In listening some of the audio conversations, I realized how some words/phrases are not fully enunciated, and I wanted to know if this is something regular native Japanese are attuned to.
For example, in Beginner season 1 lesson 36: "Watching the movies, together?" when the guy tells the girl ロマンチックな映画はくだらないです!i slowed the audio (0.5x) and relistened and the best I could make out of it was kudrnai instead of kudaranai. Listening in 1x I hear something similar to kunai.
The girl's follow-up response of kudaranakunai was much more clear and enunciated.
In lesson 42 of the same season, in the dialog audio (not the line-by-line audio), when the guy says あなたのおかねがひつようで
す。すみません。あなたがひつようです。 His あなた sound like ata (not ata exactly, but i can only hear two syllables)
So are regular Japanese speakers attuned to hearing this kind of speaking?
Is this how a lot of Japanese speak, or is it equivalent to some native English speaker speaking not so proper but understandable english.
Or maybe it's some dialect...i don't know, but I need some explanation!