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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Peter here. Onomatopoeia Lesson 20. Make Sure You Have Chewed These Important Japanese Words Completely.
なつこ: なつこです。こんにちはHi everyone, this is Natsuko.
Peter: Welcome to japanesepod101.com’s onomatopoeia series. In this series, we are going to explore the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
なつこ: There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia 擬音語 and 擬態語
Peter: 擬音語 are the true onomatopoeia that mimic sounds like our English onomatopoeia.
なつこ: Such as ぐーぐー
Peter: ずーずーSnoring sound.
なつこ: ぺろっ
Peter: Licking sound. 擬態語on the other hand describes situation, feeling or state using sound.
なつこ: Such as よちよち歩くto toddle, to waddle.
Peter: We hope you will join us on this enjoyable ride into the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia. Without further adieu, let’s get on with the lesson. This onomatopoeia lesson #20 is designed to review the onomatopoeia we learned from lesson 16 to lesson 19 with the dialogue. Natsuko san, how many onomatopoeia are we going to review?
なつこ: A lot 10個です. We have ten onomatopoeia in the dialogue. They are ぺこぺこ からから とろん ペロ フラフラ よろよろ ぐーぐー ごくごく どんどん ちらっ
Peter: The conversation is between
なつこ: Three family members めいand her parents. めいちゃんとお父さんとお母さんの会話です I think めい is an elementary school student.
Peter: This conversation takes place at
なつこ: Home うちですね 多分 kitchen. I think めい is in the kitchen.
Peter: Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
メイ: あー、お腹ペコペコ。あ、チョコレートがある。
2. お父さん: いや、いいよ。パパは、のどがカラカラだ。
3. お母さん: ただいま。どうしたの?目がとろんとしてる・・・。
4. メイ: うん。全部ぺろっと食べちゃった。
5. お母さん: これ、ウイスキーボンボンよ。パパは?
6. メイ: トイレによろよろ歩いていったよ。(ヒック)
7. (バタバタバタバタ)
8. お母さん: あなた、メイが大変なの。あなた?(ドンドンドン)
9. お父さん: ん?(あくび)さっき、のどが乾いて、ジュースをごくごく飲んだん
10. お母さん: あのラベル読まなかったの?(ジロッ)
11. お父さん: ・・・チラッと見たけど、(ヒック)外国語で・・・わからなかっ
12. お母さん: あれ、お酒よ!
メイ: あー、お腹ペコペコ。あ、チョコレートがある。
2. お父さん: いや、いいよ。パパは、のどがカラカラだ。
3. お母さん: ただいま。どうしたの?目がとろんとしてる・・・。
4. メイ: うん。全部ぺろっと食べちゃった。
5. お母さん: これ、ウイスキーボンボンよ。パパは?
6. メイ: トイレによろよろ歩いていったよ。(ヒック)
7. (バタバタバタバタ)
8. お母さん: あなた、メイが大変なの。あなた?(ドンドンドン)
9. お父さん: ん?(あくび)さっき、のどが乾いて、ジュースをごくごく飲んだん
10. お母さん: あのラベル読まなかったの?(ジロッ)
11. お父さん: ・・・チラッと見たけど、(ヒック)外国語で・・・わからなかっ
12. お母さん: あれ、お酒よ!
メイ: あー、お腹ペコペコ。あ、チョコレートがある。
2. お父さん: いや、いいよ。パパは、のどがカラカラだ。
3. お母さん: ただいま。どうしたの?目がとろんとしてる・・・。
4. メイ: うん。全部ぺろっと食べちゃった。
5. お母さん: これ、ウイスキーボンボンよ。パパは?
6. メイ: トイレによろよろ歩いていったよ。(ヒック)
7. (バタバタバタバタ)
8. お母さん: あなた、メイが大変なの。あなた?(ドンドンドン)
9. お父さん: ん?(あくび)さっき、のどが乾いて、ジュースをごくごく飲んだん
10. お母さん: あのラベル読まなかったの?(ジロッ)
11. お父さん: ・・・チラッと見たけど、(ヒック)外国語で・・・わからなかっ
12. お母さん: あれ、お酒よ!
1. MEI: Ah, I'm starving! Ooh, some chocolate!
(looks around, sound of a bag opening, munching sounds)
Oh, want some chocolate, Dad?
2. DAD: Nah, I'm fine. I'm really thirsty!
Ooh, there's juice! (gulp, gulp, gulp)
3. MOPeter: I'm home! What's wrong? Your eyes are droopy.
Oh no, did you eat this chocolate?
4. MEI: Yeah. I ate it all up.
And then, I started feeling dizzy. (hiccup)
5. MOPeter: This is a whiskey bonbon! Where's Dad?
6. MEI: He staggered off to the bathroom. (hiccup)
7. (footsteps)
8. MOPeter: Honey, Mei's in trouble. Honey? (pounds on the door)
I'm coming in. (door opens) Oh, what are you doing sleeping in a
place like this?!
9. DAD: Huh? (yawns) A while ago, I got thirsty and drank some juice.
After that, I started to feel sick. (hiccup)
10. MOPeter: Did you not read the label? (glaring)
11. DAD: I glanced at it, (hiccup) but it was in another language, and I didn't
understand it. (hiccup)
12. MOPeter: That was alcohol, you know!
なつこ: Peter, so what did you think about the story?
Peter: A lot, a lot of onomatopoeia.
なつこ: Sure a lot.
Peter: Natsuko san こういう会話よくありますか like is this a common conversation?
なつこ: I am not sure どうでしょうね. Peter, is Whisky Bonbon an English word or it’s just a Japanese word?
Peter: I think we have something similar in English. Some kind of a chocolate with whisky inside of it.
なつこ: Yes kind of a syrup.
Peter: Yeah.
なつこ: That contains whisky.
Peter: And these days they have an even bigger selection. I think just not whisky but many kinds of chocolate with different alcohol in them.
なつこ: Yes maybe.
Peter: One more interesting point is the onomatopoeia in parenthesis written in this lesson’s transcript. Now this kind of onomatopoeia often appear in comics or maybe I should say Manga.
なつこ: Right. In the dialogue transcript, we have きょろきょろ むしゃむしゃ ひっく ドタバタ どんどんどん じろっ . So there are six.
Peter: When you hear these onomatopoeia, you can picture how those people are acting or how they are feeling quite easily.
なつこ: That’s true. For example, when めい was eating chocolate, she went きょろきょろ.
Peter: So you can picture trying to eat the chocolate secretly.
なつこ: I don’t think めいknew there was alcohol in it though.
Peter: I don’t think she knew either.
なつこ: What she probably thought was that if her mother saw her eating chocolate, her mother would say, don’t eat the whole packets, just eat a few.
Peter: Which makes a lot of sense. Now when her mother found her husband who is probably drunk sleeping on the floor, she went
なつこ: じろっ You can tell the mother was not happy at all.
Peter: Now this lesson is a review lesson of lessons 16 to 19. In those four lessons, you learned onomatopoeia which describe actions. Lesson 16 was onomatopoeia describing sleep. Lesson 17 was onomatopoeia describing action of eating, lesson 18 was onomatopoeia describing action of looking and finally lesson 19 was onomatopoeia that described the action of walking.
なつこ: そうですね。寝る 食べる 見る 歩く ですね
Peter: Now which onomatopoeia we’re introduced in which lesson is listed in the lesson notes. So if there are any unfamiliar onomatopoeia, please review the appropriate lesson notes. In this section, we will be looking at the onomatopoeia どんどん.
なつこ: This appears twice in the conversation. The first one is どんどんどん
Peter: And どん can describe the actual sound of impact. In this dialogue, どんどんどん is describing a heavy knocking sound.
なつこ: Yeah. The mother was quite upset. So she knocked the door very hard.
Peter: So Natsuko san, what’s a normal knock on a door sound like?
なつこ: Hmm maybe トントン or コンコン.
Peter: Knock knock. Generally speaking, onomatopoeia that begin with an unvoice consonant like k, t, s or h, they express the sound of something small or light. トントン is the light one. Onomatopoeia that start with a voice consonant like g, d, j or b tend to express the sound of something big and heavy.
なつこ: トントン and コンコンand ごんごん. Yeah that’s true.
Peter: Now what’s the second usage of ドンドン. How was it used in the conversation?
なつこ: The father said ドンドン気持ちが悪くなって
Peter: I started to feel worse and worse. Now as you learned in onomatopoeia lesson 17, ドンドンrefers to a state where something happens rapidly or continuously.
なつこ: And 気持ちが悪い means to feel sick.
Peter: Right. So the onomatopoeia ドンドンindicates that speaker’s condition got worse rapidly. Natsuko san, can you give us these two different ドンドンin one sentence?
なつこ: Yes for example ドンドンという太鼓の音がドンドン大きくなった
Peter: The banging on the drums got louder and louder. The first ドンドンis describing the actual drum sound.
なつこ: Right. So the first ドンドン is 擬音語
Peter: Onomatopoeia based on sound. The second ドンドンis explaining how the sound got bigger.
なつこ: So this ドンドンis 擬態語
Peter: And talking about the state. Okay on to the next onomatopoeia. Natsuko san お願いします。
なつこ: むしゃむしゃ
Peter: むしゃむしゃis the sound of someone or some animal munching food in a rather fast manner.
なつこ: Yes.
Peter: Isn’t it a bit like がつがつ which we covered in lesson 17?
なつこ: Yeah it could be similar but むしゃむしゃis more about the sound of eating whereas がつがつ is more about the style of eating.
Peter: がつがつ expresses the state of someone devouring the food.
なつこ: Speaking of がつがつ, have you heard the verb がっつく
Peter: ちょっとわからないんですが No I haven’t.
なつこ: For example, you can say 太郎はご飯をがつがつ食べた
Peter: Taro gobbled down the meal.
なつこ: But you can also say 太郎はご飯をがっついた
Peter: Taro gobbled down the meal. This one is a little short and more compact.
なつこ: Yes.
Peter: And do they both have the same meaning?
なつこ: Yes がっつく is a class 1 verb meaning to eat greedily.
Peter: It kind of makes sense because you can picture them turning the food away from the person looking and trying to eat it all.
なつこ: Yes. And also it expresses that the person was very hungry. がっつく is the same as がつがつする or がつがつ食べる
Peter: So you add つく to the first part of the repeating onomatopoeia?
なつこ: Right but you cannot apply this rule to all repeating onomatopoeia. So be careful.
Peter: Okay Natsuko san, can you give us some onomatopoeia where we can apply this rule?
なつこ: Sure フラフラ
Peter: Which expresses an unsteady state or state of dizziness.
なつこ: Becomes ふらつく
Peter: To feel lightheaded or to wander around.
なつこ: うろうろ
Peter: Loitering
なつこ: Becomes うろつく
Peter: To wander around. Natsuko san, can you say ふらつく instead of ふらふらする
なつこ: Yes. So in the dialogue, Maye said フラフラするの  but you can also say ふらつくの
Peter: I see. All right, so in this lesson, we reviewed onomatopoeia which describe actions.
なつこ: Right such as 寝る
Peter: To sleep.
なつこ: 食べる
Peter: To eat.
なつこ: 見る
Peter: To look.
なつこ: And 歩く


Peter: To walk. In lesson 21, we are going to introduce onomatopoeia together with a certain situation.
なつこ: 楽しみにしてください。
Peter: Okay please look forward to it.


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