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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Hi, everyone! Welcome to the new JLPTN4 Prep Course Lesson 9. I'm Jessi, and I'm here in the studio joined by...
Naomi: こんにちは、みなさん。直美です。Hello, everyone! Naomi here.
Jessi: Up until now, we've covered all sections of the JLPT test except one.
Naomi: Listening, right?
Jessi: That's right. The Listening Comprehension section!
Naomi: Listening is known as 聴解in Japanese. 聴解は35分間です.
Jessi: The listening section lasts 35 minutes.
Naomi: もんだいは28あります。Jessi: There are 28 questions in the Listening section.
Naomi: 聴解はもんだい1からもんだい4までありますが、今回はもんだい1だけをします。
Jessi: There are 4 different types of questions in the Listening section, and in this lesson we will be focusing on Mondai 1.
Naomi: もんだい1は短い文をきいて、質問に答えます.
Jessi: In Question 1, you will listen to a short conversation or paragraph and answer the questions. We'll do some actual practice questions in the audio, but first let's look at Question 1 in more detail.
Jessi: Naomi-sensei, can you please read us the instructions?
Naomi: もちろん。Sure. 問題1では まず しつもんを きいてください。それから話をきいて、もんだいようしの1から4の中から、正しいこたえを一つえらんでください。
Jessi: Listen to the question first. Then listen to the conversation or paragraph to find the answer. Choose the best answer from 1 to 4. They actually play the question they're asking you twice. Once before the listening, and one more time after the listening.
Naomi: Right. But the tricky part is the question is NOT printed in the booklet.
Jessi: True. The question is not in the booklet, so you have to listen very carefully to catch what they are asking you. Keep in mind that only the answer choices are printed in the booklet.
Naomi: そうですね。よく聞いてください。
*Types of Questions*
Jessi: In the last JLPT series we did for the old level 4, we told you about the types of questions that often show up on the listening.
Naomi: そうですね。For example, the questions that ask about the location, the appearance of something or someone, and the date.
Jessi: In JLPT N4, however, there are more types of questions, and they get a little bit more complicated. You may be asked about future actions for example.
Naomi: たとえば、 For example, 女の人はこれからなにをしますか。”What is the woman going to do?”
Jessi: You may be asked about the order of actions.
Naomi: For example, この人は次に何をしますか。“What is this person going to do next?
Jessi: You may be asked about items and the amount.
Naomi: For example, 男の子は何をどのくらい買いますか。 “What item and how much of it is the boy going to buy?
Jessi: You may be asked about information on a chart.
Naomi: For example, 正しいグラフはどれですか。 “Which chart are they talking about?
Jessi: Speaking of charts, we compiled some grammar and expressions that are used a lot when talking about data and charts. They're in the Lesson Notes, so make sure not to miss those.
Naomi: Okay, now let's move on to the Practice questions.
Jessi: Now is the time to get out the Lesson Notes. The answer choices are printed in there, and you'll need to see those to do the questions. Are you ready? Let's get started!
Okay, did you get the answer? First of all, Naomi-sensei, what was the question asking?
Naomi: 女の人は何をしますか。What is the woman going to do?
Jessi: And the correct answer was?
Naomi: Choice 4. ロビーに行く。Because the man said 下のロビーで待っててください。
Jessi: Please wait in the lobby.
Naomi: And the woman said はい。Okay.
Jessi: So we know from this that the woman is going to wait in the lobby. Let's quickly look at the other answer choices.
Naomi: かさをかう “Buy an umbrella.”
Jessi: Now, we know she's not going to because the man said he'd drive her home. Right?
Naomi: Right. He said あ、僕、今日車できたので、よかったら送りますよ。
Jessi: “I came by car today, so if you'll like I'll drive you home.” You might know the verb 送るas to send, but it also means to take someone home.
Naomi: Right. Another choice was 会議のじゅんびをする. “To prepare for a meeting.”
Jessi: Now, they did say something about a meeting, right? What was it?
Naomi: Well, the man said 10分間だけ待ってもらえますか。明日の会議のじゅんびをしておきたいので。Jessi: “Could you wait for 10 minutes? I want to prepare for the meeting tomorrow.” So that's what the man is going to do, but not the woman.
Naomi: Exactly. The last answer choice was 男の人を手伝う. “Help the man.”
Jessi: Now, the woman does say 手伝いましょうか。 “Shall I help you?” But what did the man say in response?
Naomi: いや、大丈夫ですよ。”No, it's fine.”
Jessi: Which leaves us with the correct answer. She’s going to go wait in the lobby.
Naomi: Okay, let's move onto the next question.
Jessi: Okay, did you get the answer? Naomi-sensei, what was the question asking?
Naomi: 男の人は次に何をしますか。What is the man going to do next?
Jessi: And the answer was?
Naomi: Choice 1.卵を入れる。
Jessi: So let's quickly run through the conversation. The man was about to put in the egg, but the woman stopped him, right?
Naomi: Right, she said あ、ちがう、ちがう!That's wrong!
Jessi: But the man points out what the recipe said.
Naomi: 「肉を入れ、塩コショウを入れたのち、卵を入れる」って書いてあるよ。
Jessi: “The recipe says after putting in the meat, salt, and pepper, add the egg.”
Naomi: The woman realizes that she was wrong, so she says ・・・あら、失礼。じゃ、入れて。
Jessi: “Oh, excuse me. Okay then. Add the egg.”
Naomi: So we know that the next thing the man will do is add the egg.
Jessi: And what were the other answer choices?
Naomi: 火を止める. “Turn off the heat.” That's what the man and woman were arguing about.
Jessi: Right, and that's what you have to do after adding the egg.
Naomi: The other choices were 塩とこしょうを入れる, To add the salt and pepper, and 肉を入れる, To add the meat.
Jessi: We can tell that he already did these things, though. If you remember, he said, “The recipe says after putting in the meat, salt, and pepper, add the egg.”
Naomi: That's right. So the correct answer of what he will do next is add the egg.
Jessi: It's important to listen closely to the conversation all the way to the end. Oftentimes, the correct answer will be revealed right at the end.
Naomi: Mm! That's very true! So please listen closely all the way to the end.
Jessi: Okay, so how was もんだい1of the Listening Comprehension section? In this lesson, we did two practice questions, but we have two more for you in the bonus track of this lesson.
Naomi: So for more practice, please listen to the bonus track!
Jessi: That's all for this lesson. Please stay tuned as we cover more listening in the next lesson! See you all next time.
Naomi: じゃまた!


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