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The Kanji Handbook: KanjiHybrid Text

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The Kanji Handbook: KanjiHybrid Text

Postby KanjiHybrid » March 22nd, 2007 7:21 am

Our 学earning 進rogress will 決ecide the book`s 想oncept and 命estiny. In the 間eantime, I have 既lready 発eveloped a beta 版ersion of a KanjiHybrid software, that will
自utomatically 変ransform 英nglish words into KanjiHybrids. Please 受ccept my
永ver-残lasting 謝ratitude.

If we can 通ommunicate in KanjiHybrid 文ext such as 上bove, the 限imit is just one`s
創magination. 思hink of the 速peed and 優roficiency of 漢anji 教ducation! Will 近hortly
作roduce a KanjiHybrid blog.

From my 窓indows by the 海cean,

The KanjiHandbook
創magination is more 要mportant than 知nowledge

                  -- Albert Einstein

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Postby hilldomain » April 16th, 2007 5:38 am

is it up and running?

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Postby Balrog30 » April 16th, 2007 2:28 pm

Wow, I can definately see how that would be handy. It's amazing... it's said that only the first and last letters matter in english once you learn to read quickly, and that the rest can be in any order and you'll understand it. Dropping the first later makes me really think about what the word is, and as such helps to connect the symbol. I'm impressed.

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Postby Tiduas » April 16th, 2007 8:20 pm

That was an really intressting way of thinking i must say =D
At least the meaning of the Kanji will stick better if this method is used.

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