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Becky: Hi everyone! Welcome back to JapanesePod101.com. This is Japanese for Everyday Life Lower Intermediate Series, Lesson 17 - Telling a Real Estate Agent What Kind of Room You’d Like.
Kaori: こんにちは!古橋香織 です!Hi everyone, Kaori Furuhashi here!
Becky:I'm Becky. In this lesson, you'll learn a useful skill for a real estate agency - How to make requests about a room.
Kaori: Becky さん、部屋を探すために、不動産屋さん(Becky: real estate agency)に、行ったことはありますか。
Becky: Yes, I have been to some real estate agencies to find a room.
Kaori: 何が一番難しかったですか。
Becky: I remembered I was not sure how to start talking to them.
Kaori: そういう時は、今までに何度も出てきた「~のですが」を使うといいですよ。
Becky: That’s the sentence-ending phrase to make a softened and polite request for help.
Kaori: はい。ですから、「いらっしゃいませ」と言われたら、「部屋を探しているのですが。」と言えばいいですよ。
Becky: I'm looking for a room.
Kaori: そして、最初に、主な条件
Becky: your main needs
Kaori: を言うと話がスムーズに進むと思います。
Becky: If you tell them your main needs first, that would make it easier to move the conversation forward. If you need the rent to be around 70,000 yen, what do you say?
Kaori: 月7万円ぐらいで、部屋を探しているのですが。
Becky: "I’m looking for a room with a rent of around 70,000 yen."
Becky: Listen to the dialogue and participate when prompted by speaking aloud in Japanese. Use the patterns of Japanese you studied in the Beginner-level lessons. After you speak, you'll hear a model line of dialogue. Your answer doesn't need to be exactly the same, but do compare your response to the model line.
In this lesson, you will play the role of a customer at a real estate agency. Your goal is to tell your needs to a real estate agent.
Becky: You enter a real estate agency.
Real estate agent: いらっしゃいませ。
Becky: Say, “Excuse me. I’m looking for a room with a rent of around 70,000 yen.”
Customer: すみません。月7万円ぐらいで、部屋を探しているのですが。
Real estate agent: 7万円ぐらいですね。広さはどれぐらいがご希望ですか。
Becky: He asked you how large a room you would like. Answer “I’d like 1DK or 1LDK on the second floor or higher."
Customer: 1DKか、1LDKで、2階以上がいいです。
Real estate agent: エリアは、どの辺をご希望ですか。
Becky: He asked you which area you would like. Answer “My school is in Shinjuku. So, I’d like an area where you can get to Shinjuku within 30 minutes."
Customer: 学校が新宿なので、新宿まで30分以内で行けるところがいいです。
Real estate agent: 駅から近い方がいいですよね。
Becky: He wanted to make sure that you'd like a place near a station. Answer “Yes. One near a station would be better, even if it’s a little small."
Customer: はい、少し狭くても、駅から近い方がいいです。
Becky: Here are some useful words and phrases for this task. The first word is,
Becky: An apartment with one room and a dining kitchen
Kaori:1DK (slow), 1DK
Kaori: DKは、ダイニングキッチン
Becky: dining kitchen
Kaori: です。1DKは、ダイニングキッチンのほかにもう一つ部屋があるという意味です。
Kaori: 1LDK(ワンエルディーケー)
Kaori: LDK のLは、リビングルームのLです。LDKは、リビングルームとダイニングキッチンがひとつになった、少し大き目の部屋です。
Becky: The L in LDK represents “living room”. So, LDK means a slightly larger room combined with a living room, dining room, and a kitchen.
Kaori: 1LDK
Becky: An apartment with one room, a living room and a dining kitchen.
Kaori:1LDK (slow), 1LDK
Becky: Here is another type of a room.
Kaori: 1K
Becky:An apartment with one room and a kitchen
Kaori: Kは、キッチンのKですね。
Becky: So, usually a room type is indicated by “number + DK, LDK, or K.”
Kaori: はい、数字は、DK、ダイニングキッチン, LDK、リビングダイニング、K、キッチン以外にいくつ部屋があるかを示しています。
Becky: The number means how many rooms there are in addition to DK, LDK or K. So, if there are 2 rooms in addition to a dining kitchen, what do you say?
Kaori: 2DK(にーディーケー)
Kaori: 「にー」とちょっと伸ばします。ディーケーと同じリズムになって言い易いからだと思います。
Becky: That’s a good hint!
Becky: Next is, 3 rooms in addition to a living dining room,
Kaori: 3LDK(さんエルディーケー)
Kaori: ワンディーケーの場合は、1をワンと読んでいましたね。でも、数字が2以上になると、2DK(にーディーケー)や3DK(さんディーケー)と読むことが多くなりますよ。
Becky: Okay, here are some more phrases to explain needs for real estate. The first phrase is,
Kaori: 駅から近い
Becky: near a station
Kaori: 「駅近 (えきちか)」と省略して言うこともあります。
Becky: next is,
Kaori: 日当たりがいい
Kaori: 日当たり
Kaori: 日当たりがいい
Becky: sunny or with good sunlight
Kaori: コンビニが近い
Becky: a convenience store is nearby

Lesson focus

Becky: Now, the first key expression for this task is, "I’m looking for a room at around 70,000 yen per month.”
Becky: The latter part of this sentence is, “I’m looking for a room.”
Kaori: 部屋をさがしている。 
Becky: plus a sentence-ending phrase often used when you want to ask for help,
Kaori: のですが。
Becky: Altogether, they make a softer and more polite request for help.
Kaori: 部屋をさがしているのですが。
Becky: To explain your budget, start with the phrase meaning “around 70,000 yen per month,”
Kaori: 月7万円ぐらい
Becky: and a particle which is equivalent to “at” in English,
Kaori: で
Becky: Together, they make the phrase meaning, “at around 70,000 yen per month.”
Kaori: 月7万円ぐらいで
Becky: The word meaning “rent”
J: 家賃
Becky: is not mentioned here, but we know it’s about the rent from the context.
Kaori: 家賃は、普通、毎月支払うものなので、「月7万円」とか「月5万円」という言い方をします。
Becky: Again, here is the first key expression, “I’m looking for a room at around 70,000 yen per month.”
Kaori:  月7万円ぐらいで、部屋を探しているのですが。
Becky: If you're looking for a room at around 60,000 yen per month, you say,
Kaori: 月6万円ぐらいで、部屋を探しているのですが。
Becky: The next key expression is, “I’d like an area where you can get to Shinjuku within 30 minutes.”
Kaori: 新宿まで30分以内で行けるところがいいです。
Becky: The first part of this sentence is the phrase meaning “you can get to Shinjuku within 30 minutes”
Kaori: 新宿まで30分以内で行ける
Becky: This phrase modifies a word meaning “place”
Kaori: ところ
Becky: Altogether they make a noun phrase meaning “the place where you can get to Shinjuku within 30 minutes.”
Kaori: 新宿まで30分以内で行けるところ
Becky: Say, “I’d like a place where you can get to Shibuya within one hour.”
Kaori: 渋谷まで1時間以内で行けるところがいいです。
Becky: One more key expression is, “one near a station would be better, even if it’s a little small."
Kaori: 少し狭くても、駅から近い方がいいです。
Becky: So, the first clause is, “even if it’s a little small.”
Kaori: 少し狭くても
Becky: A particle meaning “even if” in English,
Becky: is used.
Kaori: 「ても」の「て」は、て形
Becky: te-form
Kaori" の「て」と「も」がくっついた形です。
Becky: This
J: ても
Becky: is
J: て
Becky: of te-form combined with
Becky: In this case, the te-form of an i-adjective meaning “small”
J: 狭い
Becky: which is
J: 狭くて
Becky: plus
Kaori: 狭くても
Becky: So, the first clause is, “even if it’s a little small.”
Kaori: 少し狭くても
Becky: This is followed by the second clause meaning “one near a station would be better.”
Kaori: 駅から近い方がいい
Kaori: 「方がいい」の使い方、覚えていますか。たとえば、赤いシャツと青いシャツを比べて、「青いシャツがいい」と言うとき、なんて言いますか。
Becky: When you compare “a red shirt and a blue shirt” and you like the blue one, you say,
Kaori: 「青い方がいい」と言いますね。
Kaori: ここでは、「広くて、駅から遠い部屋
Becky: a large room, but far from a station
Kaori: と、「狭くて、駅から近い部屋
Becky: a small room, but near a station
Kaori: の二つを比べています。
Becky: You make a comparison between “a large room but far from a station” and “a small room but near a station.” And if you want to say “a small room but near a station would be better," you say,
Kaori: 狭くても駅から近い方がいい。「狭い」は悪い点、「駅から近い」は良い点で、この二つは反対の意味なので、「狭くても
Becky: even if it’s small
Kaori: と言う方がいいですね。
Becky: “Small” is a disadvantage, and “near a station” is an advantage. So, these two points should be connected by a contradictory conjunction, “even if” (
J: ても
Kaori: 少し狭くても、駅から近い方がいい。
Becky: Say, “A cheap room would be better, even if it’s a little far from a station.”
Kaori: 少し駅から遠くても、安い方がいいです。
Becky: Say, “A large room would be better, even if it’s a little old.”
Kaori: 少し古くても、広い方がいいです。
Becky: Now try to participate in the dialogue using some alternative words you learned in this lesson. Use as many of the expressions you learned in this lesson as possible. Let's get started!
Becky: You enter a real estate agency.
Real estate agent: いらっしゃいませ。
Becky: Say, “I’m looking for a room at around 80,000 yen per month."
Customer: すみません、月8万円ぐらいで、部屋を探しているのですが。
Real estate agent: 8万円ぐらいですね。広さはどれぐらいがご希望ですか。
Becky: He asked you how large a room you would like. Answer “I’d like 2DK or 2LDK on the second floor or higher.
Customer: 2DKか、2LDKで、2階以上がいいです。
Real estate agency: エリアは、どの辺をご希望ですか。
Becky: He asked you which area you would like. Answer “my company is in Yokohama. So, I’d like an area where you can get to Yokohama within 45 minutes.”
Customer: 会社が横浜なので、横浜まで45分以内で行けるところがいいです。
Real estate agency: 駅から近い方がいいですよね。
Becky: He wanted to make sure that you'd like a place near a station. Answer “Not really. I’d like one with good sunlight, even if it’s a little far from a station.”
Customer: いえ、少し駅から遠くても、日当たりがいい方がいいです。
Becky: How did you do? There are actually a large number of variations you can use in this situation. Make sure to look for them in the lesson notes.


Becky: Okay, That’s all for this lesson.
Kaori: 日本で、不動産屋さんに行って、部屋を借りたことはありますか。なにが、一番大変でしたか。教えてくださいね。
Becky: In the next lesson, you’ll learn how to invite your co-worker to go to a movie.
Becky: See you all next time!


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