
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Naomi: こんにちは!なおみです!(Kon’nichiwa! Naomi desu!)
Kat: Hi everyone, Kat here! You won’t be able to tell yourself away from this Japanese lesson.
Naomi:じゃあ (jā), Kat-san, please tell us what we're going to learn in this lesson.
Kat: In this lesson you will learn two things. One is how to make the negative form of Class 2 verbs, and the other is how to say what time you will do something.
Naomi: Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Kat: The conversation takes place at Madoka’s home, and it’s between Madoka, her mother, and Kent.
Naomi: What about the politeness level?
Kat: Well, Madoka and her mother speak informally to each other of course, and to Kent, but Kent speaks formally when addressing Madoka's mother. OK, so now let's listen to the conversation.
ケント (Kento):ふぁー。ねむい・・・。(Fā. Nemui…)
ケント (Kento):もう、ねる。お休みなさい。(Mō, neru. Oyasuminasai.)
まどか (Madoka):お休みー。(Oyasumī.)
お母さん (o-kā-san):お休みなさい。(Oyasuminasai.)
ケント (Kento):あ、おばさん、明日の朝、サッカーするから、六時に出ます。(A, oba-san, ashita no asa, sakkā suru kara, roku-ji ni demasu.)
お母さん (o-kā-san):じゃ、何時に起きるの?(Ja, nan-ji ni okiru no?)
ケント (Kento):五時半に起きます。(Go-ji han ni okimasu.)
まどか (Madoka):ぜったい、起きないよ。(Zettai, okinai yo.)
ケント (Kento):起きるよ。(Okiru yo.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
ケント (Kento):ふぁー。ねむい・・・。(Fā. Nemui…)
ケント (Kento):もう、ねる。お休みなさい。(Mō, neru. Oyasuminasai.)
まどか (Madoka):お休みー。(Oyasumī.)
お母さん (o-kā-san):お休みなさい。(Oyasuminasai.)
ケント (Kento):あ、おばさん、明日の朝、サッカーするから、六時に出ます。(A, oba-san, ashita no asa, sakkā suru kara, roku-ji ni demasu.)
お母さん (o-kā-san):じゃ、何時に起きるの?(Ja, nan-ji ni okiru no?)
ケント (Kento):五時半に起きます。(Go-ji han ni okimasu.)
まどか (Madoka):ぜったい、起きないよ。(Zettai, okinai yo.)
ケント (Kento):起きるよ。(Okiru yo.)
今度は英語が入ります。(Kondo wa Eigo ga hairimasu.)
ケント (Kento):ふぁー。ねむい・・・。(Fā. Nemui…)
Kat: (yawns) I'm sleepy...
ケント (Kento):もう、ねる。お休みなさい。(Mō, neru. Oyasuminasai.)
Kat: I'm going to bed. Good night.
まどか (Madoka):お休みー。(Oyasumī.)
Kat: 'Night!
お母さん (o-kā-san):お休みなさい。(Oyasuminasai.)
Kat: Good night.
ケント (Kento):あ、おばさん、(A, oba-san,)
Kat: Oh, Auntie.
ケント (Kento):明日の朝、サッカーするから、六時に出ます。(ashita no asa, sakkā suru kara, roku-ji ni demasu.)
KAt: Tomorrow morning I'm playing soccer, so I'll be leaving at six o'clock a.m.
お母さん (o-kā-san):じゃ、何時に起きるの?(Ja, nan-ji ni okiru no?)
Kat: So what time are you getting up?
ケント (Kento):五時半に起きます。(Go-ji han ni okimasu.)
Kat: I'll get up at five-thirty a.m.
まどか (Madoka):ぜったい、起きないよ。(Zettai, okinai yo.)
Kat: You definitely won't get up. (laughs)
ケント (Kento):起きるよ。(Okiru yo.)
Kat: I will get up!!
Kat: Hmm, judging from Madoka's reaction, it sounds like maybe Kent isn't a morning person...
Naomi: Yeah, I wonder if he will really get up at 5.
Kat: 5 a.m, it looks like they do the soccer practice before school starts.
Naomi: ねー!朝の5時!(Nē! Asa no go-ji!)
Kat: Wow, 5 in the morning, no way!
Naomi: ねえ。(Nee.) He said that he was going to get up at 5:30 to be exact though. キャットさんは何時に起きますか。(Kyatto-san wa nan-ji ni okimasu ka.) What time do you usually get up?
Kat: えっと、平日は8時ぐらいに起きます。(Etto, heijitsu wa hachi-ji gurai ni okimasu.)
Naomi: Oh, 平日 (heijitsu) means weekday.
Kat: On weekdays I get up around 8 a.m. How about you, Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: Same here.
Kat: Around the same time?
Naomi: うん、そうですね。(Un, sō desu ne.)
Kat: Not as early as 5 in the morning? OK so now, let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Kat: The first word we are going to see is
Naomi: 眠い (nemui) [natural native speed]
Kat: sleepy, drowsy
Naomi: 眠い (nemui) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 眠い (nemui) [natural native speed]
Kat: And next.
Naomi: おやすみなさい (oyasuminasai) [natural native speed]
Kat: good night
Naomi: おやすみなさい (oyasuminasai) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: おやすみなさい (oyasuminasai) [natural native speed]
Kat: And next.
Naomi: おばさん (oba-san) [natural native speed]
Kat: aunt, older/middle-aged woman
Naomi: おばさん (oba-san) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: おばさん (oba-san) [natural native speed]
Kat: Next.
Naomi: 起きる (okiru) [natural native speed]
Kat: to wake up, to get up; V2
Naomi: 起きる (okiru) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 起きる (okiru) [natural native speed]
Kat: And finally.
Naomi: 絶対 (zettai) [natural native speed]
Kat: absolutely, definitely, unconditionally
Naomi: 絶対 (zettai) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 絶対 (zettai) [natural native speed]
Kat: OK so now, let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: The first word we look at is ぜったい (zettai).
Kat: “Definitely”, “absolutely.”
Naomi: Sometimes this word is followed by に (ni), as in ぜったいに (zettai ni).
Kat: This word is used in both affirmative and negative sentences.
Naomi: うん。そうですね。(Un. Sō desu ne.) Right. Let's show with some examples.
Kat: In the dialogue, when Kent said he was going to get up at 5:30.
Naomi: Madoka said… 絶対、起きないよ!(Zettai, okinai yo!)
Kat: "You definitely won't get up." If you strongly believe something will or won't happen, you can use 絶対 (zettai).
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Right.
Kat: And the next word is?
Naomi: もう (mō)
Kat: "Already", "soon." How was it used in the dialogue?
Naomi: Kent said… もう、ねる。おやすみなさい。(Mō, neru. Oyasuminasai.)
Kat: Right, it’s kind of like ”I know it might be a bit early, but I'm going to sleep already. Good night."
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Yes, like that. Also, we haven't covered the past tense in this series, but it is used a lot with the past tense.
Kat: Right, to mean I’ve already done something. For example, もうしました (mō shimashita). "I've already done it."
Naomi: Right.
Kat: And the next word is...?
Naomi: 出る (deru)
Kat: A verb meaning "to leave." In polite Japanese, it's 出ます (demasu).
Naomi: You can use this word for when you are leaving any kind of place. Kent said… 六時に出ます。(Roku-ji ni demasu.)
Kat: "I'll leave at 6". We'll cover the grammar for how to say you do something at a
certain time later on in this lesson.
Naomi: Yes, so please listen for that.
Kat: And the last word is?
Naomi: ねむい (nemui)
Kat: “Sleepy.”
Naomi: That was the first thing Kent said in the dialogue… ねむい…。もう寝る。(Nemui… Mō neru.)
Kat: "I'm sleepy… I'm going to bed."
Naomi: Are you ねむい (nemui)? By any chance?
Kat: Oh, I’m actually ねむい (nemui) right now, because a recording studio is very dark and warm.
Naomi: Yeah.

Lesson focus

Kat: In the last lesson, you learned how to create the negative form of Class 1 verbs. In this lesson, you'll learn how to create the negative form of Class 2 verbs. You'll also learn how to say what time you do something. First, though, let's start with the Class 2 verbs.
Naomi: Class 2 verbs are even easier to conjugate than Class 1 verbs.
Kat: Right - with Class 1 verbs, if you remember, we had to take away the last う (u) sound and then add "anai" on the end of it.
Naomi: Yeah - and there are many kinds of endings for Class 1 verbs, like く (ku), つ (tsu), す (su), む (mu), and so on.
Kat: The easy thing about Class 2 verbs, though, is that they all end in る (ru).
Naomi: Right.
Kat: Now, not every verb that ends in る (ru) is Class 2, BUT every Class 2 verb does end in る (ru).
Naomi: That's right. And to change it to the negative form, all you have to do is change る (ru) to ない (nai).
Kat: That's it, just one step. Let's try it on some verbs, shall we?
Naomi: Sure. Let's take the verb みる (miru).
Kat: To watch.
Naomi: Change る (ru) to ない (nai), so みる (miru) becomes みない (minai).
Kat: To not watch.
Naomi: Here's another one. The verb おきる (okiru).
Kat: To wake up.
Naomi: Change る (ru) to ない (nai), so おきる (okiru) becomes おきない (okinai).
Kat: To not wake up.
Naomi: And one more. The verb たべる (taberu).
Kat: To eat. I'm sure you all know this verb by now.
Naomi: Change る (ru) to ない (nai), so たべる (taberu) becomes たべない (tabenai).
Kat: To not eat. I think it's pretty straightforward, don't you?
Naomi: Yes, I think so! So now let's jump into some sample sentences.
Kat: Sounds good. How about one using 見ない, to not watch?
Naomi: ケントはテレビを見ない。(Kento wa terebi o minai.)
Kat: "Kent doesn't watch TV." Let's break this down.
Naomi: ケントは (Kento wa)
Kat: Kent plus topic particle は (wa).
Naomi: テレビを (terebi o)
Kat: TV, plus object particle を (o)
Naomi: 見ない (minai)
Kat: Doesn't watch. We briefly covered the structure A は (wa) B を (o) [verb] in the Lesson Notes of Lesson 15, so take a look at those if you are not yet familiar with this structure. Can we hear another sample sentence?
Naomi: Sure. 私は甘いものを食べない。(Watashi wa amai mono o tabenai.)
Kat: I don't eat sweets. Let's break down this one too.
Naomi: 私は (watashi wa)
Kat: I plus topic particle は (wa)
Naomi: 甘いものを (amai mono o)
Kat: Sweets or sweet things plus object particle を (o).
Naomi: 食べない (tabenai)
Kat: Don't eat. Altogether, I don't eat sweets or I don't eat sweet things. Okay, now let's move on to our second topic.
Naomi: Saying what time you will do an action. In Lesson 11, you learned how to say what time it is. Do you remember?
Kat: Here's a quick review to refresh your memory - to tell the time, you add 時 (ji) to the number of the hour. For example...
Naomi: いち (ichi) is one, so when you add 時 (ji), it becomes いちじ (ichi-ji).
Kat: One o'clock.
Naomi: And so on.
Kat: Right. So now that we remember how to say 1 o’clock.
Naomi: 1時に食べる。(Ichi-ji ni taberu.)
Kat: Can you break it down?
Naomi: 1時 (ichi-ji)
Kat: 1 o'clock.
Naomi: に (ni)
Kat: Particle に (ni) used for time.
Naomi: 食べる (taberu)
Kat: To eat.
Naomi: 1時に食べる。(Ichi-ji ni taberu.)
Kat: "I eat at 1 o’clock.”
Naomi: Right, you need the particle に (ni) after the time.
Kat: How about some real life examples now, Naomi-sensei? What time do you go to sleep?
Naomi: 1時にねる。(Ichi-ji ni neru.)
Kat: So, you go to sleep at, I would say… 1:00 a.m.?
Naomi: そう。(Sō.) Right. Well.. and for you, Kat, what time do you usually get up on the weekend?
Kat: On the weekend, I don't want to answer this, but... 週末は10時に起きます。(Shūmatsu wa jū-ji ni okimasu.) I get up at 10 a.m. on the weekend or later.
Naomi: Right!


Kat: OK, that’s about everything for this lesson.
Naomi: Thanks for listening everyone!
Kat: See you in the next lesson.
Naomi: じゃあまた!(Jā mata!)
ケント (Kento):ふぁー。ねむい・・・。(Fā. Nemui…)
ケント (Kento):もう、ねる。お休みなさい。(Mō, neru. Oyasuminasai.)
まどか (Madoka):お休みー。(Oyasumī.)
お母さん (o-kā-san):お休みなさい。(Oyasuminasai.)
ケント (Kento):あ、おばさん、明日の朝、サッカーするから、六時に出ます。(A, oba-san, ashita no asa, sakkā suru kara, roku-ji ni demasu.)
お母さん (o-kā-san):じゃ、何時に起きるの?(Ja, nan-ji ni okiru no?)
ケント (Kento):五時半に起きます。(Go-ji han ni okimasu.)
まどか (Madoka):ぜったい、起きないよ。(Zettai, okinai yo.)
ケント (Kento):起きるよ。(Okiru yo.)


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