Hey guys! I just received email number two from my friend and wanted to see if I have interepreted all this correctly if thats ok? Here it is:
Good evening.
にほんご の めーる ありがとう☆
Thank you for your Japanese email.
わたし の かぞくは げんき です。
My family is healthy.
きのう おかあさん の たんじょうび でした。
Yesterday it was mother's birthday.
まっと の かぞく は げんき ですか?
Is your family healthy?
まっと は ひらがな だけでなく かたかな も よむ ことが できますか?
(I can't make much sense of this sentence, I can pick out the words Hiragana and Katakana but thats about it...)
See you.
Is that correct or am I a bit off in places? Any helps decifering the last line would be great. I guess my major hurdle with interpreting this email was the まっ. What the hell is that? haha. I couldn't spot it on a symbol table.
Thanks guys.