Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone. Welcome to Kanji time. Let’s review N2 kanji today. 行きましょう。頑張ろう!エイ、エイ、オー!(Ikimashō. Ganbarō! Ei, ei, ō!) If you want to do the quiz first, please go to these times.
This kanji means omen, trillion, sign, symptoms. The on-reading is チョウ (chō) like in 3兆円 (san-chō-en) meaning three trillion yen. And the kun-reading is きざ (kiza) as in 春の兆し (haru no kizashi) meaning sign of spring.
This kanji means baby, child, infant. The on-reading is ジ、ニ (ji, ni) like in 幼児 (yōji) meaning Infant and 小児科 (shōnika) meaning pediatrics department.
This kanji means party, faction, clique. The on-reading is トウ (tō) like in 与党 (yotō) meaning ruling party. And 野党 (yatō) meaning opposition party. 与党と野党。(Yatō to yotō.)
This kanji means soldier, weapon, troops, army. The on-reading is ヘイ (hei) as in 騎兵隊 (kiheitai) meaning cavalry and 兵士 (heishi) meaning soldier.
This kanji means letter, volume, book, counter for books. The on-reading is サツ (satsu) like in 別冊 (bessatsu) meaning a separate volume. And 3冊 (san-satsu) meaning three books.
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
兵士 (heishi)
野党 (yatō)
別冊 (bessatsu)
小児科 (shōnika)
3兆円 (san-chō-en)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
春の兆し (haru no kizashi) Sign of spring
幼児 (yōji) Infant
与党 (yotō) Ruling party
騎兵隊 (kiheitai) Calvary
3冊 (san-satsu) three books
That’s all for today. Thank you very much for watching. どうもありがとうございます、いつも見てくれて。漢字の勉強、頑張ろうぜ!じゃあね。(Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu, itsumo mite kurete. Kanji no benkyō, ganbarō ze! Jā ne.) Bye!


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