
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Don't Miss Your Chance! How to Close the Deal in Japanese
Naomi: 皆様こんにちは。直美でございます。
Peter: Right. We learned 皆様 and でございます, an extra formal copula in the previous lesson. In this lesson, you'll learn how to say that you have something.
Naomi: You also learn the usage of kudasai
Peter: Ashley and Ichiro have just arrived at Narita international airport. Now they're going through immigration. Since Ichiro has a Japanese passport and Ashley has a foreign passport, they need to wait in different lines. They're saying good bye now.This conversation takes place at
Naomi: 成田国際空港 Narita international airport.
Peter: The conversation is between
Naomi: アシュリーさんと一郎さん Ashley and Ichiro
Peter: They're using
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
係員: Foreign passport holders this way.
豊田一郎: あ、じゃあ。
:すみません。じゃ、(scribbling sound) はい。どうぞ。
係員: Foreign passport holders this way.
Peter: Foreign passport holders this way.
豊田一郎: あ、じゃあ。
Peter: All right, well...
Peter: Thank you very much.
Peter: Here's my business card.
Peter: Thank you!
Peter: Oh, so you're a manager at Nessan Automotive?
Peter: Yes...Toyota-san, do you have a business card?
Peter: Yes, I do!
Peter: Business card...business card...huh? Uh oh, I don't!
:すみません。じゃ、(scribbling sound) はい。どうぞ。
Peter: I'm sorry. Okay, well...here you are! (scribbling sound)
Peter: My cell phone number and e-mail address. Contact me sometime!
Peter: See you around.
Peter: Okay! Bye.
Naomi: People often exchange business cards in Japan. Is it also common in western culture?
Peter: (Comment)
Naomi: Business cards are called 名刺 in Japanese.Do you find anything difficult when you exchange 名刺? 
Peter: (Comment - how to give business card)
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi へぇー [natural native speed]
Peter oh
Naomi へぇー [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi へぇー [natural native speed]
Naomi 自動車 [natural native speed]
Peter automobile
Naomi 自動車 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 自動車 [natural native speed]
Naomi 携帯 [natural native speed]
Peter cell phone, mobile phone
Naomi 携帯 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 携帯 [natural native speed]
Naomi メアド [natural native speed]
Peter e-mail address
Naomi メアド [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi メアド [natural native speed]
Naomi 連絡 [natural native speed]
Peter contact
Naomi 連絡 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 連絡 [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: First of all, I'd like to introduce an interjection, which is へー
Peter: We kind of touched on へー in all about series Lesson 13. Basically You can use へぇー to show that you’re impressed.
Peter: Next word?
Naomi: 携帯
Peter: cell phone, mobile phone. Keitai originally means "portable".
Naomi: The real name for mobile phone is 携帯電話 携帯 portable 電話 phone.
Peter: We do the same thing in English though. People just call a cell phone a cell
Naomi: Right. And in the dialogue, Ichiro said 携帯 but what he really meant was not "cell phone" but "cell phone number"
Peter: OK.What's the next word?
Naomi: メアド
Peter: e-mail address It's an abbreviation of イーメールアドレス isn't it?
Naomi: Right. You might also hear メールアドレス or メール or メルアド. In a business situation though, メール or メールアドレス are usually used.
Peter: Lastly we have
Naomi: 自動車
Peter: automobile Naomi-sensei, we don't usually use the word 自動車 in a daily conversation, do we?
Naomi: You're right. In a daily conversation, we tend to use 車 which means car more often.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you will learn 2 things. One, how to talk about the existence of inanimate objects with arimasu (あります) And the second?
Naomi: How to ask for something with kudasai (ください)
Peter: Let's start with arimasu then.
Peter: Arimasu (あります) is a verb that means "to be", "to exist", or "to have". It is important to note that this only applies to inanimate objects. For animate objects such as people or animals, the verb imasu (います) is used.
Naomi: The usage of imasu will be covered in Lesson 17.
Peter: Can we have a sample sentence?
Naomi: 私は、名刺があります。
Peter: I have a business card.
Naomi: The thing you have is usually marked by particle が 名刺があります Have a meishi Have a business card.
Peter: Let's break it down.
Naomi&Peter: 私は "I and topic marking particle" So it's like "As for me" 名刺 "Business card"
が particle. "Ga" marks the the object that exist or the subject have. あります"To exist, to have" So literally 私は"As for me",名刺があります "business card have" or "business card exists" Of course it means I have a business card in natural English.
Peter: Can you say that sentence again?
Naomi: 私は名刺があります。I have a business card.
Peter: If you have to say... I have time.
Naomi: time in Japanese is 時間 so... 私は時間があります。
Peter: I have time. Of course when it's clear "Watashi wa" can be left out.So..
Naomi: 時間があります
Peter: I have time
Naomi: 名刺があります。
Peter: I have a business card.
If you want to ask a question, what do we do?
Naomi: Easy. Just add か at the end of the sentence. So...
Peter: Do you have time?
Naomi: 名刺がありますか
Peter: Do you have a business card? If you have it say...
Naomi: はい、あります。Yes I do.
Peter: And..
Naomi: はい、どうぞ。Here it is.
Peter: But what if you don't have it? What do you say?
Naomi: We say...ありません
Peter: "Arimasu" is I have. "Arimasen" is the negative form.
Naomi: Change ます to ません for negative form.
Peter: So how do you say "I don't have time"
Naomi: 時間がありません
Peter: How about I don't have a business card.
Naomi: 名刺がありません。
Peter: OK. On to the next grammar point.
Naomi: Our next grammar point is ください
Peter: In the dialog, Ichiro asked Ashley to contact him using the word kudasai (ください):
豊田一郎: 連絡ください。 Contact me sometime! To ask for something, we can use [ object ] plus (o) kudasai - we put the object particle o (を) plus kudasai (ください) after what we want.
Naomi: The object particle o (を) can be omitted. So "Object you want" plus ください。
For example, 電話ください
Peter: Give me a call.
Naomi: メールください
Peter: E-mail me.
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with some quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. You're job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question. How do you say business card in Japanese?
Naomi: A) 名前 B)メール C)名刺
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: C)名刺
Peter: "Namae" is name "Meiru" is E-mail... Next question.
Which of following phrases mean "I don't have time."
Naomi: A)時間がありません B)時間がありますか C)時間があります
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: A)時間がありません
Peter: Remember, あります means "to have," “to exist”; ありません is the negative so, “doesn’t exist,” “don’t have.”


Peter: That's it for this lesson. In the next lesson, we'll introduce useful phrases to use at immigration.
Naomi: OK. See you next lesson. じゃ、また


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