Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi everyone. Welcome to Kanji time. Today, we are going to review N3 kanji. Let’s do it. If you want to do the quiz first, please go to these times.
This kanji means climate, season, weather. on-reading for this kanji is コウ (kō) like in 気候 (kikō) meaning climate, weather. あったかーい。暖かい気候。いいですねぇ。(Attakāi. Atatakai kikō. Ii desu nē.) Kun-reading for this kanji is そうろう (sōrō) as in 居候 (isōrō) meaning freeloader. Boom!
This kanji means price, value, cost. on-reading for this kanji is チ (chi) like in 価値 (kachi) meaning value. 価値のあるもの。大事、大事。(Kachi no aru mono. Daiji, daiji.) Kun-reading for this kanji is ね (ne) or あたい (atai) like in 値上がり (neagari) meaning rise in price. このお水が200円?値上がりしたんですか。(Kono o-mizu ga 200-en? Neagari shita n desu ka.) Oh no, it’s too expensive! 値下げしていただけますか。(Nesage shite itadakemasu ka.) Will you give me discount please? 値上がり。値下がり。(Neagari. Nesagari.) Boom!
This kanji means admirable, greatness, remarkable, excellent. on-reading for this kanji is イ (i) like in 偉大 (idai) grandeur. あぁ、偉大だ。(Ā, idai da.) Kun-reading for this kanji is えら (era) like in 偉い (erai) meaning great, respectable. あ、君あのおじいちゃんに席を譲ったの?偉いねぇ。いいことあるよ!(A, kimi ano o-jii-chan ni seki o yuzutta no? Erai nē. Ii koto aru yo!) Boom!
This kanji means side, lean, aspect. on-reading for this kanji is ソク (soku) like in 側面 (sokumen) meaning side or aspect. Kun-reading for this kanji is がわ (gawa) or そば (soba) like in 両側 (ryōgawa) meaning both sides. 片側 (katagawa) plus 片側 (katagawa). 両側。(Ryōgawa.) Boom!
This kanji means accidentally, even number, same kind, encounter. on-reading for this kanji is グウ (gū) like in 偶然 (gūzen) meaning coincidence. 偶数 (gūsū) meaning even number, 二、四、六、八、十。偶数。(Ni, yon, roku, hachi, jū. Gūsū.)
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
偶数 (gūsū)
気候 (kikō)
偉大 (idai)
側面 (sokumen)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
居候 (isōrō) Freeloader
価値 (kachi) value
偉い (erai) Great, respectable
偶然 (gūzen)Coincidence
両側 (ryōgawa) Both sides
That’s all for today. 皆さん、真面目に漢字勉強してますか。偉いですね!頑張りましょう。(Mina-san, majime ni kanji benkyō shite masu ka. Erai desu ne! Ganbarimashō.) See you next time. Bye! 二、四、六、八、十。二、四、六、八、十。(Ni, shi, ro, ha, tō. Ni, yon, roku, hachi, jū.)


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