
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tomoyuki: こんにちはトモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson 24, Feasting on the Bullet Train in Japan.
Tomoyuki: こんにちは、皆さん。がんばって日本語を勉強しましょう。
Jessi: 今回はどんなアナウンスを聞きますか。What kind of announcement are we hearing in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: はい。新幹線のアナウンスです。You'll hear an announcement on a Shinkansen.
Jessi: 文法のポイントは何ですか?What are we going to learn in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: 謙譲語の「伺う」です。
Jessi: You'll learn the how to use the humble verb 伺う meaning "to visit".
Tomoyuki: では聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Let's listen to the conversation.
Announce: ただ今から、車内販売を開始いたします。
Purser: お弁当、お茶、うなぎパイはいかがですか。
Misaki: パパ、アイスクリーム食べたい。
Mother: あ、私も!
Father: すみません、アイスクリーム2つとホットコーヒー下さい。
Purser: 700円になります。
Father: (高いなぁー……)
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue once without sound effects.
Announce: ただ今から、車内販売を開始いたします。
Purser: お弁当、お茶、うなぎパイはいかがですか。
Misaki: パパ、アイスクリーム食べたい。
Mother: あ、私も!
Father: すみません、アイスクリーム2つとホットコーヒー下さい。
Purser: 700円になります。
Father: (高いなぁー……)
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue with the English translation.
Announce: ただ今から、車内販売を開始いたします。
Jessi: We will now commence our in-car service.
Announce: パーサーが飲み物、お弁当、サンドイッチ、ホットコーヒー、おつまみ、アイスクリームなどを持って、皆様のお席に伺います。
Jessi: Our attendants will come around to your seats with drinks, boxed lunches, sandwiches, hot coffee, snacks, ice cream, and so on.
Announce: どうぞご利用ください。
Jessi: Please take advantage of this service.
Purser: お弁当、お茶、うなぎパイはいかがですか。
Jessi: Any boxed lunches, tea, or eel pie?
Purser: 浜松名物、うなぎ弁当はいかがでしょうか。
Jessi: How about an eel boxed lunch, a specialty of Hamamatsu?
Misaki: パパ、アイスクリーム食べたい。
Jessi: Daddy, I want an ice cream.
Mother: あ、私も!
Jessi: Oh, me too.
Father: すみません、アイスクリーム2つとホットコーヒー下さい。
Jessi: Excuse me. Two ice creams and a hot coffee, please.
Purser: 700円になります。
Jessi: That'll be seven hundred yen.
Father: (高いなぁー……)
Jessi: (That's expensive!)
Jessi: 今回は、車内販売についてのアナウンスでしたね。
So this lesson's announcement was about 車内販売.
Tomoyuki: はい。「車内販売」は英語で、Inside-car sales ですか?
Jessi: あ、調べてみました(笑)
You could literally translate it as "in-car sales", but when I looked at websites for trains in the US that offered the same kind of service, they called it "at-seat trolley service" or "at-seat attendant service".
Tomoyuki: あーなるほど。at-seat trolley serviceですか。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: ちなみに、お父さんが心の中で「高いなぁ」って言っていましたね。
Jessi: そうですね!In the dialogue, the father said "高いなぁ” "That's expensive". “車内販売” is definitely convenient, but some people might find the prices a little high.
ところで、「うなぎパイ」はおいしいですよね。I think Unagi pie or eel pie is really good.
Tomoyuki: あ、好きですか?
Jessi: はい! おいしいです。甘いお菓子ですよね。
It's a light, crisp biscuit that's sweet, and has traces of Unagi in it, like powdered unagi. It may sound strange but it really just tastes like a regular cookie (笑). You can't really taste the Unagi.
Tomoyuki: Wikipedia で読んだんですけど、イギリスにも「Eel pie」ってあるそうなんです。ジェシーさん、知っています?
Jessi: So according to Wikipedia, apparently there's also eel pie in Britain. Do I know about British Eel pie? I don't know anything about it actually!
Tomoyuki: 日本の「うなぎパイ」は甘いお菓子なので、イギリスのeel pieとは違うと思います(笑)
Jessi: So listeners in the UK, please let us know about British eel pie!
OK. On to the vocab.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word is
Tomoyuki: 開始 [natural native speed]
Jessi: start, beginning
Tomoyuki: 開始 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、開始 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: つまみ [natural native speed]
Jessi: snacks to have with alcohol, nibbles
Tomoyuki: つまみ [slowly - broken down by syllable]、つまみ [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: など [natural native speed]
Jessi: et cetera, and the like, or something; Suffix
Tomoyuki: など [slowly - broken down by syllable]、など [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 伺う [natural native speed]
Jessi: (humble) to visit, to ask
Tomoyuki: 伺う [slowly - broken down by syllable]、伺う [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is
Tomoyuki: 名物 [natural native speed]
Jessi: famous product, specialty, special product
Tomoyuki: 名物 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、名物 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's take a look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.トモユキさん、お願いします。 What are we looking at first?
Tomoyuki: つまみ
Jessi: "snacks to have with alcohol" "nibbles"
Tomoyuki: つまみ is a noun, but it comes from the verb つまむ "to pinch."
Jessi: Right. So つまみ literally means "something to pinch" but it usually refers to snacks that you have together with alcohol, right?
Tomoyuki: そうです。Polite prefix をつけて「おつまみ」とも言いますね。
Jessi: はい。You'll usually hear an “お” added to the front of it - so you get おつまみ.
Tomoyuki: ちなみに、ジェシーさん、And what do you think is the best おつまみ for beer?
Jessi: うーん、そうですね。しょっぱいものがいいですね。ナッツとかおせんべいとか。I think mixed nuts, rice crackers, salty snacks like that go well with beer. トモユキさんは?
Tomoyuki: 僕は、枝豆が最高のおつまみだと思います。I think 枝豆 is the best おつまみ for beer.
Jessi: あ、枝豆 ? Green soybeans?
Tomoyuki: Right. Boiled soybeans make the best おつまみ(笑).
Jessi: おいしいですよね~。OK. What are we looking at next?
Tomoyuki: 名物
Jessi: "famous product" "specialty" "special product"
Tomoyuki: 「名物」は「有名なもの」という意味です。
Jessi: ”名物” literally means "famous things."
Tomoyuki: ジェシーさんの出身はカリフォルニアですね。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: カリフォルニアの名物、有名なものは何ですか?
Jessi: What is a specialty of California? Hmm...Ah! I know what it is!
ワインです! カリフォルニアの名物はワインです。California's specialty is wine.
Tomoyuki: リスナーの皆さんの町の名物は何ですかね。

Lesson focus

Jessi: The focus of this lesson is listening to an announcement on a bullet train. In this grammar section, you'll learn the usage of the humble verb, 伺う, meaning "to visit".
Tomoyuki: In the dialogue, the announcement said…”皆様のお席に伺います”.
Jessi: "Our attendants will come around to your seats "
Tomoyuki: レッスンのポイントは「伺います」。And “伺います” is the ます form of the humble verb 伺う meaning "to visit".
Jessi: First, let's explain the verb "伺う". 
"伺う" is the humble version of the verb, "訪ねる" meaning "to visit."
Tomoyuki: You have to be careful about particle usage.
Jessi: Great point, Tomoyuki! When you use 訪ねる, the place is marked by the particle を, but when you use 伺う, the place is marked by the particle に. Here are some examples. Tomoyuki, how do you say "I'm going to visit the teacher's house."
Tomoyuki: 先生のうち「を」訪ねる.
Jessi: See how the place “先生のうち” is marked by a particle “を” 先生のうちを.
If you want to say this sentence even more formally, replace 訪ねる with 伺う. You get...
Tomoyuki: 先生のうち「に」伺う。
Jessi: 先生のうち「に」伺う。So, notice that the place “先生のうち” had the particle “に”
All right. Listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki. "I'm going to visit the teacher's house."
Tomoyuki: 先生のうちに伺う。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec.) All right.Great! Tomoyuki, can we hear the sentence from the dialogue again?
Tomoyuki: 皆様のお席に伺います。... But the subject is omitted. If I inserted the subject, it would be…”パーサーが皆様のお席に伺います”.
Jessi: Let's break down this sentence.
Tomoyuki: パーサーが(Jessi: Attendant plus particle “が”) 皆様の (Jessi: everyone's or your)お席に(Jessi: "to seats". It's polite prefix お+席 "seats" plus particle”に” ) 伺います(Jessi: to visit).
Jessi: Can we hear the sentence, again?
Tomoyuki: パーサーが皆様のお席に伺います。
Jessi: So literally, "Our attendant will visit your seats."
in more natural English, "Our attendants will come around to your seats "
Tomoyuki: では、もう一度アナウンスを聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Let's listen to the announcement part again.
Tomoyuki: 実は、「伺う」はとっても難しい単語なんですよね。
Jessi: Right. The usage of “伺う” is very tricky. We didn't want to make things too confusing, so we only gave a very simple explanation in this audio portion. Check this lesson's write up to learn more about “伺う”.


Tomoyuki: レッスンノート、読んでおいてくださいね。では、さようなら!
Jessi: See you next time.


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