Lesson Transcript

What's the best way to speak and understand more of the language? Simple, learn more words.
But with all the words in your target language, where do you even start? And if you're a beginner, which words should you learn first? You're about to find out.
In this guide, you'll learn
1. All about our 2000 most common words list.
2. How to start building your vocabulary.
3. How to learn even faster with special study tools.
But first, if you don't yet have access to our language learning system, sign up for a free lifetime account right now.
Just click the link in the description to get your free lifetime account.
So, let's jump in.
I'll guide you through our learning system so you get to see exactly what's inside and our members-only study tools.
So what is the 2000 core word list? Let's take a look at this.
The 2000 core word list is a premium feature on the website.
You can access this word list by going to the vocabulary drop-down menu at the top of the page and clicking on 2000 most common words.
That will bring you to this page here, in this case, the English core 2000 word list.
So the reason that this word list is really helpful is because these are the 2000 most commonly used words in the language.
That means they're the most frequently used words, which means they're also the ones you're going to need the most.
So these are words that are related to like daily life activities, to food, drink, travel, your relationships, and so on.
So if you want a place to start your studies, this can be a very, very nice place to begin because you're learning words you are going to use right away.
So I want to talk a little bit about the different ways that we can use this 2000 core word list to hopefully make your studies a little bit more efficient.
So first, I want to talk about the category function with this word list.
So if you look at this box right here, it says category all right now.
If you click on this, you will see a bunch of different categories appear.
So if you click on one of these, like let's say business, for example, you will find all of the words in this word list that are related to business, in this case, negotiation, contract, business, deal.
So you will find all of the words about a specific category inside the category list.
So we can go down maybe to clothing and accessories as well.
And if you click on that category, you will see all of the words related to clothing.
So if you want to study based on a specific category, you can do that with the category tool in this drop down menu here.
So that is one really, really useful way if you know that you need to study a specific thing first.
Okay? So that's one really good feature.
The second feature that I want to talk about relates to these 100, 200, 300, 400, and so on links at the top of the page.
So if we click on these links, we will see lists like this.
So this is the English Core 100 word list in this case.
So the 100 Core word list has broken down that 2000 Core word list into the 100 most common words.
So if you want to start with the words that are the most common of the most common used, then you can start with the 100 word list and then go on to 200, 300, and so on.
So this Core word list will give you the ones that are the most frequent in the language.
So like the top, top, top words that you need to know.
In this case, we, here, today, tomorrow, and so on.
So if you want to start with your vocabulary studies and you have no idea where to begin, this is a great place to start yourself.
So within this Core word list, let's take a look now at some of the different things that we can do and some of the different features related to the specific vocabulary words and phrases here.
So let's break down first what's happening with the individual vocabulary word.
So let's take a look at this box right here.
In this case, we have our vocabulary word, which is Greek.
We have the part of speech listed next to it.
This is a noun.
We have the definition below that here.
We have a picture and this audio icon right here.
If we click this, this will give the pronunciation of the vocabulary word.
So if you're not sure how to say a vocabulary word, just click this icon and you will hear the pronunciation so you can listen to that and practice the correct way to say the word.
On the right, you'll also see some examples, some example phrases and some example sentences.
In this case, this week and again, we can listen to the pronunciation to practice that and we can also access some more examples.
So now that we know all of the different parts for each vocabulary word or phrase, I want to talk about the different tools that you can use to study these things.
So first, I want to talk about the slideshow tool.
We can access this.
Up here on the right, there is a view slideshow link.
So if we click this, it will bring up the slideshow tool, the vocabulary slideshow tool, which will give us all of the vocabulary words in the list we're looking at right now and it will go through each of the vocabulary words or expressions and it will show them to you so you can just look at them and then you can process the information, do whatever you'd like to do with that.
We have a few different things we can select here on this page.
We can choose to play the sample sentence audio if we want or not.
We can uncheck this too.
We can also choose to loop playback or not, which means the words and expressions will continue to play.
So let's leave those on for now and click start slideshow.
So if we do this, we will see the vocabulary words displayed with the definition.
We'll see the example, the picture and so on.
So you can change the speed of this slideshow with the tools down here.
You can pause if you want to, if this is going pretty quick, this one is going pretty quick.
You can go to the next one, you can go to the previous one, you can change the speed with the slow and fast buttons and you can also adjust the loop settings here.
So the vocabulary slideshow is one tool that you can use if you want to just look at all of the words in a given list.
So you can control everything from this view slideshow link up here on the top right.
This is feature number one I want to talk about.
The second one I want to talk about, the second feature is the word bank tool.
So the word bank.
First, what is the word bank? If we go to the vocabulary drop down menu at the top, we can find this word bank link right here inside.
So click on word bank and this will give you a big list of words that you have selected for whatever purpose.
Maybe you want to make a specific group for some reason or you just need a list of interesting words or whatever.
Many people have different uses for the word bank, it's up to you.
But if you want to use this word bank tool, just kind of a place to store things or a place to maybe work on something specific at that moment, you can use the word bank and you can access it here and you can also add words to that word bank from these core word lists.
So there are a couple of ways to do this.
You can do this first by clicking on a word that you want to add, let's say week here.
We click on this check box to the left of the word and go up here to add selected words in the top right.
Click on this and select word bank.
This will add the word to your word bank and it will tell you one selected word was added to your word bank.
So you can do that here and click OK.
If you want to, you can also do this on the individual word by clicking on this little plus mark to the right of the word and it will pop up here as well.
You can do this with multiple words.
So if I want to select these three, for example, I can select them and just click add selected words again and send it to word bank.
It will again tell me that those words were added to my word bank in this way.
So this is one way that you can add vocabulary words to a specific list that you have created.
OK, so now I want to talk about the last item for today, which is flashcards.
So how do we use this list to create flashcards? It's very similar to adding to the word bank, very easy.
So again, let's use the word week here and then we'll add selected words again.
But in this case, we're going to look at this flashcard deck submenu.
So under the flashcard deck submenu, you will see any decks that you currently have on your account.
And you can choose to send your new vocabulary word to any of these decks or you can create a new deck.
So I'll create a new deck that's called like Alicia's new deck, for example, click OK.
And my vocabulary word will go to my new study deck, my new flashcard deck.
We can see it here, Alicia's new deck.
So I could click study and we would go immediately to that new vocabulary deck that I created.
So we can do this in this way to add specific words to a specific deck.
We can also click this plus mark and choose that same deck from this plus mark on the right side too.
So those are the same two ways that we use to add words to the word bank.
So we can add multiple words by clicking on the check boxes to the left of each vocabulary word and clicking add selected words and just choosing the study deck in this way.
So if you want to use the flashcards, you can do it very, very simply, very easily and you can create new decks very easily as well.
If you want to add all of the words in the list to either your word bank or to your flashcards, you can do that with this add all words link up here at the top.
So you can select word bank or you can select a flashcard deck.
If you don't want to select any words, you just want to add all of them to a specific study section, you can do that with this add all words link up here at the top.
So these are a few different ways that you can use the core word list.
So that means that you will get all of the words that you need for conversational fluency.
It will help you to make sure that you're choosing the words that are actually used So you're not, you know, using time to study words that aren't so common or to study words that maybe you already know really well.
You can specifically choose the ones that you know you need to review.
So these are three super great tools that you can use.
You don't have to worry about memorizing everything all at once.
You can just use the spaced repetition tools that we have available on our websites.
And if it seems like a lot, you can absolutely just start with the core 100 word list to begin, which is free.
But all of the other tools that we've talked about in this video are premium tools.
So make sure to check them out.
So if you want to learn the language and get access to these learning tools and our learning system, sign up for a free lifetime account right now.
Just click the link in the description to get your free lifetime account.

