
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: こんにちは、ナツコです。
Peter: Peter here. Celebrity survival phrases #9. Giving Your Autograph. Natsuko san,
Natsuko: はい。
Peter: A common problem for you right?
Natsuko: For you.
Peter: Ah it’s Natsuko san お願いします。
Natsuko: Well, not really.
Peter: Well you know, people ask for your autograph.
Natsuko: You are kidding.
Peter: No, I am serious.
Natsuko: No way.
Peter: No it’s true and – but they usually ask in English. So today, we are going to work on giving autographs, not us per say but we are going to help our celebrities who are coming to Japan or in Japan already understand when someone’s asking them for an autograph. Now last week, we showed them how to try and get out of giving an autograph.
Natsuko: Really?
Peter: Yeah. I am not Johnny Depp, I am his brother.
Natsuko: Yeah.
Peter: So it’s kind of a little way to play around but today we are going to work on helping you understand when someone is asking you for an autograph, a handshake and how to respond.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And Natsuko san, I think this is going to be good practice for you.
Natsuko: Me?
Peter: Yep.
Natsuko: Why?
Peter: Well now that we have some pictures on the site, I think people can recognize you when you go to the states.
Natsuko: No way.
Peter: あれ? ナツコさんだ! It’s Natsuko.
Natsuko: No way.
Peter: Okay but for now, let’s kind of first work on this. Now Natsuko san, the Japanese used today, what level would you say it is?
Natsuko: Pretty polite.
Peter: Extremely polite. Actually, some honorific Japanese in there. So with that said, this conversation is between a fan and our Johnny.
Natsuko: He is nice.
Peter: Really nice.
Natsuko: He is really nice here.
Peter: Yeah it’s – well it’s nice to have a Johnny stopping by the studio. So what we are going to do now is get into the conversation after which we are going to break it down. Are you ready?
Natsuko: Yes.

Lesson focus

Peter: Here we go.
Female: すみません! サインをいただけますか?
Johnny: はい、いいですよ。
Female: あのお…握手もお願いできますか?
Johnny: もちろん、いいですよ。喜んで。
MaleStaff: はーい皆さん。そろそろお時間ですので、これが最後になります。
Female: ええーっ!? そんなあ…。
Johnny: 本当にごめんなさい。これからも、応援よろしくお願いします。
Female: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
Female: すみません! サインを、いただけますか?
Johnny: はい、いいですよ。
Female: あのお…あくしゅも、おねがい、できますか?
Johnny: もちろん、いいですよ。よろこんで。
MaleStaff: はーい、みなさん。そろそろ、おじかん、ですので、これが、さいごに、なります。
Female: ええーっ!? そんなあ…。
Johnny: ほんとうに、ごめんなさい。これからも、おうえん、よろしくおねがいします。
Female: 次は英語が入ります。
Female: すみません! サインをいただけますか?
Male: Excuse me, can I have your signature?
Johnny: はい、いいですよ。
Male: Yes sure.
Female: あのお…握手もお願いできますか?
Male: And may I ask for a handshake too?
Johnny: もちろん、いいですよ。喜んで。
Male: Of course it’s all right. I’d be happy to.
MaleStaff: はーい皆さん。そろそろお時間ですので、これが最後になります。
Male: Attention everyone. Time is almost up. So this will be all.
Female: ええーっ!? そんなあ…。
Male: Hah that’s
Johnny: 本当にごめんなさい。これからも、応援よろしくお願いします。
Male: I am truly sorry and humbly request your continued support.
Peter: So Natsuko san, what do you think?
Natsuko: うん、このファンはラッキーでしたね。
Peter: Lucky fan, that’s right but I can’t get over this. You know someone commented in a previous celebrity survival phrases that how useful these phrases are and it’s true because many times, you have to wait such a long time to get to these phrases when you study Japanese in a linear way.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: And here we are giving you Japanese that if you use this, you are really going to impress some people.
Natsuko: Definitely.
Peter: Right. So…
Natsuko: I think your fans are going to double.
Peter: Triple.
Natsuko: Triple.
Peter: So and not only for people, not only for celebrities, but also for people coming to Japan. So this is just really – I can’t get over it. And today, we are going to focus on later いただけますか。
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Which is extremely useful but for now, let’s first take a look at the vocab. First we have
Natsuko: 握手
Peter: Handshake.
Natsuko: あ・く・しゅ、握手
Peter: This is followed by
Natsuko: お願い
Peter: Please. A wish.
Natsuko: お・ね・が・い、お願い
Peter: Followed by
Natsuko: 喜ぶ
Peter: To be happy.
Natsuko: よ・ろ・こ・ぶ、喜ぶ
Peter: Next we have
Natsuko: そろそろ
Peter: About, as in relating to time. About to do something or about to happen.
Natsuko: そ・ろ・そ・ろ、そろそろ
Peter: Then we have
Natsuko: 応援
Peter: Support.
Natsuko: お・う・え・ん、応援
Peter: And this is support as in to root for or to be a fan of. Not support as in to physically support something.
Natsuko: Oh yes right.
Peter: Okay now on to the good stuff. Let’s go into the conversation.
Natsuko: はい。
Peter: First line. What do we have?
Natsuko: すみません。サインをいただけますか?
Peter: Excuse me, can you please give me an autograph? Okay first we have as always
Natsuko: すみません。
Peter: Excuse me. So if you know one Japanese word by now, it has to be すみません Then we have
Natsuko: サイン
Peter: Autograph followed by
Natsuko: を
Peter: Object marking particle.
Natsuko: いただけますか
Peter: Now let’s just drop the か which is the question marking particle and let’s just take a look at いただけますThis is the potential form of the verb
Natsuko: いただく
Peter: Which is the honorific form of
Natsuko: もらう
Peter: Which means to receive.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay. So we kind of start out with もらう to receive. Then to increase the politeness level, we jump up to
Natsuko: いただく
Peter: Which is an extremely polite verb.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Which can be used for people receiving something from someone in a higher social status position. So you are increasing the level of politeness of the sentence.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Just so much more and making it that much more impressive.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So もらう would become
Natsuko: いただく
Peter: Then we put it in its polite form
Natsuko: いただきます
Peter: きますAgain this is to receive.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: But what we have here is actually the potential form. So いただく becomes
Natsuko: いただける
Peter: Can receive and then we put it into the polite form
Natsuko: いただけます
Peter: Can receive. So literally excuse me, autograph, can receive question. Now what’s left out here is the subject and the indirect subject. So if it was a proper sentence, well that’s going to get a little too much but for now, just remember when you use this verb いただく you are the person receiving.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So you don’t have to state the subject or the indirect object. You are good. So all you have to do is use this verb.
Natsuko: いただけますか?
Peter: So ah it’s just so nice to hear Natsuko san. It’s just so polite.
Natsuko: Yes, it's very polite.
Peter: And the best part is, you can use this with other things too.
Natsuko: Yeah sure.
Peter: You can just substitute something for a sign. So if you want something to say, you are out eating sushi, you can ask for wasabi.
Natsuko: すみません。ワサビをいただけますか?
Peter: And although it may be too polite for this situation, I think people will be quite impressed that you used it.
Natsuko: Yes. It’s always nice to be polite. You know it won’t hurt.
Peter: It won’t hurt. So for example, if you are the celebrity and maybe you want a new mike or something or maybe you want water for the conference,
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: You can say and make sure the mic is on and all the cameramen are there. You can say すみません。お水をいただけますか? oh…excuse me, can I have some water?
Natsuko: That makes you look so polite.
Peter: So polite. Business meetings, business dinners, all these kinds of formal situations to use something like this just will really kind of impress people.
Natsuko: Yes, no one can refuse that.
Peter: No one. Then we have, this is followed by
Natsuko: はい、いいですよ。
Peter: Johnny, what a nice guy! Yes, it's good. Yes, all right. Next we have
Natsuko: あの、握手もお願いできますか?
Peter: Um can I also get a handshake? So here we have
Natsuko: あの
Peter: Um this is a filler when you are thinking about it. So something big is usually coming あー、あのー followed by
Natsuko: 握手
Peter: Handshake.
Natsuko: も
Peter: Also.
Natsuko: お願いできますか?
Peter: Can I please ask for this too? So literally, ‘handshake also ask can I.’ We unjumble it. Can I also ask for this too. So what we want to stress here is the pattern. Everything stays the same when asking for something except for the handshake. Something, something もお願いできますか So for example, you ask for the wasabi.
Natsuko: ワサビもいただけますか?
Peter: They bring that and now you want soy sauce which is しょう油
Natsuko: しょう油もいただけますか?
Peter: Or
Natsuko: しょう油もお願いできますか?
Peter: Yeah. Can I also ask for soy sauce? Now you go around throwing these expressions around, you can really impress some people.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So and I think it’s really good. You know I mean I would even say あー、名刺もお願いできますか? Can I ask for a business card or あー、電話番号もお願いできますか? can I ask for your phone number.
Natsuko: Wow!
Peter: So the polite Japanese opens up the possibilities of a nice sequence to allow you to get some really valuable information.
Natsuko: Yeah sure. I think it would make the negotiation very smooth.
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: Using this kind of polite expressions.
Peter: Yeah and it’s just something about it, just great. You know hearing it just makes me happier.
Natsuko: You are sure, right I agree.
Peter: Next we have
Natsuko: もちろんいいですよ。
Peter: Of course it’s okay.
Natsuko: 喜んで。
Peter: I’d be happy to.
Natsuko: What a nice guy!
Peter: Yes and what a nice expression. 喜んでI’d be happy to. So if someone asks you something, you can usually just – and you’d be more than happy and you are more than willing to do it, you can answer with
Natsuko: 喜んで
Peter: Which means I’d be happy to and this is usually followed – what’s inferred after this?
Natsuko: 喜んでします。
Peter: Yeah which is actually I am enjoying if we translate it literally.
Natsuko: Yeah yes right.
Peter: But I would – it would be a pleasure to do. I would enjoy doing it. Then we have
Natsuko: はーい、皆さん。そろそろお時間なので、これで最後になります。
Peter: Okay everyone. Attention everyone. Time is almost up. So this will be all. So はーいthis isn’t yes, this is getting people’s attention.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: 皆さんeverybody そろそろit’s almost お時間time, as it’s almost time, これで最後になりますthis is it followed by
Natsuko: ええーっ? そんなあ……。
Peter: No that can’t be. That’s – finally we have Johnny, what a nice guy!
Natsuko: 本当にごめんなさい。
Peter: I am really sorry.
Natsuko: これからも応援よろしくお願いします。
Peter: Now this is a must for everyone out there in the industry.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: I humbly request your continued support.
Natsuko: `Also for sports players.
Peter: For the hero’s interview which..
Natsuko: Must.
Peter: Is an interview with the star of the game after the game.
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: So this is – yeah this is a great expression. One more time.
Natsuko: これからも、応援、よろしくお願いします。
Peter: So we have the first part これからfrom here
Natsuko: も
Peter: Also. So from here on out or continued.
Natsuko: 応援
Peter: Support or cheering for, rooting for or supporting I guess in many ways.
Natsuko: よろしくお願いします。
Peter: Please. Now the best part about よろしくお願いします.よろしくお願いします it can be translated in many different ways and here we kind of – its please but it’s more like, I humbly request.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Or any other very nice way to say it in English. Here is what we have to give you. All right, Natsuko san, what a lesson hah!
Natsuko: Umm very nice.
Peter: Some really great points in there. So please, this is stuff you got to try out with your teachers, Japanese people around you. This is the kind of really polite stuff that you could use if you are overseas and you are going to a sushi restaurant and really leave a really good impression.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: If you are in Japan, you have an excellent chance to use this over and over again with people with a higher social status or status or if you have a teacher, people studying in schools. So this is what you really want to go try and practice.
Natsuko: Yes use this in sushi restaurant and maybe you can get an extra マグロ
Peter: Yes.
Natsuko: Maybe the restaurant owner will be so impressed.
Peter: Yeah or you know you get that relationship, build it up.
Natsuko: Yes.


Peter: All right. That’s going to do it for today. Again, stop by, we have the PDF. Inside the PDF, so much to bring it altogether and in the learning center, drills and other things that really tie everything together. がんばってください。
Natsuko: がんばってくださいね。


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