Hey guys,
this is my first post in the forums so.... Hi, everybody!
My question is a little bit weird, I know, but I'd really appreciate it, if you could help me out.
First of all as a background: I will do an internship in Tokyo beginning in April for 6 months. I have been learning japanese for 2 years now but I am still faaar away from feeling in any way comfortable speaking/writing.....
So anyway, my question is for the following example scenario: I am waiting at the bus/train station and a beautiful girl walks by. I really want to talk to her, so I run up to her and say :
"Excuse me, can I tell you something quickly? I know this is a bit weird, but I saw you walking by and I thought you looked really nice/beautiful! So I wanted to come and say Hi!"
My translation would be:
"すみません、ちょっと あなたに なにを いって も いい ですか。
わたしは あなたを みたながら かけぬけました。と あなたは かなり きれい と おもいます。
だから あなたを はなし かける と おもいます。"
Could I say it like this? Or does it sound completely weird?
I know, this is a really strange question but that is just the way I meet and talk to girls!
Thank you very much in advance for your help!