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Jessi: Hello, and welcome to Lesson 1 of Japanesepod101.com's New JLPT N3 Prep Course. I'm Jessi and I'm joined here by
Jessi:This course is designed for those who are preparing for the New Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N3 test. This course contains 13 lessons. Some of you may have noticed the title we used...「新日本語能力試験 3級」 The New JLPT Level N3.
Naomi:そうです。2010からJLPTが新しくなりました。The JLPT switched over to a new format.
Jessi: Right. The JLPT used to have four levels (Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4), but in 2010 they created a new level that goes between Levels 2 and 3. This series focuses on N3, that new level.
Jessi: OK. Naomi-sensei, can you please tell us about the JLPT Level N3?
Jessi: So as we mentioned before, N3 goes between the old levels 2 and 3. It's a little easier than the old level 2, and a little bit harder than the old Level 3.
Naomi: N3、新しい3級のレベルは「日常的な場面で使われる日本語をある程度理解することができるレベル」なんだそうです。
Jessi: Those who are at N3 level are able to understand Japanese used in everyday situations to an extent.
Naomi: テスト時間は140分。
Jessi: The N3 test is 140 minutes altogether.
Jessi:It contains of 3 different sections, which are?
Jessi:Kanji and Vocabulary. This section is 30 minutes.
Jessi:Grammar and Reading Comprehension and this section is 70 minutes.
Jessi:Listening Comprehension, and this section is 40 minutes.
In this prep course for Level N3, we will go over Kanji and Vocabulary in Lessons 1-3, Grammar and Reading Comprehension in Lessons 4 through 8 and Listening Comprehension in Lessons 9 through 13.
Naomi: そうです。
:******Kanji&Vocab section ******
Jessi: Let's start with the Kanji and Vocabulary section. This section, you are tested on how many words you know, as well as how well you know certain words. There are 5 types of questions.
Naomi:このレッスンでは問題1 と問題2をします。 or "Question 1 and Question 2" of the kanji and vocabulary section.
Jessi:In 問題1 You have to select the correct reading of the kanji, and in 問題2 it's the opposite. You need to select the correct kanji that corresponds to the hiragana.
Naomi: そうですね。問題1のインストラクションは、「___の言葉の読み方として最もよいものを、1・2・3・4から一つ選びなさい。」
Jessi: Choose the best reading for the underlines word from 1 to 4.
Jessi: How do you write the underlined hiragana in kanji? Choose the best answer from 1 to 4.
Jessi: In the lesson notes for this lesson, we've including a list of kanji and vocabulary related to daily actions and items used everyday.
Naomi: That's right - you are required to know kanji and vocab that often show up in daily conversation.
Jessi: They are grouped by category to make it easier - for example, food and drink, tools and items used in daily life, places, school life, etc.
Naomi: There are a lot of words that you should know.
Jessi: yes, there are - this is quite a step up from Level N4! So, Naomi-sensei, how about we go through each category and review some of the more difficult words and kanji from each?
Naomi: Sounds like a good idea.
Jessi: At Level N3, you will probably know the meanings of most of these words. But also please remember that you are expected to be able to read the kanji for them as well. Make sure to look up these words and check that you know the corresponding kanji. The first category is words related to food and drink.
Naomi: For example, 卵 (eggs) 牛乳 (milk) お湯 (hot water) お菓子 (snacks) and so on.
Jessi: Next, words for tools or items used in daily life.
Naomi: 雑誌 (magazine) 新聞 (newspaper) 記事 (article)。
Jessi: Next, words for items in the home
Naomi: 机 (desk) 窓 (window) 植木 (garden trees or potted plants)
Jessi: Next, words for places
Naomi: 空港 (airport) 郵便局 (post office) 歩道橋 (pedestrian bridge) 横断歩道 (pedestrian crossing)
Actually 歩道橋 and 横断歩道 are quite difficult.
Jessi:Right. But it they contain the same Kanji right?
Naomi:そうですね。歩道.It means 歩く道 or walkway.
Jessi:or maybe sidewalk.
Naomi:じゃ、皆さん, here's a small quiz for you, everyone.
Jessi:歩道 is what people walk on. What would you call a street that cars use? Naomi-sensei, the answer is?
Jessi:シャ is for くるま or car and ドウ is for みち or street, road, or way.
Jessi: Okay, now let's skip ahead to verbs and adjectives. Here are some verbs that you should know the kanji for.
Naomi: 置く (to put) as in かばんをそこに置かないでください。(don't put the bag there.)
降る (to fall, as in rain or snow) as in 雨が降っています(It's raining)
Naomi:断る(to refuse) as in 断れませんでした。(I couldn't turn it down)
Jessi:Actually, this Kanji, 断る is same kanji as ダン in 横断歩道。
Naomi:Right. This Kanji means "to cut". Actually the right side represents an ax.
Jessi:Ah...なるほど!And I can see rice in the box on the left.
Naomi:But the box is half broken isn't it? So maybe somebody cut the box with an ax to get the rice out.This Kanji means "to cut" or "to refuse".
Jessi: OK, And lastly, some adjectives.
Naomi: 痛い (painful) 涼しい (cool) 柔らかい (soft)甘い (sweet)
Naomi:甘い looks like a tongue doesn't it?
Jessi:You're right! I've never noticed that.
Naomi:It's said that you sense the sweetness on the very tip of your tongue.
Jessi: That could be a good way to remember this kanji.
Naomi: Right.And 忙しい (busy) is also interesting.
The left side of this Kanji represents 心 (heart, mind) and right side of this kanji means 亡くす(to loose). So when you're busy, you tend to loose your mind.
Naomi:あと、JLPTN4のPrep course のときもいいましたが、単語を覚える時は、反対の言葉もチェックしてくださいね。
Jessi: Yes. It's actually the same advice we gave for Level N4, but I think it's really important. When you learn a new word, please also look up the word which has the opposite meaning if possible.
Naomi:Memorizing words that have the opposite meaning as a set.
Jessi: Can you give us some examples?
Naomi:Sure. 退院 (admission to a hospital)
Jessi:And the opposite word is?
Naomi:入院 (discharge from a hosptial)
減る (to decrease) ⇔ 増える (to increase)
濃い (thick, heavy) ⇔ 薄い (light)
浅い (shallow)
Jessi: The opposite word is?
Jessi:The answer is in the PDF, so please read the PDF to find the answer.
Jessi: There are a lot more vocabulary words in the PDF that we didn't have time to go over here, so make sure to check them out!
Naomi: Make sure to look up any unfamiliar words in the dictionary.
Jessi: Also let us know if you have any questions! Well, that just about does it for this first lesson of our JLPT N3 series.
Naomi: See you in the next lesson. じゃまた!
Jessi: Until next time.

