
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sakura: おはよう、東京。サクラです。
Peter: Good morning Tokyo. My name is Peter Galante and we are back again with another lesson for you today. Okay now let’s get down to the show. I promised you survival phrases on Christmas Eve but I took them away because we ran out of time. We knew that you were very busy on Christmas Eve and you were running around presents. So we figured you wouldn’t have too much time to study Japanese but now the holidays are over and it’s time to get back to the schedule. We hope that everyone had a great Christmas and now we are going to give you survival phrases 2. If you remember, we covered survival phrases 1 last week. Now we are going to add a little bit to this. Now this survival phrase series is aimed at people who are coming to Japan in a relatively short amount of time. We want to give you the best bang for your buck. We want to give you the phrases that will be the most useful for you.
Sakura: Yes.

Lesson focus

Peter: So today we are going to start with some very interesting phrases.
Sakura: Ah, these are very essential.
Peter: Essential.
Sakura: Essential.
Peter: Okay. So let’s start with the first one.
Sakura: Okay だいじょうぶ
Peter: Okay. Now let’s stop right here. Can you tell us what this means?
Sakura: だいじょうぶ is all right.
Peter: All right yes.
Sakura: Yes all right, okay.
Peter: Very, very nice translation. So give it to us one more time.
Sakura: Okay だいじょうぶ
Peter: Okay and now give us the syllables.
Sakura: Okay だ・い・じょ・う・ぶ
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: だいじょうぶ
Peter: Okay. Now how can we use these phrases?
Sakura: Oh we can use it anytime like anytime you want to say okay.
Peter: I got an example.
Sakura: Okay.
Peter: Say you go out to eat with your friend.
Sakura: Right.
Peter: Right and you will see I am always talking about eating because the Japanese, they love to eat. They eat…
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Very, very fine food. Not so much at one time but it’s very good.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: You go out to a restaurant and maybe your Japanese friend, they will look at you and look at the food because there is a lot of variety. They cover a lot of stuff and maybe they want to say, is it okay meaning can you eat this.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: They will point to the food and they will say
Sakura: だいじょうぶ?
Peter: Yes. Which is the very casual way or they might say the polite way
Sakura: だいじょうぶですか?
Peter: Yes. As you see, you will hear this many times in the restaurants.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: So the first time somebody brought me a plate of Octopus, my friend he said.
Sakura: だいじょうぶ?
Peter: Yes. They brought out the squid.
Sakura: うーん、だいじょうぶ?
Peter: Yes. They brought out the baby squids.
Sakura: うー! だいじょうぶ?
Peter: Yes.
Sakura: Was it だいじょうぶ?
Peter: Yes it was だいじょうぶ because I didn’t really know what to say. I didn’t know how to say the negative form. So I just だいじょうぶ and I have ended up eating things that were just you know a little too much for me. So right now, we are going to switch over and tell you how to say no because this is very essential.
Sakura: だめ
Peter: Yes very, very nice. Please give it to us one more time, nice and slowly.
Sakura: だ・め
Peter: Okay. Can you give us the translation for this?
Sakura: It means no or if you want to refuse something, you say だめ
Peter: Yes. Yes it’s a little bit harsh.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: But for now, it’s okay for you because people will understand.
Sakura: And it also means no good.
Peter: Yeah exactly. So in this case for example, I wish. I wish I had said.
Sakura: だめ
Peter: Yes a few times.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Let’s go back to the food example. So they are bringing out the Octopus. Okay they bring out the Octopus and you would say
Sakura: だいじょうぶ?
Peter: And I’d look at the Octopus だいじょうぶ Next they bring out squid.
Sakura: だいじょうぶ?
Peter: And I looked out and I would say だいじょうぶ Now there is one food I’d like to talk to you about. It’s called Sea Urchin. How do you say Sea Urchin in Japanese?
Sakura: ウニ
Peter: Yes.
Sakura: Very precious, very expensive and Japanese people love Uni.
Peter: Now I can’t speak for most people out there but I would highly recommend you, this is the time you would want to break out the だめ. I think you should try it once but after you try it once, it’s very useful to know だめ because I think you might be refusing this one. So let’s just go back to our situation. I will say the – why don’t we do the word for “octopus”?
Sakura: タコ
Peter: Very nice, Octopus break it down first please.
Sakura: た・こ
Peter: Very nice. Okay I know many people out there will like Tuna. So how about the word for Tuna?
Sakura: マグロ
Peter: Okay, very nice. Break it down for us.
Sakura: マ・グ・ロ
Peter: Okay. So we have Octopus.
Sakura: タコ
Peter: And we have
Sakura: マグロ
Peter: Tuna and we have Sea Urchin
Sakura: ウニ
Peter: Okay. So we are going to try a little conversation here. Me and Sakura will go to the Sushi restaurant. And they bring out the Octopus and they bring out the Tuna and they bring out the Sea Urchin and they lay them in front of us. So Sakura is going to ask me, are they okay, meaning can you eat this, okay. So here we go. Please listen.
Sakura: タコはだいじょうぶ?
Peter: だいじょうぶ
Sakura: マグロはだいじょうぶ?
Peter: だいじょうぶ
Sakura: ウニはだいじょうぶ?
Peter: だめ! だめ! だめ! Okay.
Sakura: Umm…
Peter: Now we are going to break this conversation down a bit. Okay let’s have the first one.
Sakura: タコはだいじょうぶ?
Peter: Is Octopus all right meaning can you eat this? One more time please.
Sakura: タコはだいじょうぶ?
Peter: Okay and then I said.
Sakura: だいじょうぶ
Peter: Okay. Is Octopus all right? And I said...
Sakura: だいじょうぶ
Peter: It’s okay and next question.
Sakura: マグロはだいじょうぶ?
Peter: Okay. Is Tuna okay? Now break this one down a little slower please.
Sakura: マグロはだいじょうぶ?
Peter: And I said
Sakura: だいじょうぶ
Peter: Very nice. Okay and last one.
Sakura: ウニはだいじょうぶ?
Peter: Sea Urchin is all right.
Sakura: ウニはだいじょうぶ?
Peter: Is Sea Urchin all right and I said.
Sakura: だめ
Peter: I said three times
Sakura: だめ、だめ
Peter: Yes. Not okay. Not okay and definitely not okay but that’s just me. I recommend that you try it once.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: But after you find out what you like, these are the two words that you want to use. And again this time we used a very casual form. If you go out to eat with a family, say – if me and Sakura went out to eat, just the two of us, we would use this casual way of speaking.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Now I would like to point out, if you come here and you are with a host family or you are with a family where there are older people, we highly stress and we highly recommend that you use the polite form which would be?
Sakura: だいじょうぶです
Peter: Yes. Again we need the des. One more time please.
Sakura: だいじょうぶです
Peter: Okay and we also recommend that for だめ too.
Sakura: Yeah だめです
Peter: Yes. This would make it very, very polite and if you would like to ask a question to somebody, you will use the question form which is
Sakura: だいじょうぶですか?
Peter: Yes, very nice. Okay very, very useful stuff here, right?
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Now there is another one – another word that took me a little while to get used to here and you are going to hear it a lot. It’s not something you have to say but it’s something that I feel you should be aware of. Let’s see if you can get it. We will have Sakura give your best.
Sakura: Okay いらっしゃいませー!
Peter: Oh come on, we can do better than that. One more time.
Sakura: いらっしゃいませ(↗)
Peter: One more time.
Sakura: いらっしゃいませ(↘)
Peter: Okay, very nice. Can you break it down a little so maybe some people who couldn’t catch what you said could catch it.
Sakura: いらっしゃいませ
Peter: Okay very nice and what does this mean, it’s kind of like welcome.
Sakura: Welcome yes, welcome.
Peter: Right. Yeah I would say but this isn’t a welcome to my house. This is used specifically for places of business.
Sakura: Yes, usually shops or restaurants.
Peter: Usually.
Sakura: Umm usually.
Peter: So I shouldn’t say specifically but in most cases. When you go to someone’s house, would someone use this?
Sakura: Well, you usually say いらっしゃーい or – but if you put ませ it’s more like service you know.
Peter: Yes okay, so yeah let’s get the difference. Thank you so much. Okay so first we will do the business.
Sakura: いらっしゃいませ
Peter: Yes one more time nice and slow.
Sakura: いらっしゃいませ
Peter: And very, very slowly break it down by syllable.
Sakura: い・らっ・しゃ・い・ま・せ
Peter: Okay. Now so you walk into a store, don’t get too surprised. You are going to be surprised but you are not doing anything wrong. They are really not noticing you because everyone is going to turn, look at you and say…
Sakura: いらっしゃいませ
Peter: It’s just their way of greeting you. You didn’t do anything wrong. There is nothing on your shirt.
Sakura: Yes and you don’t have to say anything back.
Peter: Yes. Okay and now how about for the home?
Sakura: いらっしゃい
Peter: Yes and break this down for us please.
Sakura: いらっしゃい
Peter: Yes. Okay and you will hear this too at restaurants, very casual restaurants.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: So we are going to stay in this restaurant a little more as we always do and we recommend that you do try everything once. Now you are not going to know what to eat. There are so many different local foods in Japan and so many different local alcohol, Sake and many different things. So even if you go with someone who knows about Japan, they might not know about the local area. So we are going to give you the next phrase which we highly recommend you use. I am sorry I finally 0:10:23.8 used the word recommend but that we used to get the best of what that store has to offer. So can you please give us the Japanese for the next expression?
Sakura: Okay おすすめ、お願いします
Peter: Okay, very nice. You might remember the second part. Could you give us the second part?
Sakura: お願いします
Peter: Now you remember, we covered this in the first survival phrases. Now how about the first one? Can you give us that word one more time?
Sakura: おすすめ
Peter: Yes. And what does this word mean?
Sakura: This is a recommendation.
Peter: Yeah.
Sakura: Recommended something.
Peter: Yeah, recommend. Now give us the expression one time please.
Sakura: おすすめ、おすすめお願いします
Peter: You’d use this when the waiter comes over and you would say this and it means your recommendation please. Okay so please break this word down for us.
Sakura: Okay お・す・す・め
Peter: Okay and syllables please.
Sakura: お・す・す・め
Peter: Okay very, very nice. Why don’t we try a little bit of the conversation that we did from the first survival phrases. We are going to get the attention of the waiter and then he’s going to come over and we are going to ask him for the recommendation. Okay so how do we get the attention of the waiter?
Sakura: すいません
Peter: Yes. And he comes over and he says, what would you like and you would say
Sakura: おすすめ、お願いします
Peter: Okay. Now if he comes back with anything, what kind of food or whatever, just keep saying
Sakura: おすすめ、お願いします
Peter: And he will get the picture that you really don’t – can’t really specifically order but he will bring you the best they have.
Sakura: Good idea.


Peter: Okay we are going to stop here. You’ve had enough for today. So please keep listening and we are going to say
Sakura: またね!
Peter: じゃあね! See you tomorrow.
Sakura: Bye.


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