
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Lori’s story, lesson 27. The most critical Japanese questions. In this lesson, you will learn how to ask if there is something nearby.
Naomi: And it’s a review lesson for phone numbers and addresses.
Eric: This conversation takes place at a university.
Naomi: 大学です。(Daigaku desu.)
Eric: There are two parts in today’s dialogue. In the first part, Mr. Mizuki and Lori are talking. Then in the second part, Mr. Mizuki is talking with an operator.
Naomi: 水木さん、ロリーさん、オペレーターさん、ですね。(Mizuki-san, Rorī-san, operētā-san, desu ne.)
Eric: And the speakers will be speaking in?
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Eric: All right, let’s listen to the conversation.
(ゴホッ) (goho)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 風邪ですか。(Kaze desu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ええ...。たぶん...。(ゴホッ)ううっ、寒い。近くに、病院、ありますか。(Ee... Tabun... (goho) Ū, samui. Chikaku ni, byōin, arimasu ka.)
(ピッポッパ) (pippoppa)
オペレーター (operētā) : はい。104 電話番号案内 です。(Hai. Ichi maru yon denwa bangō annai desu.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 月大学の 近くに 病院、ありますか。(Tsuki daigaku no chikaku ni byōin, arimasu ka.)
オペレーター (operētā) : 住所はどこですか。(Jūsho wa doko desu ka.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 東京都 赤坂 3-4-4です。(Tōkyō-to Akasaka san no yon no yon desu.)
オペレーター (operētā) : 3-4-5に 森病院が あります。(San no yon no go ni Mori byōin ga arimasu.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 電話番号は 何番ですか。(Denwa bangō wa nan-ban desu ka.)
オペレーター (operētā) : お待ちください。(O-machi kudasai.)
コンピューター (konpyūtā) : 電話番号は 0309876543 です。(Denwa bangō wa zero san zero kyū hachi nana roku go yon san desu.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 風邪ですか。(Kaze desu ka.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ええ...。たぶん。ううっ、寒い。近くに、病院、ありますか。(Ee... Tabun. Ū, samui. Chikaku ni, byōin, arimasu ka.)
オペレーター (operētā) : はい。104 電話番号案内 です。(Hai. Ichi maru yon denwa bangō annai desu.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 月大学の 近くに 病院、ありますか。(Tsuki daigaku no chikaku ni byōin, arimasu ka.)
オペレーター (operētā) : 住所はどこですか。(Jūsho wa doko desu ka.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 東京都 赤坂 3-4-4です。(Tōkyō-to Akasaka san no yon no yon desu.)
オペレーター (operētā) : 3-4-5に 森病院が あります。(San no yon no go ni Mori byōin ga arimasu.)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 電話番号は 何番ですか。(Denwa bangō wa nan-ban desu ka.)
オペレーター (operētā) : お待ちください。(O-machi kudasai.)
コンピューター (konpyūtā) : 電話番号は 0309876543 です。(Denwa bangō wa zero san zero kyū hachi nana roku go yon san desu.)
次は、英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
(ゴホッ) (goho)
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 風邪ですか。(Kaze desu ka.)
MIZUKI KAZUO: Do you have a cold?
ロリー (Rorī) : ええ...。たぶん...。(Ee... Tabun...)
LORI: Yeah, I think so…
ロリー (Rorī) : (ゴホッ)ううっ、寒い。近くに、病院、ありますか。((goho)Ū, samui. Chikaku ni, byōin, arimasu ka.)
LORI: (cough) Ugh, it's cold. Is there a hospital nearby?
(ピッポッパ) (pippoppa)
(dialing on a phone)
オペレーター (operētā) : はい。104 電話番号案内 です。(Hai. Ichi maru yon denwa bangō annai desu.)
OPERATOR: Yes, 104 directory assistance.
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 月大学の 近くに 病院、ありますか。(Tsuki daigaku no chikaku ni byōin, arimasu ka.)
MIZUKI KAZUO: Is there a hospital near Tsuki University?
オペレーター (operētā) : 住所はどこですか。(Jūsho wa doko desu ka.)
OPERATOR: What's your address?
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 東京都 赤坂 3-4-4です。(Tōkyō-to Akasaka san no yon no yon desu.)
MIZUKI KAZUO: 3-4-4 Akasaka, Tokyo.
オペレーター (operētā) : 3-4-5に 森病院が あります。(San no yon no go ni Mori byōin ga arimasu.)
OPERATOR: There is Mori hospital at 3-4-5 Akasaka.
水木一男 (Mizuki Kazuo) : 電話番号は 何番ですか。(Denwa bangō wa nan-ban desu ka.)
MIZUKI KAZUO: What's the phone number?
オペレーター (operētā) : お待ちください。(O-machi kudasai.)
OPERATOR: Please wait.
コンピューター (konpyūtā) : 電話番号は 0309876543 です。(Denwa bangō wa zero san zero kyū hachi nana roku go yon san desu.)
COMPUTER VOICE: The phone number is 0309876543.
Eric: Naomi-sensei, have you ever used this 104 service?
Naomi: Yes I have, many times.
Eric: Oh so you still use it?
Naomi: No, we have computers and cell phones. So you can access through the internet, right?
Eric: Right.
Naomi: So we don’t use it any more.
Eric: Yeah.
Naomi: I mean I don’t use it anymore.
Eric: Do people use it, do you know anyone who does?
Naomi: My mother does because she doesn’t use the internet.
Eric: Yeah, I had actually never heard of this service before this episode but you know even if you know the address, it’s pretty hard to find a place around here, isn’t it?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Because most streets in Japan, they don’t have regular traditional street names like they do in other countries.
Naomi: Right.
Eric: Like Sycamore Street.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Right.
Naomi: Only the main roads have street names in Japan.
Eric: Right and even then it’s pretty hard to find what you are looking for because you know what, Japanese cities are divided into blocks, right? It came up in the dialogue, what was it, 3-4-4 Akasaka, right?
Naomi: Right, 3の4の4 (san no yon no yon).
Eric: And they are divided by – by dashes right so that the first number in an address is that Block’s number and then the second number is, it’s a subdivision of that block but those subdivisions, they seem to be really arbitrarily numbered right, pretty random.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Doesn’t make any sense, you know. You know, 15 could be next to 26, it’s a jumble. So Naomi-sensei, personally what would you say is the easiest way to find an address?
Naomi: Google maps.
Eric: Oh. Shilling for Google, how about Yahoo maps?
Naomi: Yahoo maps is okay too.
Eric: No yeah they are all good but you know as long as you use one of those interactive online maps, that’s the best way to find a place.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Right. やっぱり (yappari) Japanese people also get lost, don’t they?
Naomi: はい。次は単語です。(Hai. Tsugi wa tango desu.)
Eric: On to the vocabulary.
Eric: The first word is
Naomi: 風邪 (kaze)
Eric: Cold.
Naomi: (slow) かぜ (kaze) (natural speed) 風邪 (kaze)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 多分 (tabun)
Eric: Perhaps, probably.
Naomi: (slow) たぶん (tabun) (natural speed) 多分 (tabun)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 近く (chikaku)
Eric: Near, nearby.
Naomi: (slow) ちかく (chikaku) (natural speed) 近く (chikaku)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 病院 (byōin)
Eric: Hospital.
Naomi: (slow) びょういん (byōin) (natural speed) 病院 (byōin)
Eric: And the last word is
Naomi: 案内 (annai)
Eric: Information, guidance.
Naomi: (slow) あんない (annai) (natural speed) 案内 (annai)
Eric: Let’s review how to ask someone’s address and phone number. So what’s address in Japanese?
Naomi: 住所 (jūsho)
Eric: And phone number?
Naomi: 電話番号 (denwa bangō)
Eric: Okay, so to ask an address or a phone number, we use something…
Naomi: は何ですか (wa nan desu ka)
Eric: Sentence pattern. All right, so…
Naomi: 住所は何ですか。(Jūsho wa nan desu ka.)
Eric: What’s your address?
Naomi: 電話番号は何ですか。(Denwa bangō wa nan desu ka.)
Eric: What’s your phone number or what’s the phone number?
Naomi: Or you can use お願いします (onegai shimasu) phrase. For example, 住所、お願いします (jūsho, onegai shimasu).
Eric: Oh it’s just like what we learned in lesson 1 of this season.
Naomi: そうですね。 電話番号、お願いします。(Sō desu ne. Denwa bangō, onegai shimasu.) Your phone number please.
Eric: But in this dialogue, these expressions are slightly different, aren’t they?
Naomi: Right. In the dialogue, 住所はどこですか (jūsho wa doko desu ka).
Eric: Right. Instead of 住所は何ですか (jūsho wa nan desu ka), they ask
Naomi: どこですか (doko desu ka)
Eric: Which is where is your address literally, right?
Naomi: Yeah.
Eric: And also what do they ask about the phone numbers?
Naomi: 電話番号は何番ですか。(Denwa bangō wa nan-ban desu ka.)
Eric: So literally what number is your phone number?
Naomi: Yeah if you translate into English, it sounds strange right but these are common expressions we use in our daily life. よく使います。住所はどこですか。(Yoku tsukaimasu. Jūsho wa doko desu ka.)
Eric: So how would you ask for the address of a university?
Naomi: 大学の住所 (daigaku no jūsho) is address of the university. So 大学の住所はどこですか (daigaku no jūsho wa doko desu ka) or 何ですか (nan desu ka).
Eric: And how about the phone number for Tokyo station?
Naomi: 東京駅の電話番号 (Tōkyō Eki no denwa bangō) is the phone number for Tokyo station, so... 東京駅の電話番号は何番ですか。(Tōkyō Eki no denwa bangō wa nan-ban desu ka.)
次は文法です。(Tsugi wa bunpō desu.)
Eric: On to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Eric: Today’s target phrase is
Naomi: 近くに病院ありますか (chikaku ni byōin arimasu ka)
Eric: Is there a hospital nearby? Okay, so let’s break down this sentence.
Naomi: 近く (chikaku)
Eric: Nearby.
Naomi: に (ni)
Eric: Particle indicates place.
Naomi: 病院 (byōin)
Eric: Hospital.
Naomi: あります (arimasu)
Eric: To exist.
Naomi: か (ka)
Eric: Question marking particle. So you say 近くに (chikaku ni) and then you put the name of the site or the place that you are looking for and then you add ありますか (arimasu ka) at the end. Is there such and such near here?
Naomi: 近くに such and such ありますか。(Chikaku ni “such and such” arimasu ka.)
Eric: So if you are looking for a restaurant.
Naomi: 近くにレストランありますか。(Chikaku ni resutoran arimasu ka.)
Eric: How about the bathroom? That’s important.
Naomi: 近くにトイレありますか。(Chikaku ni toire arimasu ka.)
Eric: How about the station?
Naomi: 近くに駅ありますか。(Chikaku ni eki arimasu ka). But in a real situation, I think you should start with すみません (sumimasen). すみません、近くにトイレ、ありますか。(Sumimasen, chikaku ni toire, arimasu ka.) And when you got the answer, maybe you have to say ありがとうございました (arigatō gozaimashita).
Eric: So best be polite, isn’t it?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: So time to practice, hey Naomi-sensei, are you hungry?
Naomi: もちろん。(Mochiron.) Of course.
Eric: Of course because hey, you don’t eat breakfast, don’t you?
Naomi: ね。(Ne.) No.
Eric: You know what, let’s try some place near though, all right. You know, we are on the street. On the sidewalk, let’s ask somebody for an いいレストラン (ii resutoran).
Naomi: 近くにいいレストランありますか。(Chikaku ni ii resutoran arimasu ka.)
Eric: That’s right we are looking for a good restaurant and they give you a huge list of many places around here, not even restaurants, even cafés and all that. You know, they tell you, you know, there is Starbucks around here, MacDonald’s, Pasta Pasta, there is Ramen Tantanmen, 紅虎 (Benitora), 餃子坊 (Gyōzabō), ココ壱番カレー (Koko Ichi-ban karē) and all that stuff.
Naomi: 近くにスターバックス、マクドナルド、パスタパスタ、ラーメン、ココイチ、ありますよ。(Chikaku ni Sutābakkusu, Makudonarudo, Pasutapasuta, rāmen, Kokoichi, arimasu yo.)
Eric: And then Naomi-sensei, you choose your favorite one.
Naomi: ココイチ。おいしいですよ。(Kokoichi. Oishii desu yo.)
Eric: CoCo-Ichiban Curry shop. Sweet, I love ココイチ (Kokoichi) too. So we decide to go to CoCo 壱番 (Koko Ichi-ban) but we don’t know where it is.
Naomi: すみません。Coco壱番の住所はどこですか。(Sumimasen. Koko Ichi-ban no jūsho wa doko desu ka.)
Eric: So we ask for the address of Coco壱番 (Koko Ichi-ban) but they don’t know.
Naomi: わかりません。(Wakarimasen.)
Eric: So we call 104 and we ask for the phone number of the ココイチ (Kokoichi) in Akasaka.
Naomi: 赤坂のCoco壱番の電話番号は何番ですか。(Akasaka no Koko Ichi-ban no denwa bangō wa nan-ban desu ka.)
Eric: They give us the number, we find the place and eat some delicious curry.
Naomi: 良かったですね。(Yokatta desu ne.) That’s good.
Eric: You know what, this practice really made me hungry. So let’s wrap this up and see if we can grab some CoCo 壱番 (Koko Ichi-ban).
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)


Eric: That does it for today. Okay, see you next time.
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja, mata.)


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