
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tomoyuki: こんにちは、トモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner, season 1, lesson 8 - What is Allowed in a Japanese Theater.このレッスンでは何を勉強しますか? What are you going to learn in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: はい。「お断りいたします」というフレーズを勉強します。
You'll learn the usage of the phrase お断りいたします.
Jessi: どこでの会話ですか? Where does this lesson's conversation take place?
Tomoyuki: はい。これは劇場です。ユウナさんとダイチ君が舞台を見に行っています。
Jessi: At a theater. Yūna and Daichi go to a theater to see a play.
Tomoyuki: 劇場でアナウンスがあります。どんなことを言っているのでしょうか。
Jessi: You'll hear an announcement at the theater. Please listen to the dialogue.
Daichi: へえ〜。ユウナの姉ちゃん女優なの?
Yūna: うん。来週、舞台あるけど行く?
Daichi: 行く!行く!
(at a theater)
Announce: 本日は、ご来場、誠にありがとうございます。
Daichi: 楽しみだな。で、ユウナの姉ちゃんは何の役なの?
Yūna: 通行人1。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue once without sound effects.
Daichi: へえ〜。ユウナの姉ちゃん女優なの?
Yūna: うん。来週、舞台あるけど行く?
Daichi: 行く!行く!
(at a theater)
Announce: 本日は、ご来場、誠にありがとうございます。
Daichi: 楽しみだな。で、ユウナの姉ちゃんは何の役なの?
Yūna: 通行人1。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue with the English translation.
Daichi: へえ〜。ユウナの姉ちゃん女優なの?
Jessi: Wow. Yūna, your big sis is an actress?
Yūna: うん。来週、舞台あるけど行く?
Jessi: Yeah. Next week she's in a play. Do you want to go?
Daichi: 行く!行く!
Jessi: I want to go! I want to go!
(at a theater)
Announce: 本日はご来場、誠にありがとうございます。
Jessi: Thank you very much for your patronage today.
Announce: 開演の前に、お客様にお願いいたします。
Jessi: Before the play begins, we have a kind request for our guests.
Announce: 喫煙、写真撮影、録音、録画は固くお断りいたします。
Jessi: Smoking, photography, audio recording, and video recording are strictly prohibited.
Announce: また、携帯電話はお切りください。
Jessi: Furthermore, please turn off your mobile phones.
Announce: 間もなく、開演でございます。
Jessi: The play will begin shortly.
Daichi: 楽しみだな。
Jessi: I'm looking forward to this.
Daichi: で、ユウナの姉ちゃんは何の役なの?
Jessi: So, Yūna, what part's your big sis playing?
Yūna: 通行人1。
Jessi: Passerby 1.
Tomoyuki: ジェシーさんは、舞台を見に行ったりしますか? Do you sometimes go to see a play?
Jess: はい!たまに行きます。映画館でも今回のアナウンスと似たアナウンスをよく聞きますよね。
In movie theaters too, you hear announcements like this, right?
Tomoyuki: そうですね。映画館だと「NO MORE 映画どろぼう!」というCMが流れますね。
Jessi: あ〜!ありますね。
Tomoyuki: はい。
Jessi: There's a commercial that is played before movies in Japan to warn against video recording, and the main slogan is ノーモア映画どろぼう!
NO MORE, from English, 映画, movie, and then どろぼう, thief. So, "no more movie thieves", or something like that. (笑)
The commercial itself is kind of funny, too.
Tomoyuki: そうですね。頭がカメラの形をした男の人が、怪しい踊りを踊っているんですね(笑)
Jessi: そうですね(笑) The person in the commercial has a head of a video camera, and he looks pretty あやしい or suspicious. (笑) 面白いですね。
Tomoyuki: はい。面白いですね。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: では、単語を確認しましょう。
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jessi: The first word we’ll look at is:
Tomoyuki: 喫煙 [natural native speed]
Jessi: smoking
Tomoyuki: 喫煙 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、喫煙 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is:
Tomoyuki: 断る [natural native speed]
Jessi: to refuse, reject
Tomoyuki: 断る [slowly - broken down by syllable]、断る [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is:
Tomoyuki: 録画 [natural native speed]
Jessi: videotape, video recording
Tomoyuki: 録画 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、録画 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is:
Tomoyuki: 録音 [natural native speed]
Jessi: (audio)recording
Tomoyuki: 録音 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、録音 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is:
Tomoyuki: 固く [natural native speed]
Jessi: firmly, strictly ; Adv
Tomoyuki: 固く [slowly - broken down by syllable]、固く [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's take a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.What are we looking at first?
Tomoyuki: 間もなく(まもなく)
Jessi: "shortly" "soon"
Tomoyuki: 間(ま)は「あいだ」という意味ですね。だから、「間もなく」は「あいだを置かないで」とか「すぐに」という意味です。
Jessi: "ま" means "time," "interval," or "space." So "間もなく" literally means "without any interval" or "without time", and it means "soon" or "before long" in natural English.
Tomoyuki: これはアナウンスでよく聞きますね。
Jessi: そうですね。Can we hear a sentence from the dialogue?
Tomoyuki: 間もなく、開演でございます。
Jessi: "The play will begin shortly."
Tomoyuki: 「すぐに始まります」という意味です。
Jessi: はい。次の単語はなんですか?What are we looking at next?
Tomoyuki: 録音
Jessi: "audio recording" If you look at the Kanji. The meaning is pretty obvious, isn't it?
Tomoyuki: そうですね。
Jessi: The first Kanji, 録(ろく)means "recording". And the following Kanji means "sound"
Tomoyuki: はい。だから、「録音」は "sound recording" "audio recording"という意味です。
Jessi: There's another vocabulary that starts with the same Kanji 録 in the dialogue, isn't there?
Tomoyuki: Right.That's 録画.
Jessi: 録画 means "video recording".録(ろく)"recording", followed by the kanji "画(が)"meaning "picture."
Tomoyuki: じゃ、復習しましょうか。
Jessi: Good idea! OK, listeners, how do you say "audio recording"?
Tomoyuki: (wait for 5 sec.) The answer is 録音
Jessi: 録音- "audio recording". How do you say "video recording" then?
Tomoyuki: (wait for 5 sec.) The answer is 録画
Jessi: 録画- "video recording" .
Tomoyuki: では、文法を勉強しましょう。
Jessi: OK, on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessi: The focus of this lesson is listening to an announcement at a theater.
In this grammar section, you'll learn how to warn people not to do something in an extra formal situation.
Tomoyuki: In the dialogue, we have...「喫煙、写真撮影、録音、録画は固くお断りいたします」
Jessi: "Smoking, photography, audio recording and video recording are strictly prohibited."
Tomoyuki: 「お断りいたします」がポイントですね。
Jessi: Right. お断りいたします. This phrase is very good to know, because you hear it in announcements a lot. It'll tell you what's not allowed, what you can't do, so keep an ear out for it. Okay, let's break it down.
断る is a verb that means "to refuse" or "to reject." And the humble form of "断る" is "お断りいたします".
Tomoyuki: "[Noun] plus [〜はお断りいたします]" is the pattern.
Jessi: Right. It means "No [Noun]" or "[Noun] is prohibited".
Let's give you some examples. How do you say "Audio recording" again?
Tomoyuki: 録音
Jessi: Then attach "はお断りいたします"
Tomoyuki: 録音はお断りいたします。
Jessi: "We humbly refuse audio recording" or "No Audio recording allowed."
OK. Listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki. "No Audio recording allowed."
Tomoyuki: 録音はお断りいたします。
Jessi: (wait for 10sec.) OK. Let's do one more. Tomoyuki, how do you say "picture taking"
Tomoyuki: 写真撮影
Jessi: Attach "はお断りいたします"
Tomoyuki: 写真撮影はお断りいたします。
Jessi: "We humbly refuse picture taking." or "No photography allowed."
Tomoyuki: 「お断りいたします」の前に「固く」 "firmly" を入れても大丈夫です。
Jessi: Good point! The adverb "固く" meaning "firmly" is sometimes inserted to strengthen the message. OK. Listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki.
"We strictly refuse picture taking." or "Photography is strictly forbidden."
Tomoyuki: 写真撮影は固くお断りいたします。
Jessi: (wait for 10sec.) OK.Sounds great!So, Tomoyuki, can we hear the sentence from the dialogue once again?
Tomoyuki: はい。喫煙、写真撮影、録音、録画は固くお断りいたします。
Jessi: "Smoking, photography, audio recording and video recording are strictly prohibited." Let's break this sentence down.
Tomoyuki: 喫煙(Jessi: Smoking)、写真撮影(Jessi: picture taking)、録音(Jessi: audio recording)、録画(Jessi: video recording)は固く(Jessi: firmly)お断りいたします(Jessi: we humbly refuse)
Jessi: Can we hear the whole thing one more time?
Tomoyuki: 喫煙、写真撮影、録音、録画は固くお断りいたします。
Jessi: "Smoking, photography, audio recording and video recording are strictly prohibited."
Tomoyuki: では、もう一度、シアターでのアナウンスを聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Now, let's listen to the announcement part again.
Tomoyuki: はい。全部分かりましたか? 単語が難しかったですかねえ?
Jessi: そうですね。If you found the vocabulary difficult, please check out the vocabulary list with audio to review those words.


Tomoyuki: はい、それじゃあまた!
Jessi: Thanks for listening! Until next time.


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