
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: How to See All the Important Sites in the Shortest Amount of Time.
Naomi: レッスンノートを見たり、アペンディックスを見たりしましたか?
Peter: Did you take a look at the lesson notes, check the appendix lessons and so on?
In the previous lesson we learned this -tari-tari structure, and you also learned the informal past tense, or the so-called ta form.
Naomi: Right 見た した 行った
Peter: Saw, did, went, respectively. In this lesson you'll learn how to ask for permission and express what you can do. This lesson's conversation takes place at a travel agency.
Naomi: そうですね。アシュリーさんは築地に行きたいです。
Peter: Ashley wants to go to Tsukiji Fish market, and she's trying to book the tour.
Naomi: でもアシュリーさんはたくさん質問があります。
Peter: Ashley has a lot of questions.
Naomi: アシュリーさんは質問をしています。
Peter: So now she's asking her questions. The conversation is between
Naomi: アシュリーさんと受付
Peter: Ashely and the receptionist, who is probably a travel agent. Because it's a conversation between customer and a receptionist, you'll hear
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Peter: Reference Appendix 6 for expressions for duration of time.
受付:はい、どうぞ。(Ashley fills out the form)
Peter: Um...can I ask a question?
Peter: How much does the “Let's Enjoy Tsukiji Tour” cost?
Peter: Money-wise, it costs 10,000 yen for one person.
Peter: Time-wise, it takes five hours.
Peter: It's from seven in the morning to about twelve noon.
Peter: Can the guide speak English?
Peter: Yes, of course.
Peter: Okay, then can I make a reservation for the tour on Saturday of this week?
Peter: Please wait one moment.
Peter: Yes, you can still do that.
Peter: Please write your name and contact information here.
Peter: May I borrow a pen?
受付:はい、どうぞ。(Ashley fills out the form)
Peter: Yes, here you are. (Ashley fills out the form)
Peter: Okay, on Saturday the 29th, please come to the Tsukiji Post Office at six-fifty AM.
Peter: Here's a map.
Peter: Thank you very much.
Peter: Um, how long does it take from Shinagawa to Tsukiji?
Peter: It takes about thirty minutes.
Peter: And, can I take pictures at Tsukiji?
Peter: I'm not sure. Please ask the guide.
Peter: Tsukiji fish market...I've heard it's the one of most popular tourist spots.
Naomi: Right. In the dialogue, the receptionist said, 、午前6時50分に築地郵便局の前に来てください
Peter: On Saturday the 29th, please come to Tsukiji Post Office at six-fifty AM. Six-fifty AM? That's really early!!!
Naomi: I know. But if you'd like to see the auction, six fifty is actually too late. The auction starts at 5 and it finishes by 6 at the latest.
Peter: The auction sounds really interesting. And I've heard that there are a lot of good inexpensive sushi bars in that market too.
Naomi: そうですね。たくさんありますね。安くておいしいですよ。
Peter: There's one phrase I'd like to mention. SHOUSHOU OMACHI KUDASAI. Please wait one moment.
Naomi: You'll come across this phrase quite a lot.
Peter: Especially at shops or in business situations.
Naomi: Right. 少々 is like ちょっと
Peter: Which means "a little".
Naomi: お待ちください is the honorific way to say 待ってください
Peter: please wait. So SHOUSHOU OMACHIKUDASAI means "Please wait a minute" "Please hold on a little". It's a really formal expression. Can we hear it again?
Naomi: 少々お待ちください
Peter: Please wait one moment.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi かかる [natural native speed]
Peter to take (time, money); V1
Naomi かかる [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi かかる [natural native speed]
Naomi 大体 [natural native speed]
Peter about, approximately
Naomi 大体 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 大体 [natural native speed]
Naomi お金 [natural native speed]
Peter money
Naomi お金 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi お金 [natural native speed]
Naomi 位 [natural native speed]
Peter approximately, about
Naomi 位 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 位 [natural native speed]
Naomi 郵便局 [natural native speed]
Peter post office
Naomi 郵便局 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 郵便局 [natural native speed]
Naomi だいたい [natural native speed]
Peter about, approximately
Naomi だいたい [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi だいたい [natural native speed]
Naomi もちろん [natural native speed]
Peter Of course.
Naomi もちろん [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi もちろん [natural native speed]
Naomi くらい [natural native speed]
Peter approximately, about
Naomi くらい [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi くらい [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: 質問
Peter: question, inquiry. In all about #12 we introduced the phrase
Naomi: 質問ありますか。
Peter: Do you have any questions? Are there any questions?
Naomi: Now 質問する or 質問をする is a verb
Peter: "To ask a question". OK, 次は何ですか? What's next?
Naomi: くらい or ぐらい
Peter: approximately, about
Naomi: くらい ぐらい it doesn't really matter which one you use but you have to put くらい or ぐらい after an amount.
Peter: For example, "about 100yen"
Naomi: 100円くらい 100円ぐらい but not くらい100円 nor ぐらい100円
Peter: Notice the word order is the opposite from English. Say that again? About 100yen is
Naomi: 百円くらい or 百円ぐらい
Peter: Now there's one more word which means approximately or about in this dialogue, which is...
Peter: approximately or about
Naomi: 大体 comes before the amount.
Peter: So about 100yen is
Naomi: 大体百円
Peter: Can we use DAITAI and KURAI together and say... DAITAI HYAKU-EN KURAI.
Naomi: It might seem redundant, but people do say it in conversations. 大体1時くらいです。
Peter: It's about 1 o'clock.
Naomi: I would recommend that you just stick to one. 
Peter: OK.Tsugi onegaishimasu. Next, please.
Naomi: Next we have a verb. かかる
Peter: To take, to cost. something takes time/money. KAKARU is used to talk about time or cost.
Naomi: It's a class 1 verb, so the masu form is かかります
Peter: Right. You have to change the last u sound to the corresponding i-sound and add masu.
Naomi: In the dialogue, Ashley asked... 「どのくらいかかりますか。」
Peter: How long does it take? or How much does it cost? Depending on the context. Let's break this sentence down.
Naomi&Peter: どのくらい How long, how far, how much かかります the masu form or a verb "KAKARU-to take" か question
Peter: Again, it means "How long does it take?" or "How much does it cost?"
Peter: Since KAKARU can be used with both time and money, there is a good possibility there will be confusion if you don't specify what you are talking about. What are we supposed to do to avoid any confusion?
Naomi: Insert the topic at the beginning.
For example, if you want to know about money....お金はどのくらいかかりますか or you can drop the topic marker "は" and say お金、どのくらいかかりますか。
Peter: How much does it cost?
Naomi: If you want to ask about "time," 時間はどのくらいかかりますか。Or 時間、どのくらいかかりますか。
Peter: How long does it take? Can we hear them again? "How much does it cost?"
Naomi: お金、どのくらいかかりますか。
Peter: "How much does it cost?"
Naomi: 時間、どのくらいかかりますか。
Peter: To answer this question, just say [ the amount of money or duration of time ] followed by kakarimasu.
Naomi: For example, 千円かかります。
Peter: It costs one thousand yen.
Naomi: 一時間かかります。
Peter: It takes one hour.
Naomi: 一時 is one o'clock but 1時間 is one hour or an hour.
Peter: Right. KAN means while or period. When KAN follows a time expression, it becomes a period of time.
Naomi: 二時 is two o'clock 二時間 is
Peter: 2 hours. For more information about duration of time, please take a look at appendix lesson 6.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you will learn two things. The first is how to ask for permission. The second is how to talk about what you can do. OK, let's start with asking for permission. Now to learn this grammar point, you need to know how to form te-form of a verb. So please check out our verb conjugation lesson if you need more information on making the te-form of a verb.
Naomi: To form a "May I ...?"sentence, add もいいですか to the Te-form of a verb.
Peter: The phrase "-te mo ii desu ka" is used when you ask the listener for permission to do something. Let's illustrate it with an example as always. How do you say "To see"?
Naomi: 見る
Peter: The corresponding "Te-form" is...
Naomi: 見て
Peter: Add "mo ii desu ka" to form "May I---?" sentences.
Naomi: 見てもいいですか。
Peter: May I see it? OK. How do you say..."to take" as in "To take a picture"
Naomi: とる
Peter: the te-from is...
Naomi: とって
Peter: Add "mo ii desu ka" to form "May I---?" sentence.
Naomi: とってもいいですか。
Peter: May I take?
Naomi: So, 写真をとってもいいですか would be...
Peter: May I take a picture. OK. We've just learned "to ask a question" is
Naomi: 質問する
Peter: what's the te-form of a verb SURU-to do?
Naomi: して、So...質問して
Peter: Add "mo ii desu ka" to form "May I---?" sentence.
Naomi: 質問しても良いですか。
Peter: May I ask a question? Naomi-sensei, how do we respond to these "-te mo ii desu ka?" questions.
Naomi: The common response to "てもいいですか" sentences is "大丈夫ですよ。"(It's OK)or "はい。どうぞ”(Sure. Go ahead) for "Yes" And for "no" is probably "すみません。それはちょっと..."(I'm sorry, but that's a little...)
Peter: On the next grammar point. Next you'll learn how to talk about what you can do.
Naomi: We use the verb できる to talk about what you can do.
Peter: DEKIRU is the potential form of the verb SURU, and has the meaning of "to be able to do".
Naomi: The sentence structure is [Someone]は[Something]ができる
Peter: Please note that when using DEKIRU, the particle GA is usually used to mark the direct object, rather than the direct object marker O. For example.
Naomi: 私は日本語ができる。
Peter: Literally, I can do Japanese. Of course it means I can speak Japanese. In the dialogue, Ashley asked the travel agent.
Naomi: 予約、できますか。
Peter: Literally, reservation, able to do? Of course it means "Is reservation possible?" or "Can I make a reservation?" Here, the particle "GA" is omitted.
Naomi: Right.
Peter: Can we have one more example?
Naomi: キャンセル、できますか。
Peter: Cancellation, possible? Is it possible to cancel it? Can I cancel it?
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question. What does "お金どのくらいかかりますか" mean?
A) How long does it take? B)How much does it cost? C)How far is it?
Naomi: The answer is?
Peter: B)How much does it cost?
Naomi: お金どのくらいかかりますか。
Peter: DONOKURAI means "How long""How much"or "how far" , but "OKANE" is money so the question is
Naomi: お金どのくらいかかりますか
Peter: is asking about the money. OK. The second question. Which of following sentences means "May I ask a question?"
Naomi: A)質問してもいいですか B)質問ありますか C)質問をします
Peter: The answer is?
Naomi: A)質問してもいいですか
Peter: "May I ask a question?" Choice B)
Naomi: 質問ありますか
Peter: is "Do you have any questions? Choice C)
Naomi: 質問をします
Peter: is "To ask a question"


Peter: That concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashely is going to call Rei Mitsuoka, so you'll learn some useful expressions for making a phone call.
Naomi: じゃ。また。


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