
Vocabulary (Review)

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Eric: Lori’s Story Lesson 39. The Japanese that Might Score You a Date! In this lesson, you will learn how to invite someone to do something with you.
Naomi: For example... カラオケをしませんか。(Karaoke o shimasen ka.) Would you go to karaoke with me?
Eric: Yeah sure, let’s go but hey, let’s finish this episode first. Okay, this conversation takes place on the phone.
Naomi: 電話です。(Denwa desu.)
Eric: And the conversation is between
Naomi: リュウさんと静さん。(Ryū-san to Shizuka-san.)
Eric: The speakers will be using
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Eric: Let’s listen.
リュウ (Ryū) : もしもし、静さん。(Moshimoshi, Shizuka-san.)
静 (Shizuka) : はい。(Hai.)
リュウ (Ryū) : こんばんは。リュウです。(Konbanwa. Ryū desu.)
静 (Shizuka) : あ... こんばんは...。(A... konbanwa…)
リュウ (Ryū) : 電話番号、ありがとうございました。... はは。緊張しますね。あのぉ、明日、カラオケをしませんか。(Denwa bangō, arigatō gozaimashita. ...Haha. Kinchō shimasu ne. Anō, ashita, karaoke o shimasen ka.)
静 (Shizuka) : カラオケですか...。 うーん。(Karaoke desu ka... Ūn.)
リュウ (Ryū) : あ...。好きじゃないですか。じゃ、映画をみませんか。(A... Suki ja nai desu ka. Ja, eiga o mimasen ka.)
静 (Shizuka) : 映画ですか...。うーん。(Eiga desu ka... Ūn.)
リュウ (Ryū) : じゃ、とりあえず、明日、会いませんか。(Ja, toriaezu, ashita, aimasen ka.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
リュウ (Ryū) : もしもし、静さん。(Moshimoshi, Shizuka-san.)
静 (Shizuka) : はい。(Hai.)
リュウ (Ryū) : こんばんは。リュウです。(Konbanwa. Ryū desu.)
静 (Shizuka) : あ... こんばんは...。(A... konbanwa…)
リュウ (Ryū) : 電話番号、ありがとうございました。... はは。緊張しますね。あのぉ、明日、カラオケをしませんか。(Denwa bangō, arigatō gozaimashita. ...Haha. Kinchō shimasu ne. Anō, ashita, karaoke o shimasen ka.)
静 (Shizuka) : カラオケですか...。 うーん。(Karaoke desu ka... Ūn.)
リュウ (Ryū) : あ...。好きじゃないですか。じゃ、映画をみませんか。(A... Suki ja nai desu ka. Ja, eiga o mimasen ka.)
静 (Shizuka) : 映画ですか...。うーん。(Eiga desu ka... Ūn.)
リュウ (Ryū) : じゃ、とりあえず、明日、会いませんか。(Ja, toriaezu, ashita, aimasen ka.)
今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
リュウ (Ryū) : もしもし、静さん。(Moshimoshi, Shizuka-san.)
RYU : Hello, Shizuka?
静 (Shizuka) : はい。(Hai.)
リュウ (Ryū) : こんばんは。リュウです。(Konbanwa. Ryū desu.)
RYU : Good evening, it's Ryu.
静 (Shizuka) : あ... こんばんは...。(A... konbanwa…)
SHIZUKA : Oh... Hi...
リュウ (Ryū) : 電話番号、ありがとうございました。(Denwa bangō, arigatō gozaimashita.)
RYU : Thank you for your phone number.
リュウ (Ryū) : … はは。緊張しますね。(... Haha. Kinchō shimasu ne.)
RYU : ... Haha, this makes me kind of nervous.
リュウ (Ryū) : あのぉ、明日、カラオケをしませんか。(Anō, ashita, karaoke o shimasen ka.)
RYU : Um, will you go out to karaoke with me tomorrow?
静 (Shizuka) : カラオケですか...。 うーん。(Karaoke desu ka... Ūn.)
SHIZUKA : Karaoke? Well...
リュウ (Ryū) : あ...。好きじゃないですか。(A... Suki ja nai desu ka.)
RYU : Oh... You don’t like karaoke?
リュウ (Ryū) : じゃ、映画をみませんか。(Ja, eiga o mimasen ka.)
RYU : Ok, then how about a movie?
静 (Shizuka) : 映画ですか...。うーん。(Eiga desu ka... Ūn.)
SHIZUKA : A movie? Well...
リュウ (Ryū) : じゃ、とりあえず、明日、会いませんか。(Ja, toriaezu, ashita, aimasen ka.)
RYU : Alright, then will you just meet me tomorrow?
Eric: Wait, wait, wait a moment. Hold on, hold on. Didn’t we just find out in the last episode that this guy Ryu is Lori’s boyfriend?
Naomi: That’s right. Lori-san said, リュウさんは私の彼氏です (Ryū-san wa watashi no kareshi desu).
Eric: Ryu is my boyfriend and now he apparently decides that he needs some more action right in the form of his girl friend’s best friend.
Naomi: I don’t think Ryu knows that Lori is Shizuka’s friend.
Eric: Uhh he is going to get burned.
Naomi: どうなるでしょうね。(Dō naru deshō ne.) You will see what’s going to happen next.
Eric: Anyway, on to the vocabulary.
Naomi: 次は単語です。(Tsugi wa tango desu.)
Eric: The first word is
Naomi: もしもし (moshimoshi)
Eric: Hello on the phone.
Naomi: (slow) もしもし (moshimoshi) (natural speed) もしもし (moshimoshi)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 緊張する (kinchō suru)
Eric: To feel nervous.
Naomi: (slow) きんちょうする (kinchō suru) (natural speed) 緊張する (kinchō suru)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: カラオケ (karaoke)
Eric: Karaoke.
Naomi: (slow) カラオケ (karaoke) (natural speed) カラオケ (karaoke)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 映画 (eiga)
Eric: Movie, film.
Naomi: (slow) えいが (eiga) (natural speed) 映画 (eiga)
Eric: And last
Naomi: とりあえず (toriaezu)
Eric: For the time being, for now.
Naomi: (slow) とりあえず (toriaezu) (natural speed) とりあえず (toriaezu)
Eric: Hey Naomi-sensei, what was the first word in the vocabulary list?
Naomi: もしもし (moshimoshi)
Eric: Right. もしもし (moshimoshi) is the first thing you hear in a telephone conversation.
Naomi: もしもし。もしもし。(Moshimoshi. Moshimoshi.)
Eric: It’s also the first thing you say when you pick up the phone.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: And you know, you may hear it a couple of times during the call to confirm if the listener is still on the line.
Naomi: Are you still there? It is also used to attract someone’s attention either on a phone or in person, right Eric-san? エリックさん、もしもーし?もしもし?(Erikku-san, moshimōshi? Moshimoshi?)
Eric: Ah, ah. Right, right. Like that, you see? And it could be translated as hello or are you there or hellooo…. Are you listening? What’s the next word we want to look at?
Naomi: カラオケ (karaoke)
Eric: Karaoke. Pretty famous, right? All around the world but everybody says it a little differently. The actual real way to pronounce karaoke is
Naomi: カラオケ (karaoke)
Eric: Handle the pronunciation with care, all right. Make sure that the final ケ (ke) sounds like okay and not like the ki.
Naomi: カラオケ (karaoke)
Eric: And カラオケ (karaoke) is a noun. It becomes a verb when followed by をします (o shimasu) or します (shimasu) which means to do karaoke.
Naomi: カラオケをします (karaoke o shimasu) or カラオケします (karaoke shimasu). By the way, カラオケ (karaoke) means empty orchestra originally.
Eric: Wait, wait, wait, empty orchestra, that wouldn’t even mean music. That would mean silence, right?
Naomi: Orchestra without singing. カラ (kara) means empty, オケ (oke) is the orchestra in Japanese.
Eric: I can’t believe it. I never put that together, put 2 and 2 together. That makes total sense right like 空手 (karate).
Naomi: Ah…
Eric: The empty hand, right? Karate.
Naomi: あ~、そうそうそうそう。空手。じゃあ、エリックさんはカラオケをしますか。(Ā, sō sō sō sō. Karate. Jā, Erikku-san wa karaoke o shimasu ka.) Do you do karaoke?
Eric: 時々、しますよ。(Tokidoki, shimasu yo.) Yeah sometimes I do. なおみ先生はカラオケ、しますか。(Naomi-sensei wa karaoke, shimasu ka.)
Naomi: しませんね。(Shimasen ne.)
Eric: Naomi-sensei, we want to hear your crooning singing voice. All right, so the next episode is going to be a karaoke lesson. On to the grammar.
Naomi: 次は、文法です。(Tsugi wa, bunpō desu.)

Lesson focus

Eric: All right. Now let’s learn how to ask someone out using a negative question. What was that sentence in the dialogue?
Naomi: 明日、カラオケをしませんか。(Ashita, karaoke o shimasen ka.)
Eric: Literally, won’t you do karaoke tomorrow? Let’s break it down.
Naomi: 明日 (ashita)
Eric: Tomorrow.
Naomi: カラオケ (karaoke)
Eric: Karaoke.
Naomi: を (o)
Eric: Object marker.
Naomi: しません (shimasen)
Eric: Don’t do or won’t do.
Naomi: か (ka)
Eric: Question. It means won’t you go to karaoke tomorrow? But how does this work as an invitation, Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: しませんか (shimasen ka) works as an invitation. It’s like, will you or won’t you.
Eric: So in English, would it be the same as why don’t we go to karaoke tomorrow.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: So to sum it up, the formal negative form of a verb plus a question marking particle か (ka) expresses invitation but enough terminology. Let’s give some examples, right? What’s the Japanese word for to go?
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Eric: And the negative form of that don’t go or won’t go is
Naomi: 行きません (ikimasen)
Eric: So 行きませんか (ikimasen ka) means will you go or won’t you go or perhaps most fittingly, why don’t we go?
Naomi: そうですね、だから…。(Sō desu ne, dakara…) So. 映画に行きませんか。(Eiga ni ikimasen ka.)
Eric: Why don’t we go to a movie?
Naomi: パーティに行きませんか。(Pātī ni ikimasen ka.)
Eric: Why don’t we go to a party? Alright, so let’s practice with a different verb, the word to do.
Naomi: します (shimasu)
Eric: So how do you say, why don’t we do?
Naomi: しませんか (shimasen ka)
Eric: Why don’t we study Japanese?
Naomi: 日本語を勉強しませんか。(Nihon-go o benkyō shimasen ka.)
Eric: Why don’t we go on a date?
Naomi: デートしませんか。(Dēto shimasen ka.)
Eric: Why don’t we go to karaoke?
Naomi: カラオケをしませんか。じゃあエリックさん。(Karaoke o shimasen ka. Jā Erikku-san.) When you are asking someone out on a date, what would you say?
Eric: Probably... 明日、お茶しませんか。(Ashita, o-cha shimasen ka.)
Naomi: お茶しませんか。(O-cha shimasen ka.) That’s so classic.
Eric: What are you talking about? People still use that.
Naomi: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah we do, we do but….
Eric: You know with all my friends, they all use that. I use it like a couple of times a week.
Naomi: To the girls?
Eric: I use it a couple of times a day to everybody. Hey, like it’s a super useful phrase, don’t you think?
Naomi: Yeah I do. I agree.
Eric: Like what does お茶 (o-cha) mean?
Naomi: Tea.
Eric: Right, like green tea or just regular tea right but お茶しませんか (o-cha shimasen ka) implies going to a café to drink coffee or you know, to hang out and talk.
Naomi: そうそうそう。(Sō sō sō.) Hang out and talk って感じね (tte kanji ne).
Eric: Hey so I use it all the time, all right. Not just for dates, just to hang out with anybody.
Naomi: そうそうそう。お茶しませんか。いいフレーズですね。(Sō sō sō. O-cha shimasen ka. Ii furēzu desu ne.) I think that’s a good phrase to know.
Eric: Yeah, definitely use it.


Eric: I’ll see you guys next time.
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja, mata.)


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