
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Japanese Phrases You'll Use Everyday. An American businesswoman, Ashley, is on an airplane and talking with Ichiro Toyota. In the previous lesson, you found out where they were from.
Naomi: Right. Ashley said she was from New York and Ichiro said 僕の出身は東京です。I'm from Tokyo.
Peter: In this lesson you'll find out what Ichiro does for a living.
Naomi: Also in this lesson's dialogue, you'll learn more about the usage of お願いします and learn some new adjectives.
Peter: As we mentioned, this conversation takes place on an airplane.And the conversation is between 3 people, right?
Naomi: はい。Right. アシュリーさん、Ashley 豊田一郎さん Mr. Ichiro Toyota and the フライトアテンダントFlight Attendant.
Peter: What level of Japanese are they using?
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Peter: Now before we listen to the dialogue, we recommend that you reference All about Japanese Lesson 5.
Flight Attendant: Black tea, coffee or Japanese tea?
Flight Attendant:日本茶ですね。
Flight Attendant:お砂糖とミルクは?
(Takes a sip)
:(takes a sip) あちっ。(coughs)まずいです。
Peter: I'm a photojournalist.
Peter: Oh, wow!
Peter: How about you?
Flight Attendant: Black tea, coffee or Japanese tea?
Peter: Black tea, coffee, or Japanese tea?
Peter: Oh, Japanese tea please.
Flight Attendant:日本茶ですね。
Peter: Japanese tea, here you are. How about you, sir?
Peter: Black tea, please.
Peter: Would you like sugar and milk?
Flight Attendant:お砂糖とミルクは?
Peter: Yes, please.
Peter(takes a sip)
(Takes a sip)
Peter: It's hot!
Peter: Are you okay? It's hot? (takes a sip) It's hot! (coughs) It tastes awful.
Peter: Shhhh! (laughs)
:(takes a sip) あちっ。(coughs)まずいです。
Peter: Japanese people are adopting a lot of foreign words, aren't they?
Naomi: That's true. Such as フォトジャーナリスト ミルク・・・
Peter: But 牛乳 is also milk, right?
Naomi: Right. But for some reason, we never say 牛乳茶 for milk tea.
When you're talking about milk in the carton, I think we tend to use 牛乳 instead of ミルク
Peter: The pronunciation is slightly different in English we say MILK but in Japanese.
Naomi: みるく み_る_く You have to pronounce every syllable with the same length.
Peter: Say that again?
Naomi: みるく
Peter: To say an English word in the Japanese way, you need to slow down a little bit and pronounce every syllable clearly.
Before we move on to the vocab section, I'd like to remind you that we talked about すごい in All about lesson 13.
Naomi: You can use すごい to show you're interested or impressed.
Peter: Or just to show that you are at least listening.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 日本茶 [natural native speed]
Peter Japanese tea
Naomi 日本茶 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 日本茶 [natural native speed]
Naomi お客様 [natural native speed]
Peter customer
Naomi お客様 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi お客様 [natural native speed]
Naomi 砂糖 [natural native speed]
Peter sugar
Naomi 砂糖 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 砂糖 [natural native speed]
Naomi 大丈夫 [natural native speed]
Peter all right, okay
Naomi 大丈夫 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 大丈夫 [natural native speed]
Naomi 熱い [natural native speed]
Peter hot (thing)
Naomi 熱い [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 熱い [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: 砂糖
Peter: sugar.
Naomi: In the dialogue, the flight attendant put お in front of 砂糖 and said お砂糖. This is called 美化語word beautification. By adding お in front of a noun, it makes it more polite or beautiful.
Peter: お is a polite prefix. Please note that you can not attach お to all the nouns but for today, just remember お砂糖 is a polite way to say 砂糖 sugar. You'll come across both expressions in daily conversation.
Can you think of any other nouns that we can attach お to to make it polite?
Naomi: Well... 名前 Name お名前. And oh... お茶 茶 is tea, so お茶 is a polite way to say tea!
Peter: That's the next word.
Naomi: 茶
Peter: tea. In this lesson's dialogue, the names of 2 different teas are introduced. One is
Naomi: 日本茶 Japanese tea 日本 Japan 茶 tea 日本茶
Peter: Another is...
Naomi: 紅茶
Peter: Black tea  OK. What's the next word?
Naomi: お客様
Peter: Customer, Sir, Ma'am It's a polite way to say "customer"
Naomi: Right. The word 客 actually means customer.
Peter: o- is a polite prefix and this makes the following noun polite. kyaku means customer, and sama is a polite suffix
Naomi: 様 is like さん "Mr." or "Ms.". But 様 is even more polite. So お客様 means something like Mr. or Ms. valued customer.
Peter: Japanese shop clerks or people who work in the service industry are usually very polite to the customers. The last word is
Naomi: 大丈夫
Peter: Meaning All right. OK. In the dialogue we have...
Naomi: 大丈夫ですか。
Peter: Are you OK? Are you all right?
Naomi: Actually the topic is missing from this sentence. It should be... あなたは大丈夫ですか。
Peter: "Are you OK? " Anata means "you" but saying anata is too direct in Japanese, so the subject あなたyou and the particleは are omitted.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you will learn how to ask for something using onegai shimasu (お願いします)and we'll also learn the usage of particle wa(は) to abbreviate questions
Naomi: First, let's take a look at the usage of お願いします, shall we?
Peter: In the last lesson, we learned some common phrases that incorporate the phrase onegai shimasu (お願いします). This time we'll learn how to ask for something using onegai shimasu (お願いします) after a noun. All you have to do is put onegai shimasu (お願いします) after the noun to ask for that item. Now, in the examples in the dialog, we didn't use any particle, but the direct object particle を can be used after the item being requested - but it's not necessary.
Naomi: So remember: Noun Plus お願いします For example, 日本茶お願いします
Peter: "Japanese tea please."
Naomi: 紅茶、お願いします。
Peter: "Black tea, please."
Naomi: 砂糖、お願いします。
Peter: "Sugar, please." So how do you say coffee please?
Naomi: コーヒー、お願いします。
Peter: How about "Coffee and Japanese tea, please"
Naomi: コーヒーと日本茶、お願いします。
Peter: When you want two items, insert the particle to (と), meaning "and", between the items.
Naomi: Right. コーヒーと日本茶 means "coffee and Japanese tea"
Peter: OK. On to our next grammar point.
Naomi: Uage of particle は
Peter: In spoken Japanese, it's very common to shorten phrases to only what is necessary. By leaving out what is already understood, your Japanese will sound more natural. Let's look at this example from the dialog. Toyota-san stated his profession, and then asks Ashley about hers with the phrase
Naomi: アシュリーさんは?"How about you?"
Peter: Using someone's name and attaching wa (は) with rising intonation is a very common way to ask back a question someone has just asked you, or to ask someone about the topic being discussed. It's very similar to "How about ~?" in English.
Naomi: Right. May be we can do the short example dialogue.
ピーターさんの出身はどこですか? Where are you from, Peter?
Peter: 私の出身はニューヨークです。I'm from NY. 直美先生は?How about you, Naomi-sensei?
Naomi asked my hometown using a full sentence ピーターさんの出身はどこですか? I answered her question, and asked back the same question. Since the topic was already clear I asked the same question using only the person's name plus は?
Naomi: Right. So [Such and Such] は? is equivalent to English "How about such and such."
Peter: OK. Let's recap what we learned in this lesson.
Naomi: How do you say Japanese tea?
A)お客様 B)日本茶 C) 砂糖
Peter: Hey... this is too easy, Naomi-sensei. Because Japan is Nihon and there's only one word which has nihon in it. So the answer is (b)日本茶 Japaenese tea. Question 2.
Naomi: Which phrase means "Coffee, please."
A)コーヒーと紅茶 B)コーヒーお願いします C)それはコーヒーですか。
Peter: The answer is
Naomi:(B)コーヒーお願いします(ko-hi- onegaishimasu.)
Peter: Again, "Coffee, please."


Naomi: Before we go, there's a chart for temperature related adjectives in the lesson note.
Peter: At the bottom of the lesson note, there's a write up and list of adjectives which is used to describe the temperature.
Naomi: There, you can learn how to say hot, cold, warm, cool in Japanese.
Peter: So, please check out the lesson note. In the next lesson, we'll talk about the temperature. So we’re confident you'll find those adjectives useful.
Naomi: じゃ、また See you!


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