
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Welcome to learn Japanese grammar absolute beginner. In this video series, you learn basic Japanese grammar patterns and phrases through easy to follow audio and visual cues. Here is what we will cover in this lesson. Ready? Let’s get started.
Naomi: 紅茶を飲みませんか。 (Kōcha o nomimasen ka.)
Peter: Today’s grammar point is, Naomi-sensei?
Naomi: ませんか (masen ka)
Peter: Verb plus ませんか (masen ka) and this phrase is used to extend an invitation. So let’s have an example.
Naomi: 紅茶を飲みませんか。 (Kōcha o nomimasen ka.)
Peter: Would you like to have tea or English tea. In English, it would be – would you like to have some tea but in Japanese, really the literal translation is, want to drink tea. There is no subject in there but of course, it’s implied. So let’s just go through the sentence. First we have the object which is
Naomi: 紅茶 (kōcha)
Peter: Marked by the object marking particle.
Naomi: を (o)
Peter: Followed by
Naomi: 飲みません (nomimasen)
Peter: The negative present polite form of
Naomi: 飲む (nomu)
Peter: To drink. So 飲む (nomu) becomes
Naomi: 飲みません (nomimasen)
Peter: This is followed by
Naomi: か (ka).
Peter: Sentence ending particle indicating a question. So 紅茶を飲みませんか。 (Kōcha o nomimasen ka.)
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Peter: Would you like to have tea
Naomi: 紅茶を飲みませんか。 (Kōcha o nomimasen ka.)
Naomi: 食べましょうか。 (Tabemashō ka.)
Eric: The focus of this lesson is ましょうか (mashō ka) which is used to politely suggest or propose or invite. And this creates a very polite expression that could be used to make a suggestion or proposition or an invitation to someone of higher status. So you could think of it as why don’t we or shall we in English.
Naomi: The formation is quite easy, やさしいです (Yasashii desu.), かんたんですね (Kantan desu ne.). Just attach ましょうか (mashō ka) to the masu stem of a verb.
Eric: Right for example 食べます (tabe masu) is to eat. So drop ます (masu)
Naomi: 食べ (tabe)
Eric: And it’s called the masu stem. Attach ましょうか (mashō ka) to the ます (masu) stem.
Naomi: 食べましょうか。 (Tabemashō ka.)
Eric: Shall we eat.
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Eric: Is to go. Shall we go?
Naomi: 行きましょうか。 (Ikimashō ka.) 聞きます (kikimasu)
Eric: Is to listen. Shall we listen?
Naomi: 聞きましょうか。 (Ikimashō ka.)
Eric: What’s to do?
Naomi: します (shimasu)
Eric: Shall we do?
Naomi: しましょうか。 (shimashō ka.)
Eric: Okay Naomi Sensei, shall we finish?
Naomi: 終わりましょう! (Owarimashō!)
Naomi: 食べましょうか。 (Tabemashō ka.)
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