Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone! Welcome to BASIC JAPANESE WRITING. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to master the Japanese alphabet!
You've learned these five Katakana characters from the previous lesson.
In this lesson, you'll learn five new characters. Remember the dakuten? We'll see it appear again in this lesson.
The first katakana character for this lesson is カ. カ.
Katakana カ actually looks like a more angular version of hiragana か and without this stroke.
Just like in the K column of hiragana, the K column of katakana can also be modified by the "dakuten" or "ten ten" mark.
Again, we put it in the upper right corner so now it will be pronounced ガ. カ; ガ. カ; ガ.
Katakana カ is written in 2 strokes.
It is written in a similar way to hiragana か but is more angular.
The first stroke starts with a long horizontal line going to the right then it turns sharply downwards to make a slightly curved diagonal line. Finally it ends with a hane.
Since katakana characters are more angular, the hane stroke also gets a sharper angle.
The second stroke is a curved diagonal just like in hiragana か. Then that's it. No more third stroke like its hiragana counterpart.
Ok, let's see it again.
Ok, next up is the katakana character キ. キ.
キ also looks like its hiragana counterpart but without this part at the bottom.
Just like the katakana カ, we could also put a "dakuten" on it.
キ with a dakuten is pronounced as ギ. キ; ギ. キ; ギ.
Katakana キ is written in 3 strokes.
This one is also written in a similar way to its hiragana counterpart without this part.
The first two strokes are parallel diagonal lines both going from the lower left to the upper right.
The third stroke is another diagonal which cuts through the first two strokes.
And that's it. No need for the hane and the half smile curve.
Ok, let's see it again.
The third one is the katakana ク. ク.
If hiragana く is a *CU*CKOO's beak, then try remembering katakana ク as the *CU*CKOO's tail.
Let's add a "dakuten" to ク as well. It's now pronounced as グ. ク; グ. ク; グ.
Katakana ク is written in 2 stroke.
The first stroke is a curved diagonal.
The second stroke starts where the first stroke starts. It's a short horizontal line which turns sharply into a longer curved diagonal than the first stroke.
To make your writing neat, try to make these two curves parallel.
Ok, let's see it again.
This is the katakana character ケ. ケ.
Try looking at it from this angle and you'll see a letter *K*!
Just like the first three characters, ケ can be modified by a dakuten.
ケ with a dakuten is pronounced as ゲ. ケ; ゲ. ケ; ゲ.
Katakana ケ is written in 3 strokes.
This character starts the same way as katakana ク - with this curved diagonal line.
This time the second stroke starts from the middle of the first stroke. It's also a longer horizontal line going to the right.
The third stroke also starts from the middle of the second stroke. It's a curved diagonal line that goes to the lower left.
Ok, let's see it again.
And our final character for this lesson is the katakana コ. コ.
Imagine this character as a road with 2 *CO*RNERS.
Now, do you remember what コ sounds like with a dakuten?
It will be ゴ. コ; ゴ. コ; ゴ.
Katakana コ is written in 2 strokes.
The first stroke starts as a horizontal stroke which turns sharply downwards.
The second stroke is a horizontal stroke at the bottom meeting the first stroke where it ends.
To avoid confusion with other characters, make the length of the second stroke the same as the horizontal line of the first stroke.
Ok, let's see it again.
Let's see all the characters again. カ, ガ, キ, ギ, ク, グ, ケ, ゲ, コ, ゴ.
Quiz time!
Now, let's review what you've learned. I'll show you a character or a word and give you time to say them. Ready?
Which one is the katakana ケ? (pause 3 sec) It's this one! Just find the sideways K.
It has a dakuten so it's グ.
りょ. Remember it's a digraph so don't say the "i" sound.
ふ, as in Mt. *FU*JI.
エコ. This means "eco-friendly." It's a popular katakana word right now.
ギア. It means "gear."
カカオ. カカオ means "cacao."
ケーキ. This is "cake." Yum!
カーカー. This is the sound crows make.
イケてる. This means cool or sexy.
グーグー. This is an onomatopoeia for the sound of snoring or a stomach grumbling.
オーケー. As you can guess, it means "Okay."
Great job! Have you forgotten some hiragana characters? Many katakana characters look very similar to their hiragana counterparts so it will actually take less to remember if you've mastered all the hiragana already. So keep on reviewing the hiragana characters even if we're doing the katakana characters already.
Ok, let's wrap up this lesson by recapping what you've learned.
In this lesson, you learned カ and ガ, キ and ギ, ク and グ, ケ and ゲ, and コ and ゴ.
よくできました! You've now mastered 56 Japanese characters.
Do you know the right word to use when ordering an ice cream? It might not be what you think, so tune in to the next lesson to find out when I teach you the katakana characters in the S column.
Before you go, practice writing the following words on your own!
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See you in the next lesson! またね!

