Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Do you know how to write ゅ (chiisai yu) in Japanese?
ゅ (chiisai yu)
ゅ is written in 2 strokes. First, make a vertical line that goes back on itself to create almost a full circle — think of it as drawing a loose knot. Next, add a curvy vertical line through the first, ending it with a confident flick.
Here are some examples.
Do you know how to say departure in Japanese?
しゅっぱつ (shuppatsu)
Do you know how to say shaking hands in Japanese?
あくしゅ (akushu)
Do you know how to say milk in Japanese?
ぎゅうにゅう (gyūnyū)
Let's review! Do you remember how to write ゅ (chiisai yu) in Japanese?
ゅ (chiisai yu) ゅ (chiisai yu)
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