
Vocabulary (Review)

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Jessi: Are You in Control of Your Possessions in Japan?
Naomi: ナオミです。(Naomi desu.)
Akihiro: アキヒロです。(Akihiro desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Naomi-sensei, today we have a great lesson.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: What are we talking about today?
Naomi: 今日は (kyō wa), we are going to talk about 忘れ物 (wasuremono).
Peter: Something forgotten or something lost. Now in addition, we will be talking about possessives. This will really help you expand your range of Japanese because you will be able to talk about your things and other people’s things. So today it is going to be a really good lesson. Now today’s conversation is between who?
Naomi: 男 (otoko)
Peter: A man.
Naomi: 女 (onna)
Peter: And a woman.
Naomi: And ファブリツィオ (Faburitsio).
Peter: And Fabrizio, yes.
Akihiro: Which ones? ファブリツィオ、男、女?(Faburitsio, otoko, onna?)
Naomi: 違います、男と (chigaimasu, otoko to), と (to) means and. 男と女と (otoko to onna to) and ファブリツィオ (Faburitsio), 三人です (san-nin desu).
Akihiro: So Fabrizio doesn’t – can’t be categorized?
Peter: Yeah, I think well let me try to clear this up. We have….
Akihiro: I get confused.
Peter: Yeah, it’s quite a confusing scenario here. We have all of the participants on the train pulling into Tokyo. Conversation will start with the announcer announcing well, where they are approaching. Then everyone gets off the train where they are going to get off the train but that’s when all this happens. So the conversation is kind of between a man and a woman and then Fabrizio who is a guy shows up at the end interjects. So let’s see if everyone else can understand or if we can also understand and be sure to stop by. I heard in the bonus track. In addition to that bonus track that allows you to practice, there is another bonus track where the voice actor has gotten a little bit wild. So you may really want to check this out. Okay, with that said, here we go.
アナウンス (anaunsu) : 次は東京ー。東京ー。(Tsugi wa Tōkyō. Tōkyō.)
男 (otoko) : あ・・・すみません!忘れ物です!傘!(A... sumimasen! Wasuremono desu! Kasa!)
女 (onna) : いいえ、ちがいます。私の傘じゃないです。(Iie, chigaimasu. Watashi no kasa ja nai desu.)
男 (otoko) : じゃ、誰の傘ですか。(Ja, dare no kasa desu ka.)
ファブリツィオ (Faburitsio) : あ、私のです!私の傘です!すみません。ありがとうございます。(A, watashi no desu! Watashi no kasa desu! Sumimasen. Arigatō gozaimasu.)
もう一度お願いします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
アナウンス (anaunsu) : 次は東京ー。東京ー。(Tsugi wa Tōkyō. Tōkyō.)
男 (otoko) : あ・・・すみません!忘れ物です!傘!(A... sumimasen! Wasuremono desu! Kasa!)
女 (onna) : いいえ、ちがいます。私の傘じゃないです。(Iie, chigaimasu. Watashi no kasa ja nai desu.)
男 (otoko) : じゃ、誰の傘ですか。(Ja, dare no kasa desu ka.)
ファブリツィオ (Faburitsio) : あ、私のです!私の傘です!すみません。ありがとうございます。(A, watashi no desu! Watashi no kasa desu! Sumimasen. Arigatō gozaimasu.)
次は、英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
アナウンス(anaunsu) : 次は東京ー。東京ー。(Tsugi wa Tōkyō. Tōkyō.)
TRAIN ANNOUNCEMENT: The next station is Tokyo.
男 (otoko) : あ・・・すみません!忘れ物です!傘!(A... sumimasen! Wasuremono desu! Kasa!)
MAN: Oh, excuse me. You forgot something! Your umbrella!
女 (onna) : いいえ、ちがいます。私の傘じゃないです。(Iie, chigaimasu. Watashi no kasa ja nai desu.)
WOMAN: No. It's not my umbrella.
男 (otoko) : じゃ、誰の傘ですか。(Ja, dare no kasa desu ka.)
MAN: Whose umbrella is it then?
ファブリツィオ (Faburitsio) : あ、私のです!私の傘です!すみません。ありがとうございます。(A, watashi no desu! Watashi no kasa desu! Sumimasen. Arigatō gozaimasu.)
FABRIZIO: Oh, It's mine. It's my umbrella. Thank you so much.
Peter: Okay Naomi-sensei, what did you think of today’s lesson?
Naomi: 今日のレッスンは便利ですね。(Kyō no ressun wa benri desu ne.) We have a little useful vocabulary words in it.
Peter: Yeah, I definitely agree and as we have so much to cover, I think we should jump right in and again, we want to stress, listen for the pitch tone because at the end of the course, we will give you the pitch tone but try to get it on your own. Okay, so start us off, Akihiro-san.
Akihiro: 次 (tsugi)
Peter: Next.
Akihiro: (slow) つぎ (tsugi) (natural speed) 次 (tsugi)
Peter: So this is high low.
Naomi: (slow) 次 (tsugi) (natural speed) 次 (tsugi)
Peter: So it’s just the opposite.
Naomi: Yeah, low high.
Peter: Low high. Okay, getting Akihiro’s pitch accent is going to be a challenge for the next few lessons.
Akihiro: 次 (tsugi)
Peter: 次 (tsugi). Okay, next we have
Naomi: 東京 (Tōkyō)
Peter: Tokyo.
Naomi: (slow) とうきょう (Tōkyō) (natural speed) 東京 (Tōkyō)
Peter: So we have rising and then staying high.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: Yeah, and for everyone out there, it’s not Tokyo.
Naomi: そうね、トキオじゃなくて、東京。(Sō ne, Tokio ja nakute, Tōkyō.)
Peter: Yeah, both are long vowels, 東京 (Tōkyō).
Naomi: そうです。(Sō desu.)
Peter: But it is just so natural for at least English native speakers say Tokyo. Then we have
Akihiro: 忘れ物 (wasuremono)
Peter: Something forgotten, something lost.
Akihiro: (slow) わすれもの (wasuremono) (natural speed) 忘れ物 (wasuremono)
Peter: See it sounds again starting high and going low, but I think it’s the opposite, isn’t it?
Naomi: (slow) わすれもの (wasuremono)
Peter: So it’s flat across.
Naomi: 忘れ物 (wasuremono) starts low and stays high.
Peter: Yeah, that’s what I said yeah, but when I hear Akihiro-san say it, it seems like he is going from high to low but….
Naomi: あ、本当?(A, hontō?)
Peter: But it’s really in reality low to high.
Naomi: そうです。(Sō desu.)
Akihiro: 忘れ物 (wasuremono)
Naomi: そうです。(Sō desu.)
Peter: Yeah, it’s kind of rising…And this is a combination of a verb and a noun. Now the verb, the root verb here in this word 忘れ物 (wasuremono) is 忘れる (wasureru) which is to forget. Just break that down for us.
Naomi: (slow) わすれる (wasureru) (natural speed) 忘れる (wasureru)
Peter: Now we drop the final る (ru) and we take
Naomi: 忘れ (wasure)
Peter: And we add to that
Naomi: 物 (mono)
Peter: So to forget thing, forgotten thing means something you lost or something you forgot.
Naomi: ピーターさん、必要ですね。(Pītā-san, hitsuyō desu ne.) We need these vocabulary words.
Peter: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.) Yes, I actually really do and the place where you go to get the 忘れ物 (wasuremono) is
Naomi: That’s a very difficult word.
Peter: Try us. What you got?
Naomi: 遺失物拾得所 (ishitsubutsu shūtokujo)
Peter: Okay, you are right but can you give it to us nice and slow?
Naomi: (slow)いしつぶつしゅうとくじょ (ishitsubutsu shūtokujo)
Peter: And one more time by syllable?
Naomi: (slow) いしつぶつしゅうとくじょ (ishitsubutsu shūtokujo) (natural speed) 遺失物拾得所 (ishitsubutsu shūtokujo)
Peter: Lost and found. That’s a very nice word.
Naomi: Or 忘れ物センター (wasuremono sentā)
Akihiro: 遺失物 (ishitsubutsu) is a difficult way to say 忘れ物 (wasuremono). So 忘れ物 (wasuremono) will do.
Peter: センター (sentā), interesting. Then we have
Naomi: 私 (watashi)
Peter: I or me, personal pronoun.
Naomi: (slow) わたし (watashi) (natural speed) 私 (watashi)
Peter: This is followed by
Akihiro: 私の (watashi no)
Peter: My or mine. This is the possessive.
Akihiro: (slow) わたしの (watashi no) (natural speed) 私の (watashi no)
Peter: And you take the personal pronoun for I or me. You follow it with の (no). This makes it possessive. So whatever follows that is yours. So for example, in the previous lesson or in this lesson, we talked about umbrella, which is
Naomi: 傘 (kasa)
Peter: So my umbrella is
Naomi: 私の傘 (watashi no kasa)
Peter: My umbrella. Okay, now I just want to stop here and I just want to go back for a second the pitch accent. What was the pitch accent on 私 (watashi)?
Naomi: (slow) わたし (watashi), starts low and stays high.
Peter: 私 (watashi)
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: Okay, then we have
Naomi: 誰 (dare)
Peter: Interrogative for who.
Naomi: (slow) だれ (dare) (natural speed) 誰 (dare)
Peter: Now this is followed by
Akihiro: 誰の (dare no)
Peter: Whose.
Akihiro: (slow) だれの (dare no) (natural speed) 誰の (dare no)
Peter: Again we follow – when we follow this interrogative with の (no), it becomes possessive
Naomi: Whose.
Akihiro: Whose.
Peter: And for umbrella, whose umbrella, we would say
Naomi: 誰の傘 (dare no kasa)

Lesson focus

Peter: Okay. So now let’s take a look at the conversation. So we start the conversation off with the announcer.
Naomi: 次は東京ー。東京ー。(Tsugi wa Tōkyō. Tōkyō.)
Peter: Ah you sound just like one of them. Very nice acting. Literally next Tokyo, Tokyo. So and first we have here
Naomi: 次 (tsugi)
Peter: Next, followed by
Naomi: は (wa)
Peter: Topic marking particle, followed by
Naomi: 東京 (Tōkyō)
Peter: Tokyo. Next Tokyo and the rest can be inferred. The next stop is Tokyo because we are on the train. Next stop Tokyo. So if the next stop was Kyoto, we would have
Naomi: 次は京都。(Tsugi wa Kyōto.)
Peter: Osaka?
Naomi: 次は大阪。(Tsugi wa Ōsaka.)
Peter: Okay, and if you are riding on the train, you will hear this over and over for every stop. This is followed by
Akihiro: あ・・・すみません!忘れ物です!傘!(A... sumimasen! Wasuremono desu! Kasa!)
Peter: So here a male passenger finds an umbrella and he thinks – mistakenly thinks it’s the female in front of him that it is her umbrella. So he goes after her and あ、すみません (a, sumimasen) excuse me, followed by
Akihiro: 忘れ物です (wasuremono desu)
Peter: You forgot something but literally forgotten something is – That’s what it literally means but you forgot something is how we translate it and finally we have
Akihiro: 傘 (kasa)
Peter: Umbrella. You forgot something, an umbrella. The female speaker hears him, turns around to acknowledge and says
Naomi: いいえ、違います。(Iie, chigaimasu.)
Peter: No it’s not mine. Literally though we have no which is
Naomi: いいえ (iie)
Peter: Followed by
Naomi: 違います (chigaimasu)
Peter: Which means it’s different. So literally, no it’s different but we translate this as no it’s not mine because it’s different is it’s not my umbrella. So it’s a different person’s. So that’s how we get the translation. It’s not mine but literally it means no it’s different. Now this 違います (chigaimasu) is usually used by the speaker when someone makes a mistake about something. This is followed by
Naomi: 私の傘じゃないです。(Watashi no kasa ja nai desu.)
Peter: It’s not my umbrella. So here we have the possessive. Here we have a couple of interesting things going on. Let’s start with the beginning of the sentence. First we have.
Naomi: 私 (watashi)
Peter: I.
Naomi: の (no)
Peter: This makes it possessive. So now it's my.
Naomi: 傘 (kasa)
Peter: Umbrella. My umbrella.
Naomi: じゃない (ja nai)
Peter: Isn’t.
Naomi: です (desu)
Peter: And here the です (desu) is making this sentence polite. It’s not acting as the copula. And you will find this when we get further and further into Japanese. Sometimes です (desu) can be used just to increase the politeness level. These two people don’t know each other. So the Japanese spoken between them will be very polite. What’s acting as the verb here is the じゃない (ja nai), which is actually a contraction of
Naomi: ではありません (de wa arimasen)
Peter: So if you saw this in a textbook, you would see instead of じゃないです (ja nai desu).
Naomi: ではありません (de wa arimasen)
Peter: So the sentence would look like
Naomi: 私の傘ではありません。(Watashi no kasa de wa arimasen.)
Peter: It’s not my umbrella but in spoken Japanese, the ではありません (de wa arimasen) usually gets shortened to
Naomi: ではないです (de wa nai desu)
Peter: And では (de wa) stays the same but ありません (arimasen) gets contracted to ない (nai) and then the です (desu) is added for politeness.
Naomi: I think we covered this grammar point in lesson 2. I mean Nihongo Dojo Lesson 2.
Peter: Yeah, but it’s good to go over because this concept is kind of foreigner at first. So to sum everything up, in your classroom, if you have a noun, you can use じゃないです (ja nai desu) and it’s just as polite as saying ではありません (de wa arimasen) and in fact that’s even more natural to say it this way. Okay, then we have
Akihiro: じゃ、誰のですか。(Ja, dare no desu ka.)
Peter: Hmm whose is it? We have whose 誰の (dare no) followed by ですか (desu ka), whose is question, whose is it and the it is inferred. If we make this into a proper sentence, Naomi-sensei, what we have?
Naomi: それは誰のですか。(Sore wa dare no desu ka.)
Peter: That whose is but again it’s inferred as they are both looking at the umbrella now and that’s a focal point of the conversation and then we have our hero. He comes running back and he starts up with an interjection. We have
Naomi: あ、私のです!(A, watashi no desu!)
Peter: Ah it’s mine. Literally mine. Mine is. The it again is inferred because he sees they are talking about the umbrella.
Naomi: そうですね。それは、私のです。(Sō desu ne. Sore wa, watashi no desu.)
Peter: If it was a proper sentence that mine is. That’s mine but again we can leave that out because it’s inferred. Then we have
Naomi: 私の傘です!(Watashi no kasa desu!)
Peter: My umbrella, followed by
Naomi: すみません。 (Sumimasen.)
Peter: And here this すみません (sumimasen) is – has a nuance of thank you.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: For picking up the umbrella and carrying and trying to find the person who owns it and then we finish with
Naomi: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Peter: Thank you. So let’s work on possessives a little bit more here.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: Okay. So let’s also change the noun. Let’s talk about books. How do we say book in Japanese again?
Naomi: 本 (hon)
Peter: Okay. So Naomi-sensei, how can you say it’s my book?
Naomi: これは私の本です。(Kore wa watashi no hon desu.)
Peter: This topic marking particle は (wa), this my book is. This is my book. The pattern is, one more time?
Naomi: これは、私の本です。(Kore wa, watashi no hon desu.)
Peter: This we have first marked by the topic marking particle は (wa), followed by
Naomi: 私の (watashi no)
Peter: My, followed by
Naomi: 本 (hon)
Peter: Book.
Naomi: です (desu)
Peter: Is. This is my book. Now how can we say this is Akihiro's book?
Naomi: これはアキヒロさんの本です。(Kore wa Akihiro-san no hon desu.)
Peter: This is Akihiro's book. Now what changed? The only thing that changes here is
Naomi: アキヒロ (Akihiro)
Peter: Yeah, 私 (watashi) becomes
Naomi: アキヒロ (Akihiro)
Peter: Okay, so Akihiro-san, how can we say this is Naomi’s pen?
Akihiro: これはナオミさんのペンです。(Kore wa Naomi-san no pen desu.)
Peter: This is Naomi’s pen. Now how about that is Naomi’s pen?
Akihiro: あれはナオミさんのペンです。(Are wa Naomi-san no pen desu.)
Peter: Or
Akihiro: それはナオミさんのペンです。(Sore wa Naomi-san no pen desu.)
Peter: Depending on the distance and the context of the conversation. So we can substitute these two parts. Now we will give you this one more and I think it’s pretty important talking about your. How do we say your in Japanese?
Naomi: You in Japanese is あなた (anata).
Peter: So your would be?
Naomi: あなたの (anata no)
Peter: Now just break that down for us. Break down you for us, one more time.
Naomi: (slow) あなた (anata) (natural speed) あなた (anata)
Peter: So we kind of avoided this one because in Japanese usually you don’t refer to someone as あなた (anata).
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) If you know that person’s name, I would say it’s safe to use that person’s name.
Peter: Yeah, not this.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: So umm, let’s just quickly go over before we end today.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: My, yours and the person, his or hers.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: Okay, how do we say
Naomi: 私 (watashi)
Peter: I or me again depending on location of 私 (watashi). How do we say mine?
Naomi: 私の (watashi no)
Peter: Again 私 (watashi), followed by の (no). Yours.
Naomi: あなたの (anata no)
Peter: Okay. How about his?
Naomi: 彼の (kare no)
Peter: And just break this one down because I don’t think we had this yet.
Naomi: (slow) かれ (kare) (natural speed) 彼 (kare)
Peter: And his.
Naomi: 彼の (kare no)
Peter: Hers.
Naomi: 彼女の (kanojo no)
Peter: Ours.
Naomi: 私たちの (watashi-tachi no)
Peter: Theirs.
Naomi: 彼らの (kare-ra no)
Peter: Okay, and yours plural.
Naomi: あなたたちの (anata-tachi no)


Peter: Now again, there are subtle uses to these but we figured we just give you the basic stuff for all of this to express it. Now about the ones we kind of ran over at the end, in the PDF, there is a much more detailed write up of these. So definitely stop by and pick those up. So make sure to check the PDF because his, hers and these other ones we covered will come in handy but again in Japanese, you usually wind up referring to a person by their name and there will be a write up in the PDF about this. So check out the PDF. All right, so that’s going to do for today.
Naomi: じゃあ、また。(Jā, mata.)
Akihiro: お疲れ様でした。(Otsukare-sama deshita.)
アナウンス (anaunsu) : 次は東京ー。東京ー。(Tsugi wa Tōkyō. Tōkyō.)
男 (otoko) : あ・・・すみません!忘れ物です!傘!(A... sumimasen! Wasuremono desu! Kasa!)
女 (onna) : いいえ、ちがいます。私の傘じゃないです。(Iie, chigaimasu. Watashi no kasa ja nai desu.)
男 (otoko) : じゃ、誰の傘ですか。(Ja, dare no kasa desu ka.)
ファブリツィオ (Faburitsio) : あ、私のです!私の傘です!すみません。ありがとうございます。(A, watashi no desu! Watashi no kasa desu! Sumimasen. Arigatō gozaimasu.)


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