
Vocabulary (Review)

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Rebecca: Talk about your past in Japanese.
Naomi: Naomiです (desu)
Rebecca: Rebecca here.
Naomi: レベッカさん、お腹ぺこぺこですね。 (Rebekka-san, o-naka peko-peko desu ne.) I am starving.
Rebecca: Did you have lunch?
Naomi: No I didn’t. Did you have lunch?
Rebecca: Yes I did. If I don’t have lunch, I can’t concentrate.
Naomi: お腹ぺこぺこです。 (o-naka peko-peko desu.)
Rebecca: じゃあ、早く終わりましょう. ごめなさい、みなさん。 (Jā, hayaku owarimashou. Go me nasai, mina-san.) Sorry people, today’s lesson is going to be short because Naomi Sensei is hungry and we have to get it. No, no, no we are just joking. We’ve got a long lesson with lots of interesting stuff for you. Don’t worry. First we are going to look at the polite past negative. So how to say you didn’t do something in the past?
Naomi: そうですね。食べませんでした。 (Sō desu ne. Tabemasen deshita.)
Rebecca: I didn’t eat. Oh we are also going to practice saying お腹がいっぱい (o-naka ga ippai) which is the opposite of what poor Naomi Sensei is feeling at the moment.
Naomi: Ah, yeah.
Rebecca: o-naka がいっぱい (ga ippai) means my stomach is full. Okay so Naomi Sensei, today’s conversation, who is speaking?
Naomi: ファブリツィオさんと冬果のお父さんです. (Faburitsu~io-san to tōka no otōsan desu.) Fabrizio and Fuyuka’s father are talking.
Rebecca: Okay so we will be hearing polite Japanese. I am glad to hear that. I was hoping Fabrizio wouldn’t be rude and not use the right level of politeness. That’s good. And what are they talking about?
Naomi: They are talking about Udon.
Rebecca: Udon, okay, so noodles, Udon noodles. Okay, let’s listen to the dialogue.
(Arigatō gozaimashitā ! !)
ファブリツィオ: ふー、お腹がいっぱいです。一人、大体 三百円位でしたよ。本当に
Fabrizio: Fū, o-naka ga ippai desu. Hitori, daitai sanbyaku-en kurai deshita yo. Hontō ni yasui desu ne.
お父さん: ファブリツィオさんは 何を 食べましたか。
Father: Faburitsio-san wa nani o tabemashita ka.
ファブリツィオ: かけうどんを 食べました。
Fabrizio: Kake udon o tabemashita.
お父さん: 天ぷらは、食べましたか。
Father: Tempura wa, tabemashita ka.
ファブリツィオ: いえ、食べませんでした。
Fabrizio: Ie, tabemasen deshita.
お父さん: 何?天ぷらを食べませんでしたぁぁ??ど、ど、どうして。
Father: Nani? Tempura o tabemasen deshitaā? ? Do, do, dōshite.
Naomi: もう一度おねがいします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。 (Mōichido onegai shimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri onegaishimasu.)
(Arigatō gozaimashitā ! !)
ファブリツィオ: ふー、お腹がいっぱいです。一人、大体 三百円位でしたよ。本当に
Fabrizio: Fū, o-naka ga ippai desu. Hitori, daitai sanbyaku-en kurai deshita yo. Hontō ni yasui desu ne.
お父さん: ファブリツィオさんは 何を 食べましたか。
Father: Faburitsio-san wa nani o tabemashita ka.
ファブリツィオ: かけうどんを 食べました。
Fabrizio: Kake udon o tabemashita.
お父さん: 天ぷらは、食べましたか。
Father: Tempura wa, tabemashita ka.
ファブリツィオ: いえ、食べませんでした。
Fabrizio: Ie, tabemasen deshita.
お父さん: 何?天ぷらを食べませんでしたぁぁ??ど、ど、どうして。
Father: Nani? Tempura o tabemasen deshitaā? ? Do, do, dōshite.
Naomi: 今度は英語が入ります。 (Kondo wa eigo ga hairimasu.)
Arigatō gozaimashitā ! !
(thank you for coming!!)
(opening a door)
ファブリツィオ: ふー、お腹がいっぱいです。一人、大体 三百円位でしたよ。本当に
Fabrizio: Fū, o-naka ga ippai desu. Hitori, daitai sanbyaku-en kurai deshita yo. Hontō ni yasui desu ne.
FABRIZIO: Oh, I’m stuffed. It was about three hundred yen each. It’s really
お父さん: ファブリツィオさんは 何を 食べましたか。
Father: Faburitsio-san wa nani o tabemashita ka.
FATHER: Fabrizio, what did you eat?
ファブリツィオ: かけうどんを 食べました。
Fabrizio: Kake udon o tabemashita.
FABRIZIO: I ate Kake-udon.
お父さん: 天ぷらは、食べましたか。
Father: Tempura wa, tabemashita ka.
FATHER: Did you eat tempura?
ファブリツィオ: いえ、食べませんでした。
Fabrizio: Ie, tabemasen deshita.
FABRIZIO: No, I didn’t eat it.
お父さん: 何?天ぷらを食べませんでしたぁぁ??ど、ど、どうして。
Father: Nani? Tempura o tabemasen deshitaā? ? Do, do, dōshite.
FATHER: What? You didn’t eat tempura?? W-W-Why?
Naomi: レベッカさん、香川にたくさんうどん屋があります。 (Rebekka-san, Kagawa ni takusan udon-ya ga arimasu.) I have heard there are more Udon noodle place than convenient store in Kagawa Prefecture.
Rebecca: Really where is Kagawa Prefecture?
Naomi: Sorry they are in Kagawa Prefecture.
Rebecca: Okay.
Naomi: They are in Takamatsu city.
Rebecca: Okay. I knew that.
Naomi: Yeah. Takamatsu is in the capital city of Kagawa Prefecture.
Rebecca: Okay.
Naomi: I think.
Rebecca: And Udon is like their local dish. Everybody eats Udon.
Naomi: Okay. そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) And there is a Japanese movie called Udon.
Rebecca: Yeah I checked it out. It looks quite funny. I haven’t seen the movie though.
Naomi: Me neither.
Rebecca: I think it’s a comedy right about some guy who wants to be a comedian and his dad is a really stubborn chef who owns his own Udon shop or something. That’s what it said on the internet really.
Naomi: そうです。 (Sō desu.)
Rebecca: Right I checked it out.
Naomi: そうですそうです。 (Sō desu sō desu.) Yeah I haven’t seen the movie yet but the story is not the best one but the Udon dish looks so delicious on the movie, movie preview.
Rebecca: Okay so maybe if any of our listeners want to get an idea of how people feel about Udon especially in Kagawa Prefecture. Is it set in Shikoku, where is it?
Naomi: そうです。 (Sō desu.) Shikoku.
Rebecca: Okay so yeah if any of our listeners want to check out what Udon culture is like in Shikoku, I guess it would be a good movie to check out.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) I will post the address on the comment page.
Rebecca: Okay thank you. Let’s have a look at today’s vocabulary.
Rebecca:The first item is.
Naomi: 一杯 (ippai)
Rebecca: Full or fullness.
Naomi: (slow) いっぱい (ippai) (natural speed) 一杯 (ippai)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 一人 (hitori)
Rebecca: One person.
Naomi: (slow) ひとり (hitori) (natural speed) 一人 (hitori)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 大体 (daitai)
Rebecca: About, almost, approximately.
Naomi: (slow) だいたい (daitai) (natural speed) 大体 (daitai)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: くらい (kurai)
Rebecca: Approximately, about, almost.
Naomi: (slow) くらい (kurai) (natural speed) くらい (kurai)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: かけうどん (kake udon)
Rebecca: Noodles in broth.
Naomi: (slow) かけうどん (kake udon) (natural speed) かけうどん (kake udon)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: 天ぷら (Tempura)
Rebecca: Tempura, deep fried fish and vegetables in a light batter.
Naomi: (slow) てんぷら (Tempura) (natural speed) 天ぷら (Tempura)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: どうして (dōshite)
Rebecca: Why, for what reason, how?
Naomi: (slow) どうして (dōshite) (natural speed) どうして (dōshite)
Rebecca: Okay so the first sentence we are going to look at from today’s dialogue is
Naomi: お腹がいっぱいです (o-naka ga ippai desu)
Rebecca: I am full.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) The topic of the sentence is dropped. So originally there is 私 (watashi) and は (wa).
Rebecca: Okay so it would have said
Naomi: 私はお腹がいっぱいです。 (Watashi wa o-naka ga ippai desu.)
Rebecca: Okay and breaking down the elements that make up this sentence, we have
Naomi: お腹 (o-naka)
Rebecca: Meaning stomach.
Naomi: が (ga)
Rebecca: Subject marker.
Naomi: 一杯 (ippai)
Rebecca: Fullness or full.
Naomi: です (desu)
Rebecca: Copular.
Naomi: お腹がいっぱいです (o-naka ga ippai desu)
Rebecca: My stomach is full.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: I am full and I think there is another way to say this.
Naomi: Oh yes お腹がパンパンです (o-nakaga panpan desu).
Rebecca: My stomach is full to bursting. I am full to bursting.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) パンパン (panpan) is an onomatopoeia ですね (desu ne).
Rebecca: Meaning like about to explode. Right it’s full and puffed up or something.
Naomi: そうですそうです (sō desu sō desu)
Rebecca: Okay, okay.
Naomi: お腹がパンパンです。 (o-nakaga panpan desu.)
Rebecca: We already learned お腹がペコペコ (o-naka ga peko-peko) So this in a way, my stomach is really hungry it means okay. So now you can say, I am really hungry or I am really full in casual Japanese.
Naomi: お腹がペコペコです。お腹がパンパンです。 (o-naka ga peko-peko desu. o-naka ga panpan desu.)
Rebecca: Okay you are saying that with this. Does that mean that ぺこぺこ (peko-peko) and ぱんぱん (panpan) you could use in a polite situation, would you have to be careful how you use it? Are people going to laugh you know in a really formal situation.
Naomi: お腹ぺこぺこです (o-naka peko-peko desu)
Rebecca: And even though you’ve got the です (desu) there, that’s a polite expression but ぺこぺこ (peko-peko) itself or ぱんぱん (panpan).
Naomi: そうね。 (Sō ne.) In a super polite situation, you can’t use ぺこぺこ (peko-peko) nor ぱんぱん (panpan). For example, you can’t use them to the president of the company or the prime minister.
Rebecca: Okay right. So just you can use です (desu). You can put a です (desu) on the end and use it to say host mother. Would that be okay?
Naomi: Yeah.
Rebecca: Alright.
Naomi: Or to your senior colleagues if the person is close to you.
Rebecca: I see alright. Now let’s have a look at one more phrase. It was
Naomi: 大体300円ぐらい (Daitai 300-en gurai)
Rebecca: It’s about ¥300 and to have a closer look at the elements in this sentence, we find that the first element is.
Naomi: 大体 (daitai)
Rebecca: Approximately.
Naomi: 300円 (300-En)
Rebecca: ¥300.
Naomi: ぐらい (gurai)
Rebecca: Which means approximately. So 大体 (daitai) and くらい (kurai) or ぐらい (gurai) have the same meaning right?
Naomi: はい (hai)
Rebecca: But the difference is the way that they are used. 大体 (Daitai) proceeds the quantity or extent. So in this case it’s coming before ¥300 whereas くらい (kurai) follows the quantity or the amount. So it’s coming after the ¥300 and they are often used together. Is that right?
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) You can also use them by themselves.
Rebecca: So you mean you could say 大体300円 (Daitai 300-en).
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: Okay or 300円ぐらい (300-En gurai).
Naomi: And くらい (kurai) or ぐらい (gurai) it doesn’t really matter.
Rebecca: Is there some rule?
Naomi: ぐらい (Gurai) is preceded by amount of something. The 漢字 (hànzì) has to be read as ぐらい (gurai), not くらい. (kurai.)
Rebecca: Rather than くらい (kurai) okay.
Naomi: But that’s just strictly speaking. So in a cultural situation, くらい、ぐらい (kurai, gurai) doesn’t really matter.
Rebecca: And it’s hard to pick up the difference any way between ku and gu.
Naomi: そうです。 (Sō desu.)
Rebecca: Alright. Let’s look at one more sentence using くらい (kurai) and 大体 (daitai).
Naomi: 1ドルは大体100円ぐらいです。 (1-doru wa daitai 100-en gurai desu.)
Rebecca: One dollar is about ¥100.
Naomi: What about Australian dollar?
Rebecca: Yeah well it’s been up and down. I think at the moment, it’s about I don’t know $96 but I am not sure.
Naomi: じゃあ、大体100円ぐらいですね。 (Jā, daitai 100-en gurai desu ne.)
Rebecca: Yeah it’s about ¥100 .

Lesson focus

Rebecca: Well today’s grammar point is the past tense of verbs both affirmative and negative. So saying you didn’t do something and you didn’t do something.
Naomi: We are also going to take a look at noun sentences.
Rebecca: So using です (desu)
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: Now let’s have a look at today’s target grammar sentences. Could you read us the first sentence please Naomi Sensei.
Naomi: 天ぷらを食べませんでした。 (Tempura o tabemasen deshita.)
Rebecca: I didn’t eat Tempura. Now you can hear the 食べませんでした (tabemasen deshita). This is a new structure and that’s going to be one of the grammar focus points today. Now the other grammar sentence we will be looking at is
Naomi: うどんは300円でした (Udon wa 300-en deshita)
Rebecca: This is also a new structure for us. This sentence - the Udon was ¥300 is a noun sentence and it’s in the past form, the polite past form and we will be looking at that later on in the grammar section. Okay so first let’s have a look at how to put verbs in the negative, past, polite form. So that’s how to say I didn’t do something in the past and to say it formally. Okay so if you remember from previous lessons, we know how to put ます (masu) verbs in a negative form, non-polite, negative. Can you give us some examples please Naomi Sensei.
Naomi: はい。します (Hai. Shimasu)
Rebecca: Becomes
Naomi: しません (shimasen)
Rebecca: Okay so します (shimasu) as you know is to do and しません (shimasen) is to not do okay. We have just a couple more examples please.
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Rebecca: To go.
Naomi: 行きません (ikimasen)
Rebecca: To not go. One more.
Naomi: 来ます (kimasu)
Rebecca: To come.
Naomi: 来ません (kimasen)
Rebecca: To not come. Okay also in Style You and Beyond 8, we looked at how to put ます (masu) Verbs in a polite past tense. So can we have some examples of those please Naomi Sensei?
Naomi: します (shimasu)
Rebecca: Do.
Naomi: しました (shimashita)
Rebecca: Did.
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Rebecca: Go.
Naomi: 行きました (ikimashita)
Rebecca: Went.
Naomi: 来ます (kimasu)
Rebecca: Come.
Naomi: 来ました (kimashita)
Rebecca: Came. Okay so you get the picture. All right. Now let’s look at how to say you didn’t do something or you didn’t go or you didn’t come. So can we have an example please Naomi Sensei.
Naomi: します (shimasu)
Rebecca: Do.
Naomi: しませんでした (shimasen deshita)
Rebecca: Didn’t do. Okay, what about go?
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Rebecca: And that becomes
Naomi:行きませんでした (ikimasen deshita)
Rebecca: Didn’t go.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: So you can hear that the polite negative past is actually a combination of ません (masen) and でした (deshita). So 行きません (ikimasen) is to not go and didn’t go is 行きませんでした ((ikimasen deshita). You just put a でした (deshita) on the end.
Naomi: そうです。ませんでした (Sō desu.Masen deshita)
Rebecca: So our example sentence was
Naomi: 私は天ぷらを食べませんでした。 (Watashi wa Tempura o tabemasen deshita.)
Rebecca: I didn’t eat Tempura. So I don’t eat Tempura would be 私は天ぷらを食べません (watashi wa Tempura o tabemasen) but I didn’t eat Tempura is 私は天ぷらを食べませんでした (watashi wa Tempura o tabemasen deshita)
Naomi: そうです。 (Sō desu.)
Rebecca: Is that right?
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: Okay. Can you give us one more example sentence please Naomi Sensei.
Naomi: 肉を食べませんでした。 (Niku o tabemasen deshita.)
Rebecca: Didn’t eat meat. I didn’t eat meat.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: Okay so and putting this in the question form, for example, how would we say, did you eat meat?
Naomi: あなたは、肉を食べましたか。 (Anata wa, niku o tabemashita ka.)
Rebecca: Okay so did you eat meat and then you would reply.
Naomi: はい、食べました。 (Hai, tabemashita.)
Rebecca: Or if we are doing negative, it would be..
Naomi: いいえ、食べませんでした (Īe, tabemasen deshita)
Rebecca: Now let’s have a look at noun sentences and putting them in their polite past form. So our example sentence which we mentioned earlier was the Udon was $300 which in Japanese is.
Naomi: うどんは300円でした。 (Udon wa 300-en deshita.)
Rebecca: Right. So if we were just going to say the Udon is ¥300 it would be.
Naomi: うどんは300円です。 (Udon wa 300-en desu.)
Rebecca: Okay so putting it in the past tense, what changes is the です (desu) on the end. It becomes
Naomi: でした (deshita)
Rebecca: This is pretty simple. So for example, if we were going to say$1 is ¥100, we would say.
Naomi: 1ドルは100円です。 (1-doru wa 100-en desu.)
Rebecca: Okay that’s roughly the current rate but was there a time I think when $1 was worth a lot more yen.
Naomi: はい、360円かな。¥360. (Hai, 360-en ka na. 360-en.)
Rebecca: Okay so how would we say the dollar was worth ¥360 was being the past tense?
Naomi: 1ドルは360円でした。 (1-doru wa 360-en deshita.)
Rebecca: Okay so you can hear there that the です (desu) is becoming でした (deshita) to indicate past tense and this is polite past tense. All right. Let’s look at just a couple more noun sentences in the polite past form.
Naomi: ケネディーは、アメリカ人でした。 (Kenedī wa, Amerika-jin deshita.)
Rebecca: Kennedy you mean JFK?
Naomi: Yeah. I guess so.
Rebecca: Yeah so JFK was an American.
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.) Since he has already passed away, I used でした (deshita).
Rebecca: Okay, so if you were talking about President Bush, you would say.
Naomi: ブッシュはアメリカ人でs。 (Busshu wa Amerika-jin desu.)
Rebecca: Okay so I think you probably get the picture now. It’s just the difference between です (desu) and でした (deshita). That’s all that changes in the sentence if you are indicating present or non-past or past because non-past is です (desu) and past is でした (deshita). It’s easy to put these kinds of questions, these past, noun, polite sentences into a question form because all you have to do is add Ka. So for example, if you want to say, was this ¥100, you would say
Naomi: これは100円でしたか。 (Kore wa 100-en deshita ka.)
Rebecca: Yep as you can hear the Ka there and how would we ask how much was this?
Naomi: Change 100円 (100-En) to いくら (ikura). これは、いくらでしたか。 (Kore wa, ikura deshita ka.)
Rebecca: How much was this. So it’s pretty easy just add a Ka.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: That’s pretty much what you do all the time isn’t it with a question.
Naomi: Yes.
Rebecca: Every time in Japanese it’s the same. Isn’t it. Affirmative and then you add a ka and it becomes a question.
Naomi: Yeah, if you are talking in polite language, yes.
Rebecca: Okay. Alright, so well, we will do with non-polite another time but for now, okay, so in polite form, just remember, add a ka and that makes it a question.
Naomi: そうですね。レベッカさん、今日朝ごはんを食べましたか。 (Sō desu ne. Rebekka-san, kyō asagohan o tabemashita ka.)
Rebecca: はい、食べました (Hai, tabemashita)
Naomi:何を食べましたか。 (Nani o tabemashita ka.)
Rebecca:シリアルを食べました。 (Shiriaru o tabemashita.)
Naomi: シリアル、シリアル。いいですね。私もシリアル好きです。 (Shiriaru, shiriaru. Ii desu ne. Watashi mo shiriaru suki desu.)
Rebecca:なおみ先生は、朝ごはん食べましたか。 (Naomi sensei wa, asagohan tabemashita ka.)
Naomi:いいえ、食べませんでした。 (Iie, tabemasen deshita.)
Rebecca:You never eat breakfast, do you?
Naomi: No, never.
Rebecca: Too busy.
Naomi: Too lazy to get up early.
Rebecca: Okay.
Naomi: Sleeping is more important than eating breakfast.
Rebecca: Okay, yeah. Well I wish I could do that but I can’t function without breakfast.
Naomi: So, Rebecca さんは、いつもレベッカさんは、いつも朝ごはんを食べますか (san wa, itsumo Rebekka-san wa, itsumo asagohan o tabemasu ka).
Rebecca: はい、いつも食べます。 (Hai, itsumo tabemasu.)
Naomi: いつも? (Itsumo?)
Rebecca:いつも、必ず。 (Itsumo, kanarazu.)
Naomi:すごい。みなさんは、朝ごはんを食べましたか。何を食べましたか。 (Sugoi. Mina-san wa, asagohan o tabemashita ka. Nani o tabemashita ka.)


Rebecca: We will see you next week.
Naomi:じゃあまた。 (Jā mata.)
(Arigatō gozaimashitā ! !)
ファブリツィオ: ふー、お腹がいっぱいです。一人、大体 三百円位でしたよ。本当に
Fabrizio: Fū, o-naka ga ippai desu. Hitori, daitai sanbyaku-en kurai deshita yo. Hontō ni yasui desu ne.
お父さん: ファブリツィオさんは 何を 食べましたか。
Father: Faburitsio-san wa nani o tabemashita ka.
ファブリツィオ: かけうどんを 食べました。
Fabrizio: Kake udon o tabemashita.
お父さん: 天ぷらは、食べましたか。
Father: Tempura wa, tabemashita ka.
ファブリツィオ: いえ、食べませんでした。
Fabrizio: Ie, tabemasen deshita.
お父さん: 何?天ぷらを食べませんでしたぁぁ??ど、ど、どうして。
Father: Nani? Tempura o tabemasen deshitaā? ? Do, do, dōshite.


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