
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tomoyuki: こんにちは、トモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner Season 1 lesson 2 “Be Sure to Listen for Japanese Tsunami Warnings”. Hello, and welcome to Japanesepod101.com, the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Japanese.
Tomoyuki: いつもアッパービギナーのレッスンを聞いてくれて、ありがとうございます。今回のダイアログでは、お父さんと娘さんがあるアナウンスを聞いています。
Jessi: In this lesson's dialogue, a father and his daughter are listening to some kind of public announcement.
Tomoyuki: この2人は海の近くにいるようです。
Jessi: It looks like they're near the beach.
Tomoyuki: 今回の文法のポイントは受身です。
Jessi: In this lesson, you'll review the passive form of verbs.
Tomoyuki: どんなアナウンスを聞いているのでしょうか。
Jessi: Listen closely to the dialogue to find out what kind of announcement it is.
アナウンス: ただ今、津波警報が発表されました。
美咲: つなみ?
お父さん: うん。外国で大きい地震があったから、日本にも大きい波が来るんだって。
美咲: お家にも来るの?
お父さん: 分からないけど、公園まで逃げよう。
English Host: Now listen to the dialogue once without the sound effect.
アナウンス: ただ今、津波警報が発表されました。
美咲: つなみ?
お父さん: うん。外国で大きい地震があったから、日本にも大きい波が来るんだって。
美咲: お家にも来るの?
お父さん: 分からないけど、公園まで逃げよう。
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
アナウンス: ただ今、津波警報が発表されました。
Jessi: Just now, a tsunami warning has been announced.
アナウンス: 海岸の近くにいる皆さんは、高い所に避難してください。
Jessi: Those near the coast, please evacuate to an elevated area.
アナウンス: 2メートルの津波が予想されます。
Jessi: A two meter tsunami is predicted.
アナウンス: 津波警報が発表されました。
Jessi: A tsunami warning has been announced.
アナウンス: 急いで、高台に逃げてください。
Jessi: Please hurry to an elevated area.
アナウンス: 津波の高さは2メートルです。
The height of the tsunami is two meters.
美咲: つなみ?
お父さん: うん。外国で大きい地震があったから、日本にも大きい波が来るんだって。
Jessi: Yep. Apparently there was a big earthquake abroad, so big waves are coming to Japan, too.
美咲: お家にも来るの?
Jessi: Will they come to our house?
お父さん: 分からないけど、公園まで逃げよう。
Jessi: I don't know, but let's escape to the park.
Jessi: 今回は「津波」のAnnouncement でしたね!
So the announcement was a "Tsunami warning".
Tomoyuki: はい、そうですね。ジェシーさん、「津波」は日本語ですが、英語で「津波」は、なんですか? How do you say "tsunami" in English?
Jessi: Well, the word is taken directly from Japanese, and it's pronounced "tsunami".
なるほどー。じゃ、ダイアログの「津波警報」は英語で"tsunami warning"ですか?
Jessi: そうですね。That's right. Tsunami warning.
Ang, according to The Japan Meteorological Agency homepage, they issue either a 注意報 , meaning "advisory", or a 警報 meaning "warning" depending on the seriousness of the natural disaster.
Tomoyuki: 2011年の津波のときは「大津波警報」が出ましたね。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: 大津波は「大きい津波」Large TsunamiとかGiant Tsunamiという意味ですね。
Jessi: Right, when the giant earthquake struck northern Japan in 2011, they issued a 大津波警報 "ootsunami keihō", which is a "large tsunami warning".
Tomoyuki: もちろん、英語でアナウンスをする場所もあるかもしれませんが、外国人が少ない田舎では、こういう緊急のアナウンスは英語に訳されません。知らないと危険ですよね。
Jessi: そうですね。Some places might have announcements in English too, but in less-populated areas, these kinds of announcements are only made in Japanese.
Tomoyuki: 日本でも津波はあまり起きませんが、知っていると安心だと思います。
Jessi: Even Japan doesn't experience that many tsunamis, but knowing these announcements and what they're about is very important.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we’ll look at is...
Tomoyuki: ただ今
Jessi: just now, presently
Tomoyuki: ただ今 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、ただ今 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is...
Tomoyuki: 発表 [natural native speed]
Jessi: announcement, publication
Tomoyuki: 発表 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、発表 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is...
Tomoyuki: 予想 [natural native speed]
Jessi: expectation, anticipation, prediction, conjecture
Tomoyuki: 予想 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、予想 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The next word is...
Tomoyuki: 津波警報
Jessi: tsunami warning, tidal wave warning
Tomoyuki: 津波警報 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、津波警報 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is...
Tomoyuki: 避難 [natural native speed]
Jessi: evacuation, escape
Tomoyuki: 避難 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、避難 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. 最初は何ですか?What's the first one we'll look at?
Tomoyuki: ただ今(ただいま ※発音注意してください!!)
Jessi: "presently"
Tomoyuki: 「ただ今」と「今」は同じ意味ですが、「ただ今」の方が丁寧ですね。
Jessi: ただ今 basically means 今,which means "now," but ただ今 sounds a lot more formal. That's why we hear it a lot in business situations and announcements. What does ただ mean by the way?
Tomoyuki: うーん、強調ですね。大した意味はないです。
Jessi: Ah, okay, so the ただ is really just there for emphasis. It doesn't have any specific meaning. That's why ただ今 basically means the same as 今.
あと、「ただいまー」って家に帰ったときにも言いますよね? People say "tadaima" when they come home, right?
Tomoyuki: そうですね。家に帰ったとき「ただいまー」って言いますね。でも、実は発音も
Jessi: Oh, so they're the same, but the pronunciation is different? Okay, so, how do you say "presently"?
Tomoyuki: ただ今 (た↑だ↓いま)
Jessi: た↑だ↓今. It starts low and rises at だ and goes back down. ただ今 "presently".
Tomoyuki: Right. "I'm home" は「ただいま」(た↑だいま)
Jessi: た↑だいま. Starts low, and rises at だ and stays high.
ただいま. "I'm home." OK. Listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki.
Tomoyuki: ただ今
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) OK. How about "I'm home?" Listen and repeat.
Tomoyuki: ただいま
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) OK. On to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessi: In this lesson you'll learn how to say "something was issued" or "something was expected" in Japanese with passive sentences.
Tomoyuki: 受身を復習しましょう。
Jessi: First, let's look at the sentence from the dialogue.
Tomoyuki: ただ今、津波警報が発表されました。
Jessi: "Just now, a tsunami warning has been announced."
Tomoyuki: 発表されました。
Jessi: was announced
Tomoyuki: is passive.
Jessi: In this audio lesson, we'll review the sentence structure. Here's one example.How do you say "birds eat bugs" ?
Tomoyuki: 鳥は虫を食べる。
Jessi: Then, how do you say "bugs are eaten by birds"?
Tomoyuki: 虫は鳥に食べられる。
Jessi: Did you notice that the doer of the action is marked by the particle に? 鳥に "by birds"?
Tomoyuki: And, 食べられる is the passive form of the verb 食べる "to eat".
Jessi: OK. Listen and repeat after Tomoyuki. "bugs are eaten by birds"
Tomoyuki: 虫は鳥に食べられる。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec.) OK. How do you say "bugs are eaten by fish" then?
Tomoyuki: 虫は魚に食べられる。
Jessi: 魚に by fish. OK. Listen and repeat. "bugs are eaten by fish"
Tomoyuki: 虫は魚に食べられる。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec.) Okay, great job!
Tomoyuki: But Jessi, this sentence structure is a little different from sentence in this lesson.
津波警報が発表されました. There's no に here.
Jessi: That's right. 津波警報が発表されました. "A tsunami warning was announced". The doer, the one WHO announced it, is not mentioned, so we don't need に meaning "by".
Tomoyuki: And did you also notice that the subject is marked by the particle が like 津波警報が.
Jessi: Great point. When saying that an unusual or unexpected incident happens, the subject is often marked by the particle が. Can we hear another passive sentence from the dialogue?
Tomoyuki: 津波が予想されます
Jessi: "A tsunami is expected to hit".予想する is "to expect". So 予想される means "to be expected" OK. Listeners listen and repeat after Tomoyuki. "A tsunami is expected to hit.".
Tomoyuki: 津波が予想されます
Jessi: (wait for 10sec).So can we hear another passive sentence from the dialogue?
Tomoyuki: ただ今、津波警報が発表されました。
Jessi: "Just now, a tsunami warning has been announced."
OK. Listeners, listen and repeat. "Just now, a tsunami warning has been announced."
Tomoyuki: ただ今、津波警報が発表されました。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec). OK. How did you do?
Tomoyuki: では、もう一度アナウンスだけを聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Let's listen to the announcement part once again to see if you can understand it better.
Tomoyuki: どうでしたか?わかりましたか?
Jessi: Did you understand everything? We hope it was a lot clearer this time around.
Tomoyuki: このレッスンは単語が難しいかったかもしれないですね。レッスンノートをよんで復習してください。
Jessi: We had some tough vocabulary words in this lesson, so please be sure to check out lesson notes for review.


Tomoyuki: それではまた。
Jessi: See you next time.


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