
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript


Risa: You've just been served a bowl of ramen, but what is the correct way to eat it? こんにちは。りさです. Risa here. There are a few things you need to be careful of when eating ramen in Japan. In this lesson, you'll learn what they are. Mark is waiting for his order during his lunch break. Let's watch!
Woman: お待たせしました。
Mark: すみません、これは何ですか。
Woman: これは、レンゲです。これでスープを飲んでください。
Mark: あぁ、わかりました。それから、七味とうがらし、もらえますか。
Woman: はい、わかりました。
Woman: はい、どうぞ。
Mark: ありがとうございます。
Mark: おいしい!
Risa: Now with English translation.
Woman: Thank you for waiting.
Mark: Excuse me, but what is this?
Woman: This is a China spoon. Please have soup with this.
Mark: Oh, I see. And can you get me seven flavor chili pepper?
Woman: Sure.
Woman: Here you are.
Mark: Thank you.
Mark: It's good!
Risa: Here are the key words and phrases you need.
Mark: 待つ
Risa: 待つ
Alisha: to wait
Risa: 待つ, 待つ, 待つ
Mark: 何
Risa: 何
Alisha: what
Risa: 何, 何, 何
Mark: レンゲ
Risa: レンゲ
Alisha: China spoon
Risa: レンゲ, レンゲ. レンゲ
Mark: スープ
Risa: スープ
Alisha: soup
Risa: スープ, スープ, スープ
Mark: 飲む
Risa: 飲む
Alisha: to drink
Risa: 飲む, 飲む, 飲む
Mark: それから
Risa: それから
Alisha: and, and then
Risa: それから, それから, それから
Mark: 七味とうがらし
Risa: 七味とうがらし
Alisha: seven flavor chili pepper
Risa: 七味とうがらし, 七味とうがらし, 七味とうがらし
Mark: もらう
Risa: もらう
Alisha: to receive, to get
Risa: もらう, もらう, もらう
Key Phrases
Risa: Here are the key phrases from the scene.
Alisha: In the scene, what did the shop worker say when she was bringing ramen to Mark?
Woman: お待たせしました。
Risa: お待たせしました。お待たせしました。お待たせしました。
Alisha: This is a polite expression to mean "Thank you for waiting" or "I'm sorry that I kept you waiting." You often hear this from restaurant workers when they bring your order to you.
Alisha: The main part of this expression is...
Risa: 待たせる
Alisha: …which is the causative form of a verb meaning "to wait.”
Risa: 待つ。 待たせる
Alisha: means "to make someone wait"
Alisha: The shop worker used a humble version,
Risa: お待たせする
Alisha: to express their politeness by describing their own actions in a humble way.
Alisha: The structure to make a humble phrase is the honorific prefix
Risa: お
Alisha: plus masu-stem of a verb plus...
Alisha: The masu stem of…
Risa: 待たせる
Alisha: is,
Risa: 待たせ
Alisha: So,
Risa: 待たせる
Alisha: is changed to
Risa: お、待たせ、する
Alisha: Finally, put it in the formal past tense.
Risa: お待たせしました。
Alisha: Now you try! Say the shop worker's line.
Woman: お待たせしました。
Alisha: When he got his ramen, Mark noticed something he didn't recognize. How did he ask what it was?
Mark: これは、何ですか。
Risa: これは、何ですか。これは、何ですか。これは、何ですか。
Alisha: “What is this?”
Risa: これ
Alisha: “this”
Risa: は
Alisha: topic marking particle
Risa: 何 (なん)
Alisha: what
Risa: です
Alisha: is
Risa: か
Alisha: question marking particle.
Alisha: It comes from the basic Japanese sentence pattern,
Risa: A は Bですか。
Alisha: When you have no idea what something is at all and just want to ask "what is this?" you can replace B with
Risa: なん
Alisha: “what.”
Risa: これは、なんですか。
Alisha: You might remember the question word for "what" in Japanese is
Risa: 何(なに)
Alisha: That is correct, but
Risa: なに
Alisha: becomes..
Risa: なん
Alisha: before a D sound, as in
Risa: これは何ですか。
Alisha: to make it easy to pronounce.
Risa: これは何ですか。
Alisha: Now you try! Say Mark's line.
Mark: すみません。
Mark: これは何ですか。
Alisha: How did Mark ask the shop worker to get him the spice?
Mark: 七味とうがらし、もらえますか。
Risa: 七味とうがらし、もらえますか。七味とうがらし、もらえますか。七味とうがらし、もらえますか。
Alisha: “Can you get me seven flavor chili pepper?”
Risa: 七味とうがらし
Alisha: “seven flavor chili pepper”
Risa: もらえます
Alisha: The potential formal form of a verb,
Risa: もらう
Alisha: meaning "to receive" and
Risa: か
Alisha: question marking particle. So,
Risa: もらえますか
Alisha: means "can I receive?"
Alisha: When you ask for something from someone, you can use this phrase
Risa: もらえますか。
Alisha: in this sentence structure. Say the item you want, plus
Risa: もらえますか。
Alisha: In this case, Mark wants to get some seven flavor chili pepper so he said,
Alisha: 七味とうがらし、もらえますか。
Alisha: So if you want salt, you say…
Risa: 塩、もらえますか。
Risa: Also, you can add the object marking particle,
Alisha: を
Alisha: after the item you want, so, you can also say…
Risa: 七味とうがらしをもらえますか。
Alisha: Either way would be fine.
Alisha: Now you try! Say Mark's line.
Mark: それから。。。
Mark: 七味とうがらし、もらえますか。

Lesson focus

Risa: Now, the lesson focus. Here's how to eat ramen.
Alisha: The most important thing to know about eating ramen is that you are *supposed* to slurp noodles when you eat ramen. It's not bad manners at all -- in fact, it's good!
Alisha: Some people say noodles taste better when you slurp them, because that way you can taste the noodles and soup at the same time.
Alisha: Do you remember the name for the spoon hooked on the edge of a ramen bowl?
Risa: れんげ
Alisha: It's a Chinese spoon. This was originally a ceramic spoon for Chinese food. You can often find it with ramen. Sometimes it's made out of plastic.
Alisha: As the shop worker told Mark, it's used for eating the ramen broth. Don't use it to eat the noodles.
Alisha: When you take a seat at a ramen shop, you might find some condiments on the table. The usual condiments are,
Risa: 七味とうがらし
Alisha: “seven flavor chili pepper”
Risa: ラー油
Alisha: “chili oil”
Risa: おろしにんにく
Alisha: “grated garlic,” and
Risa: こしょう
Alisha: “pepper.”
Alisha: There are no strict rules about which condiment you should use for each type of ramen, but generally it's said that
Risa: 七味とうがらし
Alisha: “seven flavor chili pepper”
Alisha: goes well with
Risa: みそラーメン
Alisha: “ramen with miso”
Risa: ラー油
Alisha: “chili oil”
Alisha: goes well with
Risa: とんこつラーメン
Alisha: “ramen with pork bone broth”
Risa: おろしにんにく
Alisha: “grated garlic” goes well with
Risa: とんこつ and みそ ラーメン
Alisha: “ramen with pork bone broth” and “ramen with miso”
Risa: こしょう
Alisha: “pepper”
Alisha: goes well with any type of ramen.
Alisha: But it's up to you! So try out different combinations and figure out what you like the most!
Risa: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Alisha: You're sitting at a ramen shop in Tokyo, and waiting for your order to come. Ready? Here we go.
Alisha: A shop worker is coming to bring your ramen. What will they say to you?
Risa: お待たせしました。
Alisha: You notice a seasoning that you don't recognize. How can you ask about it?
Risa: これは、何ですか。
Alisha: You want seven flavor chili pepper, but can't find it on your table. How can you ask the shop worker to get it for you?
Risa: 七味とうがらし、もらえますか。
Alisha: Great job!
Risa: お待たせしました。
Risa: これは、何ですか。
Risa: 七味とうがらし、もらえますか。


Risa: よくできました! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, you're ready to enjoy a nice bowl of ramen! じゃまたね!

