliant explanation as always!

You've put it very right; "thank you" limits the expression we can use and also makes it more confusing
for us to think straight. There are thousands of public announcements and writings saying
Everytime I see or hear that, I feel very strange. Do we say ~てもらいましてありがとうございます? Never.
Somehow, people consider it "very polite and proper" to say ~ていただきまして with ありがとうございます when
it becomes 敬語 :?

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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby community.japanese » September 10th, 2013 2:41 pm

thank you very much for active conversations on this thread! :D
I'd like to focus first on some questions from くろくまさん which トラさん and マイケルsan have
already helped (and which means I only need some short explainations... :mrgreen: )

mewes6190 wrote:
community.japanese wrote:他の人も参加してくれるかな?
Hope others will aslo join us!

I get the てくれる-part. It's that someone did something for me - is that right? But I don't get the かな-part. Is that the "hope" in the sentence? How is that last part constructed?

I guess かな is more similar to "I wonder..." because it's an expression of your thoughts and wonderings.
Literal translation for my Japanese sentence would be "I wonder if other people will join us", but we'd
probably say "(Let's OR I) hope others will join us" in English in the same situation.

mewes6190 wrote:
community.japanese wrote:2. which has one of the key grammar in Japanese.
Please see the corrected sentence below.

Ah, I always forget the -たり -たり construction. :oops: Thanks for the reminder. Do I always have to conclude that with する or only in this case?

Not always, but mostly yes. The forms can vary according to the rest of the sentences, but most common ways are:
For instance, the only example sentence without する I can think of is;
手紙を送ってきたり、電話をかけてきたり、いいかげんにしてください。 :mrgreen: :lol:
(it's like "you continue sending me letters and calling me, but enough is enough!")
This is a bit colloquial/broken :mrgreen:

mewes6190 wrote:Oh, and: why is it written 数ヶ but read すうか? What exactly is the ヶ?

This ヶ is a super-simplified 箇 :mrgreen:
箇 is read as "ka" and it has two ヶ on top of 固, right?

mewes6190 wrote:There are so many different ways to say "bye" in japanese... I guess there only stays the trial and error way, or is there any other way? :D
I'll remember that one too.

I know.... There are many other ways.
しつれいします、しつれいいたします are polite expressions that can be used like good-bye in some situations.
If you're in work places, you might also use おつかれさまでした instead of good bye.
In casual situations (to friends), バイバイ、またね、じゃあね、are most common ones like "see ya" or "bye".
Semi formal would be それでは(また)、ではまた

Now, I'd like to comment a bit on いただく vs くださる 8)
Whenever you don't know the proper expression in keigo, the best and easiest is to think of casual versions.
As you all already sort it out, いただく is humble keigo for もらう and くださる is polite keigo for くれる
Those two take different subject when you want to express the same thing, just like Michael-san explained.
It is unfortunately true that there are too many Japanese natives who don't understand or use keigo correctly.
When they use the wrong one, they can be very rude. :(

Tracel wrote:Here is a very simplified explanation. 敬語 changes depending on one's point of view. So it depends if you are wanting to talk about yourself by being humble, or you want to talk about someone else whom you respect. The verbs 「くれる」 and 「もらう」 also depend on your point of view. Basically, 「くれる」 means 'to give to me' and 「もらう」 means 'to receive from you'.

I thank you very much for your answer and the greeting to the forum.

マイケルさん is giving you a reply and a greeting. Because you are talking about what he is doing, you would need the "respect" form for "give"、 「くれる」 Becomes 「くださる」。
Thank you for (giving me) your reply and warm welcome to the forum. (Note: I couldn't find your word 迎接 so I replaced it with 大歓迎(だいかんげい)which means 'warm welcome'.)

Now you could probably also use 「もらう」 here with a slightly different emphasis. 「もらう」 Is talking about yourself (I am receiving something) and would become the "humble" form when using 敬語, which is 「いただく」。But I am really not to sure about my Japanese here.

I was happy to receive Micheal's reply and warm welcome to the forum.

トラさん、thank you very much for a great explanation! :oiwai:
I was to mention to 接迎 as well. Very good point!
I personally thought お返事 and 歓迎 were difficult to sit in the same sentence.
It doesn't mean your sentence is wrong, but it might be more natural if we focus only on one thing.
If we mention two things/events, we tend to add emphasis on the second thing/event to appreciate like
So, how about
お返事をくださりありがとうございました。フォーラムに(あたたかく)迎えていただき、嬉しかったです。 :wink:

I enjoyed a lot to read your letters to each other :kokoro:

By the way, I'm not kanji savvy :oops: so I couldn't read 渾名 :P
We might use more ニックネーム lately, because あだ in あだ名 can be associated to negative meanings.
実は私もいろんなニックネームを持っています。でも、ニックネームというより、「○○語の名前」かな? :mrgreen:
付けてもらいました。人に名前を覚えてもらうのは、大事ですから :wink: 「トラちゃん」もかわいいですよ :D
このフォーラムには「トラ」と「くま」がいるから、私は「ライオン」にでもしようかなあ~ :mrgreen:


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby mewes6190 » September 10th, 2013 3:12 pm

welcome back! :oiwai:

Thanks you for your very helpful answer, It covered pretty much any question I had. I'm still sitting on my new "letter" (I'm really busy at the moment, so it takes some time) but wanted to thank you.
And I wanted to say, that I really enjoy reading your japanese, you're hitting exactly the level on which I'm operating! I always can read it, and still have enough "new" stuff in it so that I learn a lot! So, thanks for that too! :)
(I also try to chime in on the conversations between マイケルさん and 茶袋さん but they're sometimes one or two steps beyond my reach... :D )


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby mmmason8967 » September 10th, 2013 9:28 pm

くろくまさん wrote:(I also try to chime in on the conversations between マイケルさん and 茶袋さん but they're sometimes one or two steps beyond my reach... :D )

That's really strange because I always feel like I'm the one who's trailing one or two steps behind... :shock:


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby Tracel » September 11th, 2013 4:05 am

皆さん、今晩は!奈津子先生お帰りなさい。 (Or maybe we should call you ライオン先生) :kokoro: Yeah, you are back!

私もこの頃フォーラムに参加することができませんでしたね。大学が始まりました。こんなに忙しくなるとは忘れてしまいました。今、たくさんの宿題があるので、疲れています :obake: 。でも、Japanese Podのフォーラムを読むと嬉しくなりました。返事をするの時間がなかったけれど。ごめんなさい。

奈津子先生は私の文章を直してくださって、ありがとうございます。質問があります。下の文章には「くださりありがとうございました」と書いてあります。どうして「たり」ですか。「くださってありがとう」と言えませんですか。そして、「ありがとうございました」と「ありがとうございます」は英語で同じ言葉になるから(Thank you)、どういう風に選ぶかわかりません。スタィルだけですか。


渾名という言葉が変な意味があることを知りませんでした :oops: 。日本に日本語を勉強するときに、(Nicknameが日本語ではなんですか]と聞きました。私の先生が、「渾名」と答えました。でも、この話は20年ほど前なので、多分「ニックネーム」をまだ使いませんでした。 :)

Last question, and then I have to go back to my homework.  :wink: In anime、I have often heard the expression (ごきげんよう) used to say both "how do you do" and "goodbye". Is this expression really used, or is it kind of pretentious?


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby mewes6190 » September 11th, 2013 6:38 am

mmmason8967 wrote:
くろくまさん wrote:(I also try to chime in on the conversations between マイケルさん and 茶袋さん but they're sometimes one or two steps beyond my reach... :D )

That's really strange because I always feel like I'm the one who's trailing one or two steps behind... :shock:


You probably do - just not from my point of view! :D
But don't worry, we'll both get there eventually! :oiwai:


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby mewes6190 » September 13th, 2013 1:37 pm

私は彼女と一緒にドイツの北で住んでいます。海が電車で1時間に行いてできる。でも、寒くて海ですよ。 :cry:
私の一番好きな映画は、「The good, the bad and the ugly」です。(日本語で何と言いますか。)
でも、時々「Once upon a time in the west」も一番好きな映画です。セルージオ レオーネの映画の中で全部大好きです。:D 本当に映画神様でしたね。 :kokoro:

私のニックネームの歴史がやさしいです。日本を勉強する始まってときごろ、ドイツの子供の本の日本語訳を買いました。「しろくまくん、どこへ?」と言います。あのときに私が色を練習しましたが、それだから白熊とくろくまを挿げ替えりました。「くろくま」が自分で作った1回日本語の言葉です。本当に大丈夫で知りません。 :oops: :shock:


Hello everyone.
I hope you‘re all well. It‘s been some time. I‘ve been very busy the last two weeks. I had a lot of work, a wedding and three birthdayparties.
Now, I want to write more about my life.
I life with my girlfriend in the north of Germany. By train, you can be at the beach in an hour. But it‘s a pretty cold beach.
My favorite movie is „The good, the bad and the ugly“. (What‘s the japanese name of that one?)
However, sometimes, „Once upon a time in the west“ is also my favorite movie. From the movies Sergio Leone made, I love: all of them. :D He was a true moviegod, wasn‘t he? :kokoro:
Which is your favorite movie? And why?

the story of my nickname is easy. Back when I started learning Japanese, I bought the japanese translation of a german children‘s book. It is called „Where are you going, little polar bear“. At that time I was just practicing the colors, so I simply switched „white bear“ into „black bear“. „Black bear“ is the first japanese word I made up by myself. To be honest, I‘m not even sure if it‘s correct. :oops: :shock:


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby mmmason8967 » September 14th, 2013 6:32 pm

mewes6190 wrote:私の一番好きな映画は、「The good, the bad and the ugly」です。(日本語で何と言いますか。)
でも、時々「Once upon a time in the west」も一番好きな映画です。

セルジオ・レオーネの 「ドル箱三部作」の映画は。。。
荒野の用心棒 ⇒ Prairie Bodyguard (A Fistful of Dollars)
夕陽のガンマン ⇒ Sunset Gunman (For a Few Dollars More)
続・夕陽のガンマン ⇒ Sunset Gunman - Continuation (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)

日本には"Once Upon A Time In The West"が「ウエスタン」と呼ばれる。

Serujio Reoone no "Dorubako" no eiga wa…
Kouya no Yojinbo ⇒ Prairie Bodyguard (A Fistful of Dollars)
Yuuhi no Ganman ⇒ Sunset Gunman (For a Few Dollars More)
Zoku - Yuuhi no Ganman ⇒ Sunset Gunman - Continuation (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)

Nihon ni wa "Once Upon A Time In The West" ga "Uesutan" to yobareru.


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby mewes6190 » September 16th, 2013 9:22 am

案内をありがとうございます。 :oiwai:
「ドル箱三部作」を見ましたか。好きましたか。どちら部分が一番好きですか。 :)

thanks for the information.
Did you see the Dollar-Trilogy? And did you like it? Which part is your favorite?

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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby community.japanese » September 17th, 2013 11:53 am


くろくまさん wrote:And I wanted to say, that I really enjoy reading your japanese, you're hitting exactly the level on which I'm operating! I always can read it, and still have enough "new" stuff in it so that I learn a lot! So, thanks for that too!

Glad to know that! :kokoro:

くろくまさん wrote:お久しぶりです。私は先二週間にとても忙しいでした。たくさん仕事や結婚式や三つ誕生日式がありました。
私の一番好きな映画は、「The good, the bad and the ugly」です。(日本語で何と言いますか。)

マイケルさんが教えてくれた通り、その映画の(日本語の)タイトルは、『続・夕陽のガンマン』というそうです :lol:
This is not the literal translation, but it happens.
We say birthday party 誕生日会 in Japanese. 結婚式が1回と誕生日会が3つ? :shock:
楽しそう :mrgreen:
Now, I'm not too sure what'd be the best way to put "I want to write more about my life." in Japanese....
We might need a bit of twist and say 最後の力を振り絞って書いてみます。 which literally means that I'd try to
write (this) with my last/remaining energy. 最後の力をふりしぼって sounds a bit like you're about to die :lol:

By the way, you might want to know how to say properly
"Which is your favorite movie? And why?" in Japanese. :wink:

I might have heard of 「しろくまくん、どこへ?」...That doesn't sound unfamiliar. I might have read it when I was child.
It's interesting you took your nickname out of it!! :lol:

トラセルさん wrote:下の文章には「くださりありがとうございました」と書いてあります。どうして「たり」ですか。「くださってありがとう」と言えませんですか。そして、「ありがとうございました」と「ありがとうございます」は英語で同じ言葉になるから(Thank you)、どういう風に選ぶかわかりません。

Very good questions! :wink:
「くださり」も「くださって」も同じ意味で両方使えますが、「くださり」の方がもう少しPolite でFormal ですね。

それから、「ありがとうございます」と「ありがとうございました」は、両方 Thank you very much という意味ですが、
すでに終わったこと (something you've already received or someone already done for you) には、過去形の
これは、「このレストランにきて食事をした」という finished action/event に関しての感謝だからです。
場合もありますから、お店やレストランの場合はどちらでもOKですね :wink:

トラセルさん wrote:Last question, and then I have to go back to my homework.  :wink: In anime、I have often heard the expression (ごきげんよう) used to say both "how do you do" and "goodbye". Is this expression really used, or is it kind of pretentious?

In daily conversation, it's not very common to use ごきげんよう because it's considered as a "posh" expression.
But, yes, it can be both "hello" and "goodbye". Literal meaning of ごきげんよう is like "you're in good mood" or
"(I bet) you are very well". I believe this is a kind of shortened version for ごきげんうるわしいこととぞんじます or
something similar (meaning "I believe you're very well" in old Japanese).
I never commented to your signature because I simply thought it was nice and interesting, and of course properly used. :kokoro: But anyway, this ごきげんよう could be a female taste (I don't know if there's any time in history
when men used it at all).

マイケルさん wrote:セルジオ・レオーネの 「ドル箱三部作」の映画は。。。
荒野の用心棒 ⇒ Prairie Bodyguard (A Fistful of Dollars)
夕陽のガンマン ⇒ Sunset Gunman (For a Few Dollars More)
続・夕陽のガンマン ⇒ Sunset Gunman - Continuation (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)

日本には"Once Upon A Time In The West"が「ウエスタン」と呼ばれる。

外国映画の日本語タイトルと、その時代の景気を分析したおもしろいデータを見たことがあります :lol:

(On a separate note... I bet you all are of "advanced level" and would understand or will understand in any way
my Japanese, and I decided to write in Japanese most of this post. i.e. my excuese :mrgreen:
But please feel free to ask me if you don't understand any words in it!)

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby mmmason8967 » September 19th, 2013 8:11 am

くろくまさん and 奈津子先生 wrote:あなたの一番好きな映画は何ですか。どうしてですか。


二番好きな映画は1943年のイギリスの映画の「A Canterbury Tale」。日本語のタイトルは分かりません。でもジェフレイ・チョーサーの「カンタベリ物語」でわありません!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Boku-no ichiban suki-na eiga wa Sutajio Jiburi no animeeshon no "Mimi-wo sumaseba".

Niban suki-na eiga wa 1943 toshi-no Igirisu-no eiga-no "A Canterbury Tale". Nihongo-no taitoru wa wakarimasen. Demo Jefurei Choosaa no "Kantaberi Monogatari" dewa armiasen!

Kore mo daisuki-na eiga desu...
Subarashiki kana, jinsei
Shichinin-no samurai
2001 toshi uchuu-no tabi
Iizi Raidaa
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My favourite film is the Studio Ghibli animation "Whisper of the Heart".

My second favourite film is a 1943 British film called "A Canterbury Tale". I don't know what the title is in Japanese, but it's not Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales"!

These are some other favourite films…
It's a Wonderful Life
Seven Samurai
2001 A Space Oddysey
Easy Rider
Amélie (original title "Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain")


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby community.japanese » September 21st, 2013 5:33 am

私も『耳をすませば』が好きです 8)

"A Canterbury Tale" は、日本語で『カンタベリー物語』と言うそうですよ。 :?
でも、日本では劇場公開(映画館での放映)はされていないみたいです :(

私は『となりのトトロ』が大好きです :mrgreen:


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Re: くろくまからの手紙 - Letters from Kurokuma

Postby mmmason8967 » September 22nd, 2013 8:16 am

"A Canterbury Tale" は、日本語で『カンタベリー物語』と言うそうですよ。 :?

そうですか。『カンタベリー物語』の意味は『A Canterbury Tale』か『The Canterbury Tales』かです。 :?

Sou desu ka. 『Kantaberii Monogatari』 no imi wa 『A Canterbury Tale』 ka 『The Canterbury Tales』 ka desu.

I see: "Kantaberii Monogatari" means either "A Canterbury Tale" or "The Canterbury Tales".


そうです。マイケル・パイエルの映画です。奈津子さんはマイケル・パウエルなんて聞いたことありますか。驚きますよ。 :shock:

Sou desu. Maikeru Paueru no eiga desu. Natsuko-san wa Maikeru Paueru nante kiita koto arimasu ka. Odorokimasu yo.

That's right: it's a Michael Powell film. You've heard of Michael Powell? I'm surprised!


僕も『となりのトトロ』がすきです。喜ばしくてかわいい映画ですよね! :flower:

Boku mo "Tonari ni Totoro" ga suki desu. Yorokobashikute kawaii eiga desu yo ne!

I like "Totoro" too; it's a delightful, lovely film!



Kinyoubi no yoru mimashita. Boku mo nankaimo mimashita. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I watched it on Friday evening. I've also seen it many times.


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