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Lesson Transcript

James: Verbs Frequently Used in Slang Expressions Describing Emotions
James: Hi everyone, and welcome back to JapanesePod101.com. I'm James.
Risa: And I'm Risa!
James: This is Must-Know Japanese Slang Words and Phrases, Season 1, Lesson 20. In this lesson, you'll learn verbs frequently used in slang expressions describing emotions.
James: These slang words will help you express your feelings or temper.
James: The expressions you will be learning in this lesson are:
Risa: キレる (kireru)
Risa: テンパる (tenparu)
Risa: ビビる (bibiru)
Risa: へこむ (hekomu)
James: Risa, what's our first expression?
Risa: キレる (kireru)
James: literally meaning "to cut." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "to snap, to flip out."
Risa: [SLOW] キレる [NORMAL] キレる
James: Listeners, please repeat.
Risa: キレる
[pause - 5 sec.]
James: Use this slang expression when you want to talk about losing control because of anger over the limits of patience.
James: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Risa: [NORMAL] 彼女は友達の嘘にキレた。 [SLOW] 彼女は友達の嘘にキレた。
James: "She snapped at her friend's lie."
Risa: [NORMAL] 彼女は友達の嘘にキレた。
James: Okay, what's the next expression?
Risa: テンパる (tenparu)
James: It doesn’t have a literal meaning. But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "to get panicky."
Risa: [SLOW] テンパる [NORMAL] テンパる
James: Listeners, please repeat.
Risa: テンパる
[pause - 5 sec.]
James: Use this slang expression when you want to talk about being in a panic or losing one's composure under pressure.
James: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Risa: [NORMAL] 同時にお客さんがたくさん店に入ってきて、テンパった。 [SLOW] 同時にお客さんがたくさん店に入ってきて、テンパった。
James: "I was in a panic when many customers came in to the shop at the same time."
Risa: [NORMAL] 同時にお客さんがたくさん店に入ってきて、テンパった。
James: Okay, what's our next expression?
Risa: ビビる (bibiru)
James: literally meaning "to feel afraid." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "to freak out."
Risa: [SLOW] ビビる [NORMAL] ビビる
James: Listeners, please repeat.
Risa: ビビる
[pause - 5 sec.]
James: Use this slang expression when you want to express the act of freaking out or being startled by someone or something. There's a nominalized word for the slang verb...
Risa: ビビり (bibiri),
James: which means "coward."
James: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Risa: [NORMAL] あの子は大きな犬にビビっている。 [SLOW] あの子は大きな犬にビビっている。
James: "The big dog freaks the boy out."
Risa: [NORMAL] あの子は大きな犬にビビっている。
James: Okay, what's the last expression?
Risa: へこむ (hekomu)
James: literally meaning "to become hollow." But when it's used as a slang expression, it means "to feel down."
Risa: [SLOW] へこむ [NORMAL] へこむ
James: Listeners, please repeat.
Risa: へこむ
[pause - 5 sec.]
James: Use this slang expression when you want to express that you are feeling down due to external factors.
James: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Risa: [NORMAL] 初デートがキャンセルになった。へこむわー。 [SLOW] 初デートがキャンセルになった。へこむわー。
James: "My first date was canceled. It makes me feel down."
Risa: [NORMAL] 初デートがキャンセルになった。へこむわー。
James: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the expressions you just learned? I will describe four situations, and you will choose the right expression to use in your reply. Are you ready?
James: He is panicking because he has never spoken in public:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Risa: テンパる
James: "to get panicky"
James: She said some things that ticked him off and he blew up:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Risa: キレる
James: "to snap, to flip out"
James: He couldn’t get the concert ticket of his favorite artist and he is sad:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Risa: へこむ
James: "to feel down"
James: She never wants to watch horror movies as they are so scary:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Risa: ビビる
James: "to freak out"


James: There you have it; you have mastered four Japanese Slang Expressions! We have more vocab lists available at JapanesePod101.com so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, and see you next time!
Risa: またね!

