
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Naomi: こんにちは!なおみです!(Kon’nichiwa! Naomi desu!)
Kat: Hi everyone, Kat here! You are going to be late for the flight in Japan.
Naomi: では (dewa) Kat-san, please tell us what we're going to learn in this lesson.
Kat: In this lesson, you will learn how to create the negative form of Class 3 verbs.
Naomi: Where does this conversation take place and who is it between?
Kat: The conversation takes place at home, and it is between Kent and Madoka. OK, so now let's listen to the conversation.
ケント (Kento):あと、10分・・・。(Ato, juppun…)
白山 (Shiroyama):ケント・・・来ないなぁ・・・。(Kento... konai nā…)
まどか (Madoka):ケント!ケント!遅刻するよ。(Kento! Kento! Chikoku suru yo.)
ケント (Kento):大丈夫・・・遅刻しないよ。(ムニャムニャ)(Daijōbu... chikoku shinai yo. (munyamunya))
ケント (Kento):・・・え?今、何時?(.. E? Ima, nan-ji?)
まどか (Madoka):七時半。(Shichi-ji han.)
ケント (Kento):ええ?!まじで?!(Ee?! Maji de?!)
もう一度、お願いします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
ケント (Kento):あと、10分・・・。(Ato, juppun…)
白山 (Shiroyama):ケント・・・来ないなぁ・・・。(Kento... konai nā…)
まどか (Madoka):ケント!ケント!遅刻するよ。(Kento! Kento! Chikoku suru yo.)
ケント (Kento):大丈夫・・・遅刻しないよ。(Daijōbu... chikoku shinai yo.)
ケント (Kento):・・・え?今、何時?(.. E? Ima, nan-ji?)
まどか (Madoka):七時半。(Shichi-ji han.)
ケント (Kento):ええ?!まじで?!(Ee?! Maji de?!)
今度は英語が入ります。(Kondo wa Eigo ga hairimasu.)
ケント (Kento):あと、10分・・・。(Ato, juppun…)
Kat: Another ten minutes...
白山 (Shiroyama):ケント・・・来ないなぁ・・・。(Kento... konai nā…)
Kat: Kent's not here yet...
まどか (Madoka):ケント!ケント!遅刻するよ。(Kento! Kento! Chikoku suru yo.)
Kat: Kent! Kent! You're going to be late!
ケント (Kento):大丈夫・・・遅刻しないよ。(ムニャムニャ)(Daijōbu... chikoku shinai yo. (munyamunya))
Kat: (talking in his sleep) It's fine... I won't be late...
ケント (Kento):・・・え?今、何時?(.. E? Ima, nan-ji?)
Kat: ... Huh? What time is it?
まどか (Madoka):七時半。(Shichi-ji han.)
Kat: Half past seven.
ケント (Kento):ええ?!まじで?!(Ee?! Maji de?!)
Kat: Huh?! You're kidding!
Kat: So... Madoka was right, wasn’t she? Remember what she said? "You definitely won't get up."
Naomi: 絶対起きないよ!(Zettai okinai yo!) And yup, she was right.
Kat: He didn’t get up. I know how Kent feels, though! You know, it's like... just 10 more minutes… I can’t get up, it's too cold!!
Naomi: Especially at 5.
Kat: I really couldn't do that now... I used to have to get up that early when I worked for a company in Tokyo though.
Naomi: あ、そうなんだ。(A, sō nan da.)
Kat: Yes, it was horrible.
Naomi: We heard the word 遅刻 (chikoku).
Kat: “Late.”
Naomi: In the dialogue. キャットさんは、朝遅刻をしますか。(Kyatto-san wa, asa chikoku o shimasu ka.)
Kat: The reason why we are laughing is that… 今日、遅刻しましたね。(Kyō, chikoku shimashita ne.) Today, I was late. 寝坊しました。(Nebō shimashita.) I overslept! すみませんでした。(Sumimasen deshita.) I am sorry.
Naomi: 大丈夫です、大丈夫です。(Daijōbu desu, daijōbu desu.) I'm not a morning person, either, so… 私はよく遅刻をします。(Watashi wa yoku chikoku o shimasu.) You're not the only one. So, don't worry.
Kat: Oh, thank you. OK, so now, let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we are going to see is
Naomi: あと (ato) [natural native speed]
Kat: more
Naomi: あと (ato) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: あと (ato) [natural native speed]
Kat: Next.
Naomi: 十分 (juppun) [natural native speed]
Kat: ten minutes
Naomi: 十分 (juppun) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 十分 (juppun) [natural native speed]
Kat: Next.
Naomi: 遅刻する (chikoku suru) [natural native speed]
Kat: to come late
Naomi: 遅刻する (chikoku suru) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 遅刻する (chikoku suru) [natural native speed]
Kat: And next.
Naomi: 今 (ima) [natural native speed]
Kat: now, the present time
Naomi: 今 (ima) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: 今 (ima) [natural native speed]
Kat: And finally.
Naomi: まじ (maji) [natural native speed]
Kat: seriously, really (slang)
Naomi: まじ (maji) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi: まじ (maji) [natural native speed]
Kat: OK, so now, let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: The first word we look at is あと (ato).
Kat: “More.” Now, we learned the phrase あとで (ato de), which means "later", in lesson 18.
Naomi: Right, as in あとで食べる (ato de taberu).
Kat: "I'll eat later". This あと (ato) is the same word, but when used by itself, it is used a little differently.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Right, this あと (ato) is often used with phrase that have numbers, such as time.
Kat: Right. In the dialogue, Kent said...
Naomi: あと10分。(Ato juppun.)
Kat: Ten more minutes. So you can use it before an amount of time to mean that amount of time more. Let's hear some more examples.
Naomi: Sure. 1時間 (ichi-ji-kan) is one hour, so あと1時間 (ato ichi-ji-kan) is one more hour.
Kat: Okay, and what's the next word?
Naomi: ちこく (chikoku)
Kat: “Lateness.” By itself, ちこく (chikoku) is a noun.
Naomi: If you add the verb する (suru)
Kat: "To do."
Naomi: To it, it becomes a verb, ちこくする (chikoku suru).
Kat: “To be late”, “to run late.” That's how we saw it used in the dialogue - as a verb.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Yes. Madoka said… ケント!遅刻するよ。(Kento! Chikoku suru yo.)
Kat: "Kent! You're gonna be late!"
Naomi: Kent replied… 大丈夫・・・遅刻しないよ。(Daijōbu… chikoku shinai yo.)
Kat: "It's fine... I won't be late." We'll cover how this する (suru) became しない (shinai) more in the grammar section.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) Right.
Kat: And the last vocabulary word we'll look at is...
Naomi: まじ (maji)
Kat: “Seriously”, “really.”
Naomi: This is an example of slang.
Kat: Right, this word is really slangy. I can guarantee your teacher won't teach you this one in class.
Naomi: Nope. But you hear young people use it a lot.
Kat: It's basically an adverb that means "really", or "seriously." You can use it in front of adjectives.
Naomi: Right, like まじ寒い (maji samui).
Kat: "Super cold", or "seriously cold."
Naomi: Sometimes で (de) is added to it to create まじで (maji de).
Kat: まじで (maji de), this can be used as an exclamation, like no way! or really?! Or seriously?!
Naomi: Right.
Kat: But please don’t use it too much.
Naomi: Especially to the teachers.
Kat: Yes, exactly.
Naomi: When Madoka told Kent that it was already 7:30 in the morning, he said… ええ?まじで?!(Ee? Maji de?)
Kat: "Huh?! You're kidding!"
Naomi: Please only use this with friends though.
Kat: Yes, it is definitely too casual for using it with anyone other than your friends, I'd say.

Lesson focus

Kat: In this lesson, you'll learn how to make the negative form of Class 3 verbs. Class 3 verbs are the irregular verbs in Japanese. And the good news is for those of you who studied European languages is that there are only two of them!
Naomi: はい。そうです。(Hai. Sō desu.) - する (suru)
Kat: To do.
Naomi: And 来る (kuru).
Kat: To come.
Naomi: Okay, first let's look at する (suru).
Kat: This means "to do". Now, usually this word comes after a noun and makes it a verb, right?
Naomi: That's right. Do you remember when we talked about sports a few lessons ago?
Kat: Yes! We talked about how adding する (suru) to the names of sports creates a verb meaning to play that sport. For example, サッカー (sakkā) is soccer.
Naomi: Right, and so サッカーする (sakkā suru) is to play soccer.
Kat: バスケットボール (basukettobōru) is basketball...
Naomi: And so バスケットボールする (basukettobōru suru) is to play basketball.
Kat: What are some other verbs we can create using vocabulary we've learned throughout this series?
Naomi: Well, in an earlier lesson we learned 電話 (denwa), which is phone or phone call.
Kat: Ah, so 電話する (denwa suru) would be "to make a call".
Naomi: はい。(Hai.) We also learned あいさつ (aisatsu), a greeting like こんにちは (kon’nichiwa) or おはよう (ohayō).
Kat: So... あいさつする (aisatsu suru) would be "to greet someone".
Naomi: So now that we know a lot of verbs, let's make the negative. In the negative, する (suru) becomes しない (shinai).
Kat: Class 3 verbs don't follow any rules - they just have irregular forms that you have to remember.
Naomi: そうです。(Sō desu.) So now let's make some sentences.
Kat: Let's talk about sports first.
Naomi: Okay. まどかはサッカーをしない。(Madoka wa sakkā o shinai.)
Kat: "Madoka doesn't play soccer."
Naomi: 今日、ケントはサッカーをしない。(Kyō, Kento wa sakkā o shinai.)
Kat: "Kent is not going to play soccer today."
Naomi: And in the dialogue, Kent said… 大丈夫・・・遅刻しないよ。(Daijōbu… chikoku shinai yo.)
Kat: "It's fine... I won't be late."
Naomi: So that's not so bad, is it? Just change する (suru) to しない (shinai).
Kat: Okay, and there's one more Class 3 verb.
Naomi: くる (kuru), to come.
Kat: What is the negative form of this one?
Naomi: こない (konai)
Kat: So again, just an irregular form that you have to memorize. Can we hear some sample sentences?
Naomi: Sure! 明日、学校に来ない。(Ashita, gakkō ni konai.)
Kat: "I'm not coming to school tomorrow."
Naomi: So くる (kuru) just becomes こない (konai).
Kat: Right, exactly! And, how was it used in the dialogue?
Naomi: In the dialogue, when Shiroyama-kun was waiting for Kent, he said… ケント・・・来ないなぁ・・・。(Kento… konai nā…)
Kat: "Kent's not here yet..." He was waiting for Kent, who never showed up.
Naomi: そうです。(Sō desu.) Also, I'd like to point out the use of なぁ (nā) here.
Kat: Ah, the particle な (na) at the end, right?
Naomi: Yes.
Kat: な (na) at the end of a sentence conserves many purposes. It can show emotion, soften what you're saying, ask for agreement, etc. It's similar to ね (ne) at the end of a sentence, but with ね (ne) you're kind of eliciting a response. With なぁ (nā) it's more like you're talking to yourself, right?
Naomi: そうね。(Sō ne.) Right. I think that describes it well! If you are talking to yourself or don't expect a response, you might use なぁ (nā).
Kat: Can we hear another example?
Naomi: Sure. Let's say I'm in a bookstore and I pick up a book and look at the price. Then I could say... この本、たかいなぁ…。(Kono hon, takai nā…)
Kat: So, it really sounds like either you are just expressing your opinion and you don’t expect the other person to agree or you are talking to yourself.
Naomi: Right. If I were talking to someone else, I might say… この本、高いね!(Kono hon, takai ne!)


Kat: Okay so, that's all the time we have for this lesson.
Naomi: じゃまた!(Ja, mata!)
Kat: Thanks for listening! Until next time!
ケント (Kento):あと、10分・・・。(Ato, juppun…)
白山 (Shiroyama):ケント・・・来ないなぁ・・・。(Kento... konai nā…)
まどか (Madoka):ケント!ケント!遅刻するよ。(Kento! Kento! Chikoku suru yo.)
ケント (Kento):大丈夫・・・遅刻しないよ。(ムニャムニャ)(Daijōbu... chikoku shinai yo. (munyamunya))
ケント (Kento):・・・え?今、何時?(.. E? Ima, nan-ji?)
まどか (Madoka):七時半。(Shichi-ji han.)
ケント (Kento):ええ?!まじで?!(Ee?! Maji de?!)


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