
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Joking in Japanese - Do You Think This is Funny? In the previous lesson, you learned how to combine 2 or more verbs using the te-form of a verb.
Naomi: そうですね。Right. Such as 早く食べて行きましょう
Peter: Let's eat quickly and go! In this lesson, you'll learn how to describe past actions in informal speech. This conversation takes place at
Naomi: 天ぷらや
Peter: A tempura restaurant. The conversation is between...
Naomi: アシュリーさんと、豊田一郎さん
Peter: Ashely and Ichiro Toyota. Ashley is telling Ichiro what she did during her stay in Japan. The formality level of the conversation is...
Naomi: Ashley is using formal Japanese, and Ichiro is using informal Japanese.
Peter: Please reference Appendix 5 for information on time duration.
Peter: Sorry Ashley, did you wait long?
Peter: No, I just got here myself.
Peter: This is a great restaurant.
Peter: How do you know about it?
Peter: It's a secret.
Peter: I heard about it from a taxi driver.
Peter: So, how was Nikko?
Peter: It was great!
Peter: I did a homestay for two days.
Peter: Oh, here's a gift from Nikko.
Peter: Oh? Thanks! I'm so happy.
Peter: Oh, you went to Toshogu?
Peter: Yes, it was really magnificent, I was surprised!
Peter: And then I went to the Kegon Waterfall, took a walk, rode in a boat, and more.
Peter: It was really fun.
Peter: What else have you done in Japan?
Peter: I went to an izakaya with my coworkers, saw fireworks, and so on.
Peter: How nice...I didn't see any fireworks this year.
Peter: So, until when are you in Japan?
Peter: I have one more week.
Peter: Tomorrow I'm going to the office to work.
Peter: I'll be working for four days from Monday to Thursday.
Peter: And then, for three days I'm going to go to Mt. Fuji, going to Tsukiji, and going shopping and stuff.
Peter: So Ashley took Ichiro to the tempura restaurant that the taxi driver recommended to her in lesson12?
Naomi: Right. Ashley said タクシーの運転手さんから聞きました。( I heard about it from a taxi driver.) This is actually a really good way to choose a restaurant, because taxi drivers know a lot of good restaurants.
Peter: So what would be a good way to ask them about good restaurants?
Naomi: Well....近くに、いいレストランありますか? Are there any good restaurants near here? いいお店知っていますか。 Do you know of any good restaurants?
Peter: Or ...おすすめのお店ありますか? "Are there any restaurants that you recommend?" Something along these lines.OMISE in this case mean restaurant. OMISE is usually shop or store.
Naomi: 屋 as in 天ぷら屋 or 居酒屋 mean "shop" or "store" but you can not use 屋 by itself.If you want to say "Shop or store", say "店"or "お店".
Peter: I'd like to introduce the word IZAKAYA. An IZAKAYA is a type of Japanese drinking establishment that also serves food along with the drinks. The food is usually more substantial than that offered in other types of drinking establishments, such as bars.
Naomi: If you're a minor, you can't get in of course. There are some high-end 居酒屋, but regular 居酒屋 are relatively cheap and casual.
Peter: Some of the cheap ones are called わらわら and わたみ.
Naomi: ピーターさんは居酒屋行きますか。
Peter: ( answer &advice)
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi どうして [natural native speed]
Peter why, how
Naomi どうして [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi どうして [natural native speed]
Naomi 嬉しい [natural native speed]
Peter happy, glad, Adj(i)
Naomi 嬉しい [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 嬉しい [natural native speed]
Naomi 立派 [natural native speed]
Peter splendid, magnificent ; Adj(na)
Naomi 立派 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 立派 [natural native speed]
Naomi びっくり [natural native speed]
Peter surprise
Naomi びっくり [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi びっくり [natural native speed]
Naomi いい [natural native speed]
Peter good, nice, pleasant, fine; Adj(i)
Naomi いい [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi いい [natural native speed]
Naomi 土産 [natural native speed]
Peter souvenir, present
Naomi 土産 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 土産 [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: 知る
Peter: To know. However, if you want to say "I know something" you have to change this to present progressive form. In lesson 24, you learned that [Te-form of a verb]+[iru] represents a present progressive action or current state. However there are some verbs that are commonly used in the -TEIRU form. Shiru is one of them. So to say "I know that," you have to change the SHIRU to its te form SHITTE, and then add IRU.
Naomi: それを知っている。
Peter: I know that. In the dialogue, Ichiro said,
Naomi: どうして、知っているの?
Peter: Why do you know? Why do you know this place? Let's break it down.
Naomi&Peter: どうして why しっている you know の "no" here indicates colloquial question. So literally, why you know? of course it means why do you know?
Peter: Before, we learned that の indicates possession. However, の at the end of the sentence indicates a question.
Naomi: In the dialogue,東照宮に行ったの?
Peter: you went to Toshogu? TOUSHOUGUUNI ITTA means "You went to TOSHOUGUU" and "NO" here indicates a question.
Naomi: We also have...他に日本で何をしたの?
Peter: What else have you done in Japan? HOKANI means "else" NIHON DE means "in Japan" NANI "What " O "object marker" SHITA "did" NO "question" So all together it means "What else did you do in Japan?" 次は何ですか What's next?
Naomi: Duration of time.
Peter: Appendix lesson 5 is all about duration of time, so make sure that you reference that lesson.
In this lesson there were two types of counters used for time duration.
Naomi: Counter for days and counter for weeks.
Peter: Now the Counter for days is a bit hard. First, you should review lesson 5 and Appendix3 and go over how to say the days of the month. Then, what you do is take the date and add KAN, which means "while" or "period" after it. For example, how do you say the second as in the second of January?
Naomi: ふつか
Peter: That's second, as in the second day of the month. To say "for two days", add "KAN" to it.
Naomi: ふつかかん
Peter: For two days.
Naomi: 三日 is the third day of month.
Peter: So, to say "for three days," add "KAN" to it.
Naomi: 三日間
Peter: For three days.
Naomi: How about 四日間
Peter: YOKKA is the fourth day of month so...YOKKAKAN is "for four days" OK. Naomi-sensei. What's the counter for weeks?
Naomi: 週間 --"Week" is 週 "Kan" is while or period.
Peter: So how do you say 1 week.
Naomi: 一週間
Peter: How do you say 2 weeks?
Naomi: 二週間
Peter: 3 weeks
Naomi: 三週間
Peter: For more information, make sure to check out Appendix lesson5.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you will learn 2 things. One, how to make the informal past tense of a verb. Second, how to express the concept of "and so on".
Naomi: OK. So let's learn how to talk about actions that happened in the action.
Peter: In this lesson, let's stick to informal speech. There's a write up about formal speech in the lesson notes so please make sure to check it out. In Lesson 23, we learned how to make the te-form of a verb. If you're already familiar with te-form, then creating the informal past tense of a verb is very simple. Basically, all you have to do is just replace the TE in the te-form to TA. That's it. Let's illustrate it with examples.
How do you say "To look"
Naomi: 見る
Peter: What's the corresponding te-form?
Naomi: みて
Peter: Change the final TE to TA.
Naomi: みた
Peter: looked.
Naomi: Sometimes the Informal past tense of a verb is called the た form.
Naomi: 私は花火を見た
Peter: I saw fireworks.
Peter: Let's do some more examples. How do you say "To do"?
Naomi: する
Peter: The te form is?
Naomi: して
Peter: The informal past tense or TA form is?
Naomi: した
Peter: "did"
Naomi: 私は散歩した。
Peter: I took a walk.OK, another example. "To drink"is...
Naomi: 飲む
Peter: The te from is?
Naomi: 飲んで
Peter: Now, the te form of nomu actually ends in DE. In this case, change de(で) to da (だ) So the informal past tense or TA form is...?
Naomi: 飲んだ
Peter: I drank.
Naomi: 私はコーヒーを飲んだ。
Peter: I drank coffee.
Peter: Now let's take a look at the negative form. How do you say "I don't see fireworks" in informal speech?
Naomi: 花火を見ない
Peter: I don't see fireworks or I won't see fireworks.
To turn an informal negative verb into past tense, simply replace the final -i (い) with -katta (かった).
Naomi: So 見ない becomes 見なかった。花火を見なかった
Peter: I didn't see fireworks. OK, more examples. How do you say "I don't take a walk"
Naomi: "To take a walk" is 散歩する and the negative form is 散歩しない So...私は散歩しない
Peter: I don't take a walk or I won't take a talk. To say that you didn't take a walk, replace the final い with かった
Naomi: しない becomes しなかった so...私は散歩をしなかった。
Peter: OK. Let's move on to the next grammar point.
Naomi: Next, you'll learn how to say "And so on..." in Japanese.
Naomi: For example, 花火を見た is "I saw fireworks" 散歩をした is "I took a walk" So, the phrase 花火を見たり散歩をしたりした。means....
Peter: I saw fireworks and took a walk and so on....
Naomi: You can express and so on with [verb plus たり and verb plus たり and した at the end.]
Peter: In the last lesson, we learned how to use join verbs to talk about multiple actions using the te-form
Naomi: 私は買い物をしてランチを食べた。
Peter"I went shopping and ate lunch." Now this sentence implies that we only did two things, "went shopping", and "ate lunch."
Now, what if we want to convey the idea that we did these things and more, without really going into the details? To do this, we can use the -tari form. The -tari form is used to list an incomplete set of actions or states. We create this form by adding -ri to the end of the informal past form that we just learned. So all of the verbs of the sentence will be in the tari form, and then you need to add した, the past tense form of the verb する, at the end.
Naomi: 私は買い物をしたりランチを食べたりした。
Peter: "I went shopping, ate lunch, and so on. There's a detailed write up in the lesson notes so please make sure to check it out.
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question.
Which of the following words is the informal past form of the verb nomu to drink?
Naomi: A)飲みました B)飲んだ C)飲んで
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: B)飲んだ
Peter: A) NOMIMSAHITA is the formal past. C)NONDE is the te form. OK the second question. What's the counter for weeks?
Naomi: A)ようび B)がつ C)週間
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: C)週間
Peter: A)YOUBI is used for 7days of a week. B)GATSU is used for month.


Peter: OK. That concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashely is going to book a sightseeing tour at a travel agency. You'll learn more durations of time.
Naomi: じゃ、また


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