
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tomoyuki: こんにちはトモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson 21, A Japanese Train Accident.
Tomoyuki: 皆さん、ようこそJapanesePod101.comへ。
Jessi: With us, you’ll learn to speak Japanese with fun and effective lessons.
Tomoyuki: We also provide you with cultural insights.
Jessi: And tips you won't find in a textbook. 今回のアナウンスはどんなアナウンスですか。What kind of announcement are we listening to this time?
Tomoyuki: 電車の事故のアナウンスです。
Jessi: So it's an announcement regarding a train accident.
Tomoyuki: 駅でアナウンスを聞いたお客さんと駅員さんが話しています。
Jessi: This lesson's conversation is between some passengers who heard the announcement and a station attendant.
The conversation takes place at a train station. And what are we learning in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: 「次第(しだい)」の使い方を勉強します。You'll learn the usage of 次第(Jessi: which means "as soon as something happens".)
Tomoyuki: では、聞いてみましょう
Jessi: Let's listen to the conversation.
Announce: お客様にご案内いたします。
Woman: ええー、運転見合わせ?
Man: いつ動くの?
Woman: すみません。原宿に行きたいんですけど……。
Station attendant: 振り替え輸送を行(おこな)っております。地下鉄をご利用ください。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue once without sound effects.
Announce: お客様にご案内いたします。
Woman: ええー、運転見合わせ?。
Man: いつ動くの?
Woman: すみません。原宿に行きたいんですけど……。
Station attendant: 振り替え輸送を行っております。地下鉄をご利用ください。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue with the English translation.
Announce: お客様にご案内いたします。
Jessi: This is an announcement for our passengers.
Announce: 午前7時18分頃、渋谷駅にて人身事故が起きました。
Jessi: At around eight minutes past seven this morning, there was an accident involving a person at Shibuya station.
Announce: そのため、ただ今、山手線は運転を見合わせております。
Jessi: Due to this, at the present time, the Yamanote line has ceased operation.
Announce: ご迷惑をおかけして、申し訳ございません。
Jessi: We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Announce: 詳しいことが分かり次第、お知らせいたします。
Jessi: As soon as we have detailed information, we will let you know.
Woman: ええー、運転見合わせ?。
Jessi: Huh, ceasing operation?
Man: いつ動くの?
Jessi: When will it start moving?
Woman: すみません。原宿に行きたいんですけど……。
Jessi: Excuse me. I want to go to Harajuku, but...
Station attendant: 振り替え輸送を行っております。地下鉄をご利用ください。
Jessi: We are providing alternative transportation. Please use the subway.
Jessi: 人身事故のアナウンスですね。So this announcement is about a ”人身事故”.
Tomoyuki: はい。ちなみに、人身事故は英語だと何ですか? うーん、physical accident?
Jessi: ちょっと難しいですね。It refers to an "accident resulting in injury or death", there's really no short phrases for it.
Tomoyuki: そうですか。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: こういうアナウンスも、英語には訳されませんね。
Jessi: That's right. This kind of announcement is not translated into English.
Tomoyuki: 日本語のアナウンスが分かれば、何が起きているのかとか、どうすればいいのかとかが分かるので安心だと思います。でも、分からないと心配ですし、イライラしますよね。
Jessi: そうですね。If you're able to understand these kinds of announcements letting you know about some kind of trouble, then you know what's happening and what you can do. But if you don't know what's going on, it can be pretty stressful.
Tomoyuki: 例えば「振り替え輸送」というサービスがあります。
Jessi: For example, there's a service called “振り替え輸送”, which literally means "transfer of passengers or freight". It's a service provided by railway, bus or aircraft companies as compensation for when service is canceled or reduced.
Tomoyuki: これは便利なサービスですよね。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: 「振り替え輸送券」というのを配っているときがありますので、それをぜひ使ってみてください。
Jessi: To give an example, when a train accident occurs, station attendants give out tickets called ”振り替え輸送券” or "tickets for alternate transportation" and with that ticket, you can get to your destination using the train service of another company without paying extra.
Tomoyuki: 全部分からなくても、単語だけでも分かれば大丈夫なので、まずは、単語から勉強しましょう。
Jessi: So, even if you didn't understand everything in the dialogue perfectly, knowing the vocab will go a long way. So let's take a look at some of the vocab used.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word is
Tomoyuki: 人身事故 [natural native speed]
Jessi: accident resulting in personal injury or death
Tomoyuki: 人身事故 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、人身事故 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki:迷惑をかける [natural native speed]
Jessi: to cause trouble, to inconvenience; V2
Tomoyuki: 迷惑をかける [slowly - broken down by syllable]、迷惑をかける [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 起きる [natural native speed]
Jessi: to occur, to take place, to happen; V2
Tomoyuki: 起きる [slowly - broken down by syllable]、起きる [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 詳しい [natural native speed]
Jessi: knowing very well, detailed, accurate; Adj(i)
Tomoyuki: 詳しい [slowly - broken down by syllable]、詳しい [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is
Tomoyuki: 次第 [natural native speed]
Jessi: as soon as, immediately upon
Tomoyuki: 次第 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、次第 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. 最初の単語は? What are we looking at first?
Tomoyuki: 起きる
Jessi: "to occur" "to happen" "to take place"
This word has the same kanji and pronunciation as "起きる" meaning "to get up" or "to wake up." You have to decide which meaning it is from context.
Tomoyuki: じゃあ皆さん、この「起きる」は、 "to get up" ですか。それとも "to happen" ですか?「私は8時に起きる」
Jessi: This “起きる” means "to get up", right? 私は8時に起きる “I get up at 8." or "I will get up at 8".
Tomoyuki: How about this sentence? 「事故がよく起きる」
Jessi: This “起きる” means "to occur" or "to happen". 事故がよく起きる "Accidents often occur."
Tomoyuki: 文章から意味を予想してください。You have to guess the meaning from context.
Jessi: Right. OK. What are we looking at next? 次は?
Tomoyuki: 迷惑をかける
Jessi: 迷惑をかける "to cause trouble for someone"
Tomoyuki: Here's a sample sentence.「迷惑をかけてすみません」
Jessi: "I am, or we are, sorry for causing trouble." OK, listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki. "I am, or we are, sorry for causing trouble."
Tomoyuki: 迷惑をかけてすみません。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) In the dialogue, a more formal version was used, right?
Tomoyuki: Right. That was…”ご迷惑をおかけして、申し訳ございません”.
Jessi: "We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused."
OK. On to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Jessi: The focus of this lesson is listening to an announcement on a train.
In this grammar section, you'll learn the usage of "次第", which means "as soon as."
Tomoyuki: In this lesson's dialogue, the announcement said...”詳しいことが分かり次第、お知らせいたします".
Jessi: "As soon as we have detailed information, we will let you know."
When 次第 follows the ます stem of a verb, it's translated as "as soon as something happens."
Tomoyuki: The formation is [ます stem of a verb ] + 次第.
Jessi: Let's show you with some examples. Tomoyuki, how do you say "to find"?
Tomoyuki: 見つける
Jessi: The ます form is?
Tomoyuki: 見つけます
Jessi: Drop ます to get the ます stem.
Tomoyuki: 見つけ
Jessi: Attach 次第
Tomoyuki: 見つけ次第
Jessi: This means "as soon as I find it"
Tomoyuki: Here's a sample sentence. 見つけ次第、知らせます。
Jessi: "I'll let you know as soon as I find it."
OK. Listeners, listen and repeat. "I'll let you know as soon as I find it."
Tomoyuki: 見つけ次第、知らせます。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) Great! Let's do one more. Tomoyuki, how do you say "to understand" or "to find out"?
Tomoyuki: 分かる
Jessi: The ます stem is?
Tomoyuki: 分かり
Jessi: Add 次第
Tomoyuki: 分かり次第
Jessi: This means "as soon as I find out".
Tomoyuki: Here's a sample sentence.
Jessi: “お知らせいたします” is an extra formal way to say 知らせる "to inform."
So, 分かり次第、お知らせいたします means "I'll let you know as soon as I find out." OK, listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki. "I'll let you know as soon as I find out."
Tomoyuki: 分かり次第、お知らせいたします。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec.) Ok, sounding good! So Tomoyuki, can we hear the sentence from the dialogue again?
Tomoyuki: 詳しいことが分かり次第、お知らせいたします。
Jessi: “詳しいこと” means "detailed things", or "detailed information". So this becomes "As soon as we have detailed information, we will let you know."
Tomoyuki: では、もう一度アナウンスを聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Sounds good, let's listen to the announcement part one more time.
Tomoyuki: 皆さん、レッスンノートで「いたします」も復習しておいてくださいね。
Jessi: Yes! Please review the usage of ”いたします” in the lesson notes.


Tomoyuki: じゃ、また。
Jessi: See you all next time.


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