Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Do you know how to write お (o) in Japanese?
お (o)
Hiragana お is written in 3 strokes.
It starts similarly to Hiragana あ with a short horizontal line, but this time is a bit lower and more to the left. The second stroke starts as a vertical line that cuts the first stroke in half. Then it turns sharply to the left, then turns again to make a big curved line. Flick your pen at the end of this stroke. The third stroke is a small slanted line. It should be located a bit to the top right of the first stroke. The left side of your Hiragana お should be aligned. Keep the proportions of these spaces as well to keep a good balance.
Here are some examples.
Do you know how to say face in Japanese?
かお (kao)
Do you know how to say blue in Japanese?
あお (ao)
Do you know how to say nephew in Japanese?
おい (oi)
Let's review! Do you remember how to write お (o) in Japanese?
お (o) お (o)
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