Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

One, two...
Hi, everyone! Welcome to Kanji Time!
Today, we are going to learn N2 kanji.
行きましょうか。 (Ikimashō ka.)
行きましょう! (Ikimashō!)
If you want to do the quiz first, please go to these times!
This kanji means “scroll, book, curl, roll up”.
The On-reading for this kanji is カン (kan), like in 第一巻 (daiikkan) which means “first volume”.
第一巻、第二巻、第三巻、第四巻... (Daiikkan, daini-kan, daisan-kan, daiyon-kan...)
第五巻、第六巻、第七巻、第八巻、第九巻、十巻! (Daigo-kan, dairokkan, dainana-kan, daihachi-kan, daikyū-kan, jukkan!)
おお! (Ō!)
コレクションする本がいっぱいあります! (Korekushon suru hon ga ippai arimasu!)
And the Kun-reading for this kanji is ま, まき (ma, maki), like in 巻き寿司 (makizushi) which means “rolled sushi”.
Roll, rolled arm.
This kanji means “cloth, spread, linen”.
The On-reading for this kanji is フ (fu), like in 布団 (futon) which means “futon”.
And the Kun-reading is ぬの (nuno), like in 布地 (nunoji) meaning “cloth”.
布地の服。 (Nunoji no fuku.)
布地の傘。 (Nunoji no kasa.)
ウォータープルーフです。 (Wōtāpurūfu desu.)
This kanji means “aspire, hope, rare, pray”.
The On-reading for this kanji is キ (ki), like in 希薄な (kihaku na) which means “sparsely, little”, and like in 希少 (kishō) which means “sparse”.
希少な石。 (Kishō na ishi.)
大事、大事。 (Daiji, daiji.)
This kanji means “sash, belt, obi, zone”.
The On-reading for this kanji is タイ (tai), like in 熱帯 (nettai) which means “the tropics”.
熱帯魚 (nettaigyo) “tropical fish”
And the Kun-reading is お, おび (o, obi), like in 赤みを帯びた (akami o obita) which means “reddish”.
赤みを帯びた髪 (akami o obita kami) “reddish hair”
This kanji means “cap, headgear, hat”.
The On-reading for this kanji is ボウ (bō), like in 帽子 (bōshi) which means “hat”.
これは、ベレー帽。 (Kore wa, berēbō.)
Like in 脱帽する (datsubō suru) which means “to take one's hat off, feel respect to”.
Quiz Time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
布団 (futon)
帽子 (bōshi)
希少 (kishō)
巻き寿司 (makizushi)
熱帯 (nettai)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
脱帽する (datsubō suru) “to take one's hat off, feel respect to”.
希薄な (kihaku na) “sparsely, little”
布地 (nunoji) “cloth”
第一巻 (daiikkan) “first volume”
赤みを帯びた (akami o obita) “reddish”
今日のN2漢字レッスンは以上です。 (Kyō no enu tsū kanji ressun wa ijō desu.)
皆さん、新しく覚えた漢字はありますか。 (Mina-san, atarashiku oboeta kanji wa arimasu ka.)
I hope you enjoyed the lesson. I’ll see you next time.
またね、バイバイ! (Mata ne, baibai!)


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