Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

僕たちの愛は、永久さ。(Boku-tachi no ai wa, eikyū sa.) Romeus and Juliet. Hi everyone. Welcome to Kanji Time. Let’s review N2 kanji today. あ、いた! (A, ita!) If you want to do the quiz first, please go to these times. These times, these times, these times.
This kanji means row, line up, rank with, equal, moderate. The on-reading is ヘイ (hei) as in 平行 (heikō), meaning parallel. And the kun-reading is なら、なみ (nara, nami) as in 並ぶ (narabu), meaning to line up. 並ぶ。(Narabu.) 一列に並ぶ。(Ichi-retsu ni narabu.) 前へ、ならえ!(Mae e, narae!) 休め!(Yasume!) 気を付け!(Ki o tsuke!) おはようございます!(Ohayō gozaimasu!)
Round, full, curl up, bullet, whole, a circle. On-reading for this kanji is ガン (gan) as in 弾丸 (dangan), meaning bullet. Bullet! One, two, three, fire. バ-ン。(Bān.) Over. Kun-reading is まる (maru) as in 日の丸 (Hinomaru), meaning Japanese national flag. 丸、三角、四角。(Maru, sankaku, shikaku.) 四角に見えない。(Shikaku ni mienai.) 四角。(Shikaku.) ひし形になっちゃった。(Hishigata ni natchatta.) ダイヤ。(Daiya.) 三角。(Sankaku.)
This kanji means long time, old story. On-reading for this kanji is キュウ (kyū) as in 永久 (eikyū), meaning eternity. Eternity! Eternity! Our love is eternity. Juliet! 僕たちの愛は、永久さ。(Boku-tachi no ai wa, eikyū sa.) 見てごらん。(Mite goran.) このハンドフィージェット…ハンドスピナーのように、ずーっと回るのさ!(Kono hando fījetto… hando supinā no yō ni, zūtto mawaru no sa!) Romeus! Juliet! 意味分からない。(Imi wakaranai.) Kun-reading for this kanji is ひさ (hisa) as in 久々 (hisabisa), meaning for the first time in a long time. 久々!(Hisabisa!) 元気?(Genki?) 久々!(Hisabisa!)
This kanji means riot, disorder, corrupt, confusion. On-reading for this kanji is ラン (ran) as in 乱暴な (ranbō na), meaning rough, violent, reckless. Kun-reading for this kanji is みだ (mida) as in 乱す (midasu), meaning to disturb, corrupt. 髪の毛を乱す。(Kaminoke o midasu.) 髪の毛を正す。(Kaminoke o tadasu.) 服装を乱す。(Fukusō o midasu.) 服装を正す。(Fukusō o tadasu.)「乱す」と「正す」。(“Midasu” to “tadasu.”)
This kanji means milk, breasts, newborn, to rear. On-reading for this kanji is ニュウ (nyū) as in 牛乳 (gyūnyū), meaning milk. Kun-reading for this kanji is ちち、ち (chichi, chi) as in 乳離れ (chichibanare), meaning Weanling.
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
久々 (hisabisa)
平行 (heikō)
乱暴な (ranbō na)
日の丸 (Hinomaru)
牛乳 (gyūnyū)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
乱す (midasu) To disturb, corrupt.
永久 (eikyū) Eternity
弾丸 (dangan) Bullet
乳離れ (chichibanare) Weanling
並ぶ (narabu)To line up.
Okay. That’s all for today. Thank you very much for watching. よし、弾丸旅行にでも行くか! (Yoshi, dangan ryokō ni demo iku ka!) See you next time. Bye! Juliet… 僕たち…。(Boku-tachi…) セーフ。(Sēfu.) あ、ヤバイ。(A, yabai.) こっち持ってっちゃだめだ、アイパッドの近くに。(Kocchi mottetcha dame da, aipaddo no chikaku ni.) はい、回りました。(Hai, mawarimashita.) うまい。(Umai.)


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2017-07-25 18:30:00

Want to master ALL Kanji? Click "here."

2021-02-04 14:11:18

Carl Kish Tolentinoさん

Thank you so much for your comment😄❤️️

Please let us know if you have any questions :)



Team JapanesePod101.com

Carl Kish Tolentino
2021-02-03 19:56:35


2017-08-20 12:21:21

Hi Brian,

We are glad that the problems have been resolved. If there are any other issues in the future, please feel free to inform us and we will deal with them immediately.

We wish you the best of luck with your further studies. これかも日本語の勉強を頑張って下さい。


Team JapanesePod101.com

2017-08-17 20:39:31

It seems fixed now. When the lesson was first loaded, the vocabulary list was from a different lesson. 問題ないです。

2017-08-17 11:34:40

Hi Brian,

Thank you for your feedback, are you referring to the order?


Team JapanesePod101.com

2017-07-27 10:30:11

The video and vocabulary/kanji lists do not seem to be in sync!?
