
Lesson Transcript

Do you know how to make negative requests with nai form verbs in Japanese?
Welcome to Three Step Japanese Practice by JapanesePod101.com. In this lesson, you will practice how to make negative requests.
Let’s look at the main dialogue.
Two people are having a conversation about a meal. One is being told how to eat properly by an older relative.
A, sō desu ne.
Oh, that’s right.
のこさないでください。 ぜんぶたべてください。
Nokosanai de kudasai. Zenbu tabete kudasai.
Please don’t leave anything behind. Eat everything.
Is the nai-form of のこす (nokosu), to leave.
のこす is a class 1 verb. Because it ends in す, the nai form replaces that syllable with the syllable, "さ," and then follows it with ない.
Depending on the class of verb, and what that verb ends with in its dictionary form, the way it is changed to its nai form is different.
Let’s practice with this grammar more in this lesson.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Ready?
ここで でください。
Koko de ______________ de kudasai.
ここで でください。
さわがない (sawaganai)
さわがない (sawaganai)
ここでさわがないでください。 (koko de sawaganai de kudasai)
ここでさわがないでください。 (koko de sawaganai de kudasai)
Please don’t make noise here.
さわぐ (sawagu) is the stem of さわがない, and it is a class 1 verb. So, ぐ (gu) becomes が, and then ない is added to make it the nai form.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Ready?
ここで でください。
(koko de ________ de kudasai)
ここで でください。
はなさない (hanasanai)
ここではなさないでください。 (koko de hanasanai de kudasai)
Please don’t talk here.
はなす (hanasu) is the stem of はなさない, and is a class 1 verb ending in す (su). So, す becomes さ (sa), and ない is added at the end.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Ready?
ここでんきょう でください。
(koko de benkyō ________ de kudasai)
ここでんきょう でください。
しない (shinai)
ここでんきょうしないでください。 (koko de benkyō shinai de kudasai)
Please don’t study here.
The verb stem being used here is する, which is one of the two class 3 verbs. Because of this, none of the original characters remain in the nai form. す (su) becomes し (shi), and then ない is added in place of る (ru).
Unscramble the words to make a sentence.
ここ (koko)
ここで (koko de)
ここでおよが (koko de oyoga)
ここでおよがない (koko de oyoganai)
ここでおよがないでください。 (Koko de oyoganai de kudasai.)
Please don't swim here.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Ready?
タバコを(すわない or すあない)でください。
Tabako o (suwanai/suanai) de kudasai.
タバコを(すわない or すあない)でください。
すわない (suwanai)
タバコをすわないでください。 (Tabako o suwanai de kudasai.)
Please don't smoke.
すわない is the nai form of すう (suu). すう is a class 1 verb ending in う (u), so う is replaced with わない to make the nai form of the verb.
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Ready?
あのへやに (はいらない or はいない) でください。
Ano heya ni (hairanai/hainai) de kudasai.
あのへやに (はいらない or はいない) でください。
はいらない (hairanai)
(Ano heya ni hairanai de kudasai.)
Please don't enter that room.
はいらない is the nai form of はいる (hairu), a class 1 verb. はいる ends with "る (ru)", so that is changed to "ら (ra)", and then ない is added to make the nai form.
Let's translate some sentences into Japanese.
Translate "Please don't eat here." into Japanese.
ここ (koko). here.
followed by
で (de). The location particle.
たべない (tabenai). Don't eat.
followed by
でください (de kudasai). Please.
たべない is a class 2 verb. It comes from たべる. Class 2 verbs just need to remove the "る" and put "ない" in its place to make the nai form, so that is done here.
ここでたべないでください。 (Koko de tabenai de kudasai.)
ここでたべないでください。 (Koko de tabenai de kudasai.)
Please don't eat here.
Translate "Please don't use a fork." into Japanese.
フォーク(fōku). Fork.
followed by
を (o). The object particle.
つかわない (tsukawanai). Don't use.
followed by
でください (de kudasai). please.
つかわない (tsukawanai) is the nai form of つかう (tsukau). Since this is a class 1 verb that ends in "う," "わない (wanai)" is added at the end to change its form.
フォークをつかわないでください。 (Fōku o tsukawanai de kudasai.)
フォークをつかわないでください。 (Fōku o tsukawanai de kudasai.)
Please don't use a fork.
Translate "Please don't come tomorrow." into Japanese.
あした (ashita). tomorrow.
followed by
こない (konai). Don't come.
でください (de kudasai). please.
くる is a class 3 verb. All characters are changed when putting it in its nai form, こない (konai).
あしたこないでください。 (Ashita konai de kudasai.)
あしたこないでください。 (Ashita konai de kudasai.)
Please don't come tomorrow.
Listen to me as I speak. What class of verb and type of nai form does it have?
Koko de hanasanai de kudasai.
Let’s listen one more time.
Did you hear, はなさない? はなさない is formed from a Class 1 verb that ends with す.
How about...?
ここでんきょうしないでください。 (koko de benkyō shinai de kudasai)
Let’s listen one more time.
ここでんきょうしないでください。 (koko de benkyō shinai de kudasai)
Did you hear, しない (shinai)? しない (shinai) is the nai form of the class 3 verb, する (suru).
(Ano heya ni hairanai de kudasai.)
One more time.
Did you hear, はいらない? はいらない is formed from a class 1 verb that ends with る.
(Tabako o suwanai de kudasai.)
One more time.
Did you hear, すわない (suwanai)? すわない is formed from a class 1 verb that ends with う.
ここでたべないでください。 (Koko de tabenai de kudasai.)
One more time.
Did you hear, たべない (tabenai)? たべない is formed from a class 2 verb.
Thank you for watching.
Now you know how to make negative requests with nai form verbs.
...and now you can move on to the next lesson in the pathway. またね (mata ne)!

