Vocabulary (Review)

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靴のひもが切れる [くつのひもがきれる A shoestring snapping]
Do you know about 靴のひもが切れる? 靴のひもが切れる means "a shoestring snapping."
In Japan, it's believed that it's a sign of bad luck if your shoestring breaks when you leave home.
It's because there was a custom of cutting the thong of their "zōri," the Japanese sandals, and throwing them away after attending a person's funeral.
Since Japanese people became accustomed to wearing shoes, this superstition about "a zōri thong snaping" was shifted to "a shoestring snapping.
一富士二鷹三茄子 [いちふじにたかさんなすび 1. Fuji, 2. Hawk, 3. Egg plant]
Do you know about 一富士二鷹三茄子? 一富士二鷹三茄子 means "1. Fuji, 2. Hawk, 3. Eggplant."
In Japan, it's believed that if you have a New Year's dream of Mt. Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant, you will have good luck through the year.
It's because "Fuji" has the same pronounciation as the word "immortal," "taka" or "hawk" has the same pronunciation as "rich" or "high," and eggplants are associated with big families, as it bears many fruits.
"Nasubi" is another way to say "nasu" (egg plant).


