
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tomoyuki: こんにちは、トモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson 14, Snakes and Supermarkets Don't Mix in Japan. このレッスンでは何を勉強しますか?What are we going to learn in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: はい。このレッスンでは、謙譲語の「申し上げる」を勉強します。
Jessi: In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the humble verb "申し上げる".
Where does this lesson's dialogue take place?
Tomoyuki: スーパーです。ミサキちゃんがスーパーにいます。ミサキちゃんと店員さんが話しています。
Jessi: At a supermarket. Misaki and a shop clerk are talking.
Tomoyuki: スーパーからのお知らせが流れていますよ。
Jessi: You'll also listen to an announcement heard at the supermarket.
Tomoyuki: 聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Okay, let's listen to the dialogue.
Announce: 当店をご利用くださいまして、ありがとうございます。
Misaki: お手! お手! お手もできないの? ダメだなぁ。
Staff: あの、お嬢ちゃん。ペットの持ち込みはダメなんだよ。
Misaki: このヘビ、うちのペットじゃないよ。そこで見つけたの。たくさんいるよ。
Staff: どこ?
Misaki: その自動販売機の下。
Staff: ひぇっ!!
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue once without sound effects.
Announce: 当店をご利用くださいまして、ありがとうございます。
Misaki: お手! お手! お手もできないの? ダメだなぁ。
Staff: あの、お嬢ちゃん。ペットの持ち込みはダメなんだよ。
Misaki: このヘビ、うちのペットじゃないよ。そこで見つけたの。たくさんいるよ。
Staff: どこ?
Misaki: その自動販売機の下。
Staff: ひぇっ!!
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue with the English translation.
Announce: 当店をご利用くださいまして、ありがとうございます。
Jessi: Thank you very much for coming to our store today.
Announce: お客様にご案内申し上げます。
Jessi: We have an announcement for our customers.
Announce: 当店は、店内へのペットの持ち込みを、固く禁止しております。
Jessi: At this store, it is strictly prohibited to bring pets inside the store.
Announce: ご理解、ご協力をよろしくお願い申し上げます。
Jessi: We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.
Misaki: お手! お手!
Jessi: Shake hands! Shake hands!
Misaki: お手もできないの? ダメだなぁ。
Jessi: You can't even do "shake hands?" That's no good.
Staff: あの、お嬢ちゃん。ペットの持ち込みはダメなんだよ。
Jessi: Um, Miss. You're not allowed to bring pets in here.
Misaki: このヘビ、うちのペットじゃないよ。そこで見つけたの。たくさんいるよ。
Jessi: This snake isn't our pet. I found it over there. There are lots.
Staff: どこ?
Jessi: Where?
Misaki: その自動販売機の下。
Jessi: Underneath that vending machine.
Staff: ひぇっ!!
Jessi: Yikes!!
Jessi: スーパーはペット禁止ですか? So, you are not supposed to bring your pets to the supermarket.
Tomoyuki: はい。盲導犬や介助犬以外の動物はダメですね。
Jessi: You can't bring any animals to the supermarket other than guide dogs and service dogs.
Tomoyuki: はい。たぶん、食品があるからだと思います。
Jessi: Ah, right, it's because they sell food - that makes sense.
Tomoyuki: これは、アメリカも同じですか?
Jessi: はい、アメリカも同じです。あと、ダイアログの中の「お手!」ってかわいいですね(笑) Your honorable hand.
Jessi: はい。"お手" is a phrase used as a command to make a dog place its paw on your hand.
Tomoyuki: ちなみに、英語だと「お手」は何なんですか? "Give me your paw?"(笑)
Jessi: そうですねー、”shake” とか “shake hands” を言いますね。
Tomoyuki: ああ。
Jessi: 他には、犬にどんな芸を教えますか? What are some other tricks for dogs in Japanese?
Tomoyuki: うーん、おすわり!
Jessi: Ah... "sit!"
Tomoyuki: 待て!
Jessi: "wait!" or "stay!" なるほど~。
ちなみに、トモユキさんは犬を飼っていますか? Do you have a dog, Tomoyuki?
Tomoyuki: ああ……とても犬は好きなんですけれども、実は飼っていません。
Jessi: Ah, so you love dogs, but you don't have one yourself.
Tomoyuki: はい。あの、アパートに住んでいるので、犬を飼うことができないんです。
Jessi: あ、so you live in an apartment that doesn't allow animals.
Tomoyuki: そうです。
Jessi: 残念ですね。
Tomoyuki: はい。とても残念です。
Jessi: (笑)はい。Alright, on to the vocab.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Tomoyuki: 持ち込み [natural native speed]
Jessi: bring-your-own(food or drink), carry-on(luggage)
Tomoyuki: 持ち込み [slowly - broken down by syllable]、持ち込み [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 理解 [natural native speed]
Jessi: understanding
Tomoyuki: 理解 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、理解 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 申し上げる [natural native speed]
Jessi: to say, to tell, to do for humble
Tomoyuki: 申し上げる [slowly - broken down by syllable]、申し上げる [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 自動販売機 [natural native speed]
Jessi: vending machine
Tomoyuki: 自動販売機 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、自動販売機 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is
Tomoyuki: 店内 [natural native speed]
Jessi: In-store
Tomoyuki: 店内 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、店内 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
最初の言葉は? What are we looking at first?
Tomoyuki: 持ち込み
Jessi: "bring-your-own" "carry-on"
Tomoyuki:「持ち込む」は動詞 (Jessi: verb)で、「持ち込み」は名詞(Jessi: Noun)です。
Jessi: Right. "持ち込み" is the [ます stem] of the verb "持ち込む", meaning "to bring in" or "to carry on", and it's used as a noun.
Tomoyuki: 禁止は "prohibition"ですが「持ち込み禁止」は。
Jessi: "not allowed to bring in "
Tomoyuki: 例えば、今、飛行機に、水は持ち込み禁止ですね。
Jessi: Right. You're not supposed to bring water on the airplane.
Tomoyuki: 他に、何が持ち込み禁止ですか?
Jessi: What else can you not bring on an airplane?
うーん、あ、”危険物" dangerous articles or goods もダメですね~。That would include lighters, sharp objects, flammable substances, and so on. Okay, what's the next vocab?
Tomoyuki: 自動販売機
Jessi: "vending machine". This word consists of 3 parts.
Tomoyuki: 自動 (Jessi: automatic) 販売(Jessi: selling) 機 (Jessi: machine)
Jessi: You see "自動販売機" or "vending machines" everywhere in Japan.
OK. Let's recap these words. How do you say "carry-on"?
Tomoyuki: (wait for 5 sec) 持ち込み
Jessi: How do you say "vending machine?"
Tomoyuki: (Wait for 5 sec).自動販売機
Jessi: Great! On to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Jessi: The focus of this lesson is listening to an announcement at a supermarket.
In this grammar section, you'll learn how to use the humble verb "申し上げる"
Tomoyuki: In this lesson's dialogue, the announcement said...
Jessi: "We have an announcement for our customers."
Tomoyuki: この「申し上げます」の使い方を勉強します。
「申し上げます」は「申し上げる」の [ます form]です。
Jessi: Right. "申し上げます" is the [ます form] of the verb "申し上げる".
First of all, let's go over the verb "申し上げる".
"申し上げる" is a humble verb meaning "to say", "to tell", or "to do something for someone you respect." For example?
Tomoyuki: 私は、社長に会社を辞めると言いました。
Jessi: I told the company president that I was going to quit the company.
Tomoyuki: By the way, 社長 is "company president", 会社を辞める means "to quit the company" and 言いました is "said" or "told".
Jessi: Right. 私は、社長に会社を辞めると言いました。"I told the company president that I was going to quit the company." Now, replace this ”言いました” with “申し上げました”.
Tomoyuki: 私は、社長に会社を辞めると申し上げました。
Jessi: "I humbly told the company president that I was going to quit the company."
By using “申し上げます” you lower your position to show respect and elevate the position of the intended recipient, in this case, ”社長”. OK. Please listen and repeat after Tomoyuki.
"I humbly told the company president that I was going to quit the company."
Tomoyuki: 私は、社長に会社を辞めると申し上げました。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) Great! Next, let's explain the usage of "申し上げる" meaning "to do something for someone you respect."
Jessi: If you use "申し上げます" instead of "します" the sentence becomes extra formal. For example?
Tomoyuki: ご説明します 
Jessi: This means "I'll explain." ご説明します
This is "ご" plus "説明" meaning "explanation", plus the verb します meaning "to do", right?
If you replace this "します" with "申し上げます"
Tomoyuki: ご説明申し上げます。
Jessi: it becomes "I will (humbly) explain"
By using “申し上げる” instead of “します”、you lower your position to show your respect - it also indicates that you are doing something for the benefit for the recipient, in this case, the listener. OK. Please listen and repeat after Tomoyuki. "I will (humbly) explain".
Tomoyuki: ご説明申し上げます。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) OK, Tomoyuki, can we hear the sentence from the dialogue?
Tomoyuki: お客様にご案内申し上げます。
Jessi: This means same as お客様にご案内します。"We have an announcement for our customers."
Tomoyuki: では、もう一度アナウンスだけ聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: OK.So let's listen to the announcement part again and see how much you can understand now.
Tomoyuki: 皆さん、どうでしたか?
Jess: I have a question, Tomoyuki.
Tomoyuki: はい。
Jessi: How is “申し上げる” different from “申す” or “いたす”?
Tomoyuki: おお〜、Great question.いい質問ですね。
Jessi: All right, so the differences between 申し上げる and 申す are explained in the lesson notes for this lesson, and the difference between 申し上げる and いたす will be explained in lesson 22. So stay tuned!


Tomoyuki: はい。それでは、また次回。
Jessi: さようなら。


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