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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Japanese Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 5 - At a Concert.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Risa: And I'm Risa.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Japanese about a concert. 守 (Mamoru) goes to a concert, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Risa: 毎年恒例の夏フェスです。 (Maitoshi kōrei no natsu-fesu desu.)
Eric: Meaning - "At the yearly summer music festival!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
守: 毎年恒例の夏フェスです。 (Maitoshi kōrei no natsu-fesu desu.)
(clicking sound)
結衣: 楽しそう! (Tanoshisō!)
翔: すごい人だな。 (Sugoi hito dana.)
葉月: いっきに3キロやせた気分。。。 (Ikki ni san-kiro yaseta kibun...)
大和: よく飽きないね〜 (Yoku akinai ne~)
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
守: 毎年恒例の夏フェスです。 (Maitoshi kōrei no natsu-fesu desu.)
Eric: “At the yearly summer music festival.”
(clicking sound)
結衣: 楽しそう! (Tanoshisō!)
Eric: "Looks fun!"
翔: すごい人だな。 (Sugoi hito dana.)
Eric: "What a huge crowd of people."
葉月: いっきに3キロやせた気分。。。 (Ikki ni san-kiro yaseta kibun...)
Eric: "I feel like we lost 3 kilos all at once..."
大和: よく飽きないね〜 (Yoku akinai ne~)
Eric: "No idea why you don't get tired of it!"
Eric: Listen again to 守 (Mamoru)'s post.
Risa: 毎年恒例の夏フェスです。 (Maitoshi kōrei no natsu-fesu desu.)
Eric: "At the yearly summer music festival."
Risa: (SLOW) 毎年恒例の夏フェスです。 (Maitoshi kōrei no natsu-fesu desu.) (Regular) 毎年恒例の夏フェスです。 (Maitoshi kōrei no natsu-fesu desu.)
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Annual, like every year."
Risa: 毎年恒例の (Maitoshi kōrei no )
Eric: This expression is commonly used when you want to share a tradition you never fail to do every year. In this sentence, you can see he's emphasizing that going to a summer music festival has become a tradition for him and the post shows his loyalty to the festival! Listen again- "Annual, like every year" is...
Risa: (SLOW) 毎年恒例の (Maitoshi kōrei no ) (REGULAR) 毎年恒例の (Maitoshi kōrei no )
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "summer music festival."
Risa: 夏フェスです。 (natsu-fesu desu.)
Eric: Literally, this means “summer festival,” but in Japan, it’s understood to be a music festival. It's becoming more and more popular to go to summer music festivals in Japan, and you can also see a lot of pictures, videos and status updates on social media about them. You can replace the noun before "festival" with other nouns, for example, "winter", "beach" or "rock" as well. Listen again- "summer music festival" is...
Risa: (SLOW) 夏フェスです。 (natsu-fesu desu.) (REGULAR) 夏フェスです。 (natsu-fesu desu.)
Eric: All together, "At the yearly summer musical festival."
Risa: 毎年恒例の夏フェスです。 (Maitoshi kōrei no natsu-fesu desu.)
Eric: In response, 守 (Mamoru)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: His high school friend, 結衣 (Yui), uses an expression meaning - "Looks fun!"
Risa: (SLOW) 楽しそう! (Tanoshisō!) (REGULAR) 楽しそう! (Tanoshisō!)
Risa: 楽しそう! (Tanoshisō!)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling optimistic.
Eric: His college friend, 翔 (Shō), uses an expression meaning - "What a huge crowd of people."
Risa: (SLOW) すごい人だな。 (Sugoi hito dana.) (REGULAR) すごい人だな。 (Sugoi hito dana.)
Risa: すごい人だな。 (Sugoi hito dana.)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling surprised.
Eric: His girlfriend, 葉月 (Hazuki), uses an expression meaning - "I feel like we lost 3 kilos all at once..."
Risa: (SLOW) いっきに3キロやせた気分。。。 (Ikki ni san-kiro yaseta kibun...) (REGULAR) いっきに3キロやせた気分。。。 (Ikki ni san-kiro yaseta kibun...)
Risa: いっきに3キロやせた気分。。。 (Ikki ni san-kiro yaseta kibun...)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling funny.
Eric: Hazuki’s nephew, 大和 (Yamato), uses an expression meaning - "No idea why you don't get tired of it!"
Risa: (SLOW) よく飽きないね〜 (Yoku akinai ne~) (REGULAR) よく飽きないね〜 (Yoku akinai ne~)
Risa: よく飽きないね〜 (Yoku akinai ne~)
Eric: Use this expression to show you are feeling cynical.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about a concert , which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Risa: またね。


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