
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Lori’s Story, Lesson 45. Allow me to recommend. Okay so this time, we are back at the restaurant and we are going to learn more useful phrases.
Naomi: そうですね。レストランの会話です。(Sō desu ne. Resutoran no kaiwa desu.)
Eric: And this conversation takes place at
Naomi: カフェ。(Kafe.)
Eric: At a café and who is speaking?
Naomi: ロリーさん (Rorī-san) and 店員さん (ten’in-san)
Eric: Lori and the waiter. They are speaking in
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Eric: Okay. Let’s listen.
店員 (ten’in) : カフェ・イノベイティブへようこそ。(Kafe Inobeitibu e yōkoso.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ええっと・・・えびアボカド。(Eetto… ebi abokado.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。パンは?(Kashikomarimashita. Pan wa?)
ロリー (Rorī) : セサミ。(Sesami.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。嫌いな野菜、ありますか。(Kashikomarimashita. Kirai na yasai, arimasu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ああ、オニオン抜き。(Ā, onion nuki.)
店員 (ten’in) : ドレッシングは?(Doresshingu wa?)
ロリー (Rorī) : うーんと・・・。おすすめは何ですか。(Ūn to... Osusume wa nan desu ka.)
店員 (ten’in) : わさびじょうゆです。(Wasabijōyu desu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : じゃ、それ、お願いします。(Ja, sore, onegai shimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。(Kashikomarimashita.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : カフェ・イノベイティブへようこそ。(Kafe Inobeitibu e yōkoso.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ええっと・・・えびアボカド。(Eetto… ebi abokado.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。パンは?(Kashikomarimashita. Pan wa?)
ロリー (Rorī) : セサミ。(Sesami.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。嫌いな野菜、ありますか。(Kashikomarimashita. Kirai na yasai, arimasu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ああ、オニオン抜き。(Ā, onion nuki.)
店員 (ten’in) : ドレッシングは?(Doresshingu wa?)
ロリー (Rorī) : うーんと・・・。おすすめは何ですか。(Ūn to... Osusume wa nan desu ka.)
店員 (ten’in) : わさびじょうゆです。(Wasabijōyu desu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : じゃ、それ、お願いします。(Ja, sore, onegai shimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。(Kashikomarimashita.)
今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
店員 (ten’in) : カフェ・イノベイティブへようこそ。(Kafe Inobeitibu e yōkoso.)
STAFF : Welcome to Café Innovative.
ロリー (Rorī) : ええっと・・・えびアボカド。(Eetto… ebi abokado.)
LORI : Mmm... I’ll have the shrimp avocado.
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。パンは?(Kashikomarimashita. Pan wa?)
STAFF : Okay, what kind of bread would you like with that?
ロリー (Rorī) : セサミ。(Sesami.)
LORI : Sesame.
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。(Kashikomarimashita.)
STAFF : Alright.
店員 (ten’in) : 嫌いな野菜、ありますか。(Kirai na yasai, arimasu ka.)
STAFF : Are there any vegetables you don’t like?
ロリー (Rorī) : ああ、オニオン抜き。(Ā, onion nuki.)
LORI : Yeah, hold the onions please.
店員 (ten’in) : ドレッシングは?(Doresshingu wa?)
STAFF : What kind of dressing would you like?
ロリー (Rorī) : うーんと・・・。おすすめは何ですか。(Ūn to... Osusume wa nan desu ka.)
LORI : Hmm.... Well, what do you recommend?
店員 (ten’in) : わさびじょうゆです。(Wasabijōyu desu.)
STAFF : Soy sauce wasabi.
ロリー (Rorī) : じゃ、それ、お願いします。(Ja, sore, onegai shimasu.)
LORI : Okay, I’ll have that.
店員 (ten’in) : かしこまりました。(Kashikomarimashita.)
STAFF : Alright.
Eric: Wait, wait, wait, I know these episodes are short but I can see disaster looming. Alright, didn’t Shizuka and Ryu say that they were going to Café Innovative?
Naomi: そう。そうですよね。(Sō. Sō desu yo ne.) In the previous lesson, Shizuka said あのお店に入りましょう。 あそこのカフェ・イノベイティブ。(Ano o-mise ni hairimashō, Asoko no Kafe Inobeitibu.)
Eric: Let’s go to that place, Café Innovative. So do you think they are going to bump into each other?
Naomi: I don’t know. わかりませんね。(Wakarimasen ne.) By the way, do you customize the sandwich?
Eric: Yeah at Subway I do. You know, but besides that I don’t think I make too many sandwich decisions in Japan. You know, really mostly for two reasons. Number one.
Naomi: なんでしょう。(Nan deshō.)
Eric: Sandwiches aren’t really that popular in Japan. Right? I mean rarely do I ever find a sandwich on the menu.
Naomi: そうね。(Sō ne.)
Eric: Of a regular restaurant here.
Naomi: Right.
Eric: And number two.
Naomi: 何、二番目は?(Nani, ni-ban-me wa?)
Eric: It’s like nearly taboo to customize food in Japan.
Naomi: It’s not a taboo but yeah no…
Eric: Okay, okay I am exaggerating. I think it’s not a taboo but it’s not common. There is no, you know, culture for changing a food.
Naomi: そうね。(Sō ne.) It’s not very common.
Eric: So for those reasons, you know, you rarely see me changing anything. Even at McDonald's or like Wendy’s, you would attract suspicion by changing your order. No pickles please.
Naomi: できるよ。(Dekiru yo.)
Eric: No yeah, I mean I do it, I do it but I always get a little look. People would be like hah! How dare you?
Naomi: そんなことないよ。(Sonna koto nai yo.)
Eric: Yeah, I am exaggerating. Don’t take it literally everybody. You can do it and not only that, we are going to learn how to do it in this episode.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: But I am just saying that it’s not common.
Naomi: そうです。(Sō desu.)
Eric: On to the vocabulary.
Naomi: 次は、単語です。(Tsugi wa, tango desu.)
Eric: The first word is
Naomi: ようこそ (yōkoso)
Eric: Welcome.
Naomi: (slow) ようこそ (yōkoso) (natural speed) ようこそ (yōkoso)
Eric: Next.
Naomi: おすすめ (osusume)
Eric: Recommendation.
Naomi: (slow) おすすめ (osusume) (natural speed) おすすめ (osusume)
Eric: Next.
Naomi: オニオン (onion)
Eric: Onion.
Naomi: (slow) オニオン (onion) (natural speed) オニオン (onion)
Eric: Next.
Naomi: 抜き (nuki)
Eric: Without.
Naomi: (slow) ぬき (nuki) (natural speed) 抜き (nuki)
Eric: The last word is
Naomi: わさび (wasabi)
Eric: Wasabi, Japanese horseradish.
Naomi: (slow) わさび (wasabi) (natural speed) わさび (wasabi)
Eric: So let’s take a look at some of these words starting with
Naomi: ようこそ (yōkoso)
Eric: Welcome. In the dialogue, the 店員 (ten’in), the waiter said
Naomi: カフェ・イノベイティブへようこそ。(Kafe Inobeitibu e yōkoso.)
Eric: Welcome to Café Innovative.
Naomi: カフェ・イノベイティブへ (Kafe Inobeitibu e)
Eric: To Café Innovative.
Naomi: ようこそ (yōkoso)
Eric: Welcome. So welcome to Café Innovative and Naomi-sensei, in an early episode, we learned another word used to welcome people walking into stores.
Naomi: そうですね。いらっしゃいませ。(Sō desu ne. Irasshaimase.)
Eric: Is ようこそ (yōkoso) often used as store greetings?
Naomi: I would say as a store greetings, いらっしゃいませ (irasshaimase) is more common.
Eric: And ようこそ (yōkoso) can be used to welcome anybody to anything.
Naomi: はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.)
Eric: Right not just stores. You know, welcome to my house, welcome to Disneyland.
Naomi: Right.
Eric: So how do you say welcome to Tokyo?
Naomi: 東京へようこそ。(Tōkyō e yōkoso.)
Eric: Welcome to Japan.
Naomi: 日本へようこそ。(Nihon e yōkoso.)
Eric: So how about this? Welcome to japanesepod101.com
Naomi: JapanesePod101.com へようこそ。(Japanīzupoddo ichi maru ichi dotto comu e yōkoso.)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: おすすめ (osusume)
Eric: おすすめ (osusume) translates to recommendation and can be used to ask someone’s recommendation for something. So for example,
Naomi: おすすめは何ですか。(Osusume wa nan desu ka.)
Eric: Literally what’s your recommendation or what do you recommend?
Naomi: Or you can say おすすめはありますか (osusume wa arimasu ka).
Eric: Literally do you have a recommendation.
Naomi: 次は文法です。(Tsugi wa bunpō desu.)
Eric: Let’s look at the grammar.

Lesson focus

Eric: So let’s continue learning useful phrases for restaurant going. In particular, let’s focus on phrases that can be used to really customize your order. In the dialogue, we had
Naomi: オニオン抜き。(Onion nuki.)
Eric: Hold the onions please.
Naomi: オニオン (onion)
Eric: Onion.
Naomi: 抜き (nuki)
Eric: Without. Without onions or no onions. So just say 抜き (nuki) after whatever it is you don’t want. So how do you say no pickles?
Naomi: ピクルス抜き (pikurusu nuki) or at the particle で (de) and ピクルス抜きで (pikurusu nuki de).
Eric: The particle で (de) indicates the condition. So to make this phrase more polite, you can add でください (de kudasai) or でお願いします (de onegai shimasu).
Naomi: ピクルス抜きでお願いします。ピクルス抜きでください。(Pikurusu nuki de onegai shimasu. Pikurusu nuki de kudasai.)
Eric: What’s the common phrase you hear in Sushi restaurants?
Naomi: わさび抜き (wasabi nuki)
Eric: Hold Wasabi. Okay, so time to practice. You go to a Sushi place. You know the fancy high tech ones with the spinning counter and then you sit at the counter seat and that chef asks you, what would you like to order?
Naomi: ご注文は?(Go-chūmon wa?)
Eric: So you ask for a recommendation.
Naomi: おすすめは?(Osusume wa?)
Eric: The chef recommends まぐろ (maguro), Tuna. So you decide to get that, but you don’t like Japanese horseradish very much. So you say
Naomi: まぐろ、わさび抜き、お願いします。(Maguro, wasabi nuki, onegai shimasu.)
Eric: Tuna no wasabi please.
Naomi: Of course you could say わさび抜きでお願いします (wasabi nuki de onegai shimasu).


Eric: You know Naomi-sensei, this reminds me of my first couple of months in Japan. I went to McDonald's right and I tried to get my burger with only lettuce and tomato and you know, not knowing what we just learned in this lesson, it turned into this huge ordeal, all right? This is a major disaster. I ended up frustrating the clerk and apparently getting a burger with only pickles or something in it. So yeah in this lesson, I am sure you averted many disasters. All right and with that, we are out.


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