
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: The Right Way to Do a Home Stay - Japanese Manner and Etiquette.
Naomi: 皆さんは、今、何をしていますか。 Everyone, what are you doing now?
Peter: In the previous lesson, you learned -ing sentences. In this lesson, you'll learn how to tell someone not to do something.
Naomi: Such as 行かないでください Please don't go.
Peter: You'll also learn some useful phrases for visiting a Japanese home.
Naomi: そうです。アシュリーさんは日光に行きます。
Peter: In this dialogue, Ashley's going to go to Nikko. First she's going to meet Ms.Mitsuoka's parents at the station.
Naomi: それから、光岡さんのうちに行きます。
Peter: Then they go together to Rei Mitsuoka's parents' house. So the first part of the conversation takes place at...
Naomi: 日光駅
Peter: Nikko station. The second part of the conversation takes place at ...
Naomi: 光岡さんの家
Peter: Rei Mitsuoka's parents' house. The dialogue/conversation is between
Naomi: アシュリーさんと光岡さんの両親
Peter: Ashley and Rei Mitsuoka's parents. They'll be using...
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Peter: Please reference verb conjugation lesson 7, which covers the -nai form. Lesson 18 and19 Appendix12
光岡(母): 失礼ですが、アシュリーさんですか。
アシュリー: はい、アシュリーです。
光岡(母): はじめまして。光岡れいの母です。
: あなた、あなた!
: アシュリーさんいましたよ。
光岡(父): アシュリーさん、日光へようこそ。
: れいの父です。
: れいがお世話になっています。
: さぁ、家でお昼ご飯を食べましょう。
: 車に乗ってください。
光岡(母): さぁ、どうぞ。
: 靴をぬいで、あがってください。
: せまいところですけど...。
アシュリー: お邪魔します。(achoo)
光岡(父): さぁ、入って、荷物を置いて。
: 遠慮しないでくださいね。
アシュリー: すみません。お世話になります。
: きれいなお部屋ですね。
: あ、これは、ご家族の写真ですか。(achoo)
: お父さんと、お母さんと、れいさんと、れいさんの弟さんですね。
光岡(父): そう。それから、ニャンタ。猫です。
猫: (meow)
アシュリー: (achoo)
光岡(母): アシュリーさん、猫アレルギー?
アシュリー: はい。猫にアレルギーがあります。
: でも。心配しないでください。(achoo)
: 大丈夫です。
With English translation
光岡(母): 失礼ですが、アシュリーさんですか。
Peter: Excuse me for asking, but are you Ashley?
アシュリー: はい、アシュリーです。
Peter: Yes, I'm Ashley.
光岡(母): はじめまして。光岡れいの母です。
Peter: Nice to meet you. I'm Rei Mitsuoka's mother.
: あなた、あなた!
Peter: Honey, honey!
: アシュリーさんいましたよ。
Peter: Ashley's over here!
光岡(父): アシュリーさん、日光へようこそ。
Peter: Ashley, welcome to Nikko!
: れいの父です。
Peter: I'm Rei's father.
: れいがお世話になっています。
Peter: Thank you for always helping Rei out.
: さぁ、家でお昼ご飯を食べましょう。
Peter: Well, let's go have lunch at home.
: 車に乗ってください。
Peter: Please get in the car.
Peter(the Mitsuokas' house)
光岡(母): さぁ、どうぞ。
Peter: Come on in!
: 靴をぬいで、あがってください。
Peter: Please take off your shoes and come in.
: せまいところですけど...。
Peter: Our house is very small...
アシュリー: お邪魔します。(achoo)
Peter: Please excuse the intrusion. (achoo)
光岡(父): さぁ、入って、荷物を置いて。
Peter: Come in and put your stuff down. Please don't hesitate.
: 遠慮しないでくださいね。
Peter: Thank you for your kindness.
アシュリー: すみません。お世話になります。
Peter: This is a beautiful room!
: きれいなお部屋ですね。
Peter: Oh, is this a picture of the family? (achoo)
: あ、これは、ご家族の写真ですか。(achoo)
Peter: It's Father, Mother, Rei-san, and Rei's little brother, right?
: お父さんと、お母さんと、れいさんと、れいさんの弟さんですね。
Peter: Yup. And this is Nyanta, the cat.
光岡(父): そう。それから、ニャンタ。猫です。
Peter: (meow)
猫: (meow)
Peter: (achoo)
アシュリー: (achoo)
Peter: Ashley, are you allergic to cats?
光岡(母): アシュリーさん、猫アレルギー?
Peter: Yes, I'm allergic to cats.
アシュリー: はい。猫にアレルギーがあります。
Peter: But, please don't worry about me. (achoo)
: でも。心配しないでください。(achoo)
Peter: I'm fine.
: 大丈夫です。
Peter: Oh no! アシュリーさんは猫アレルギーですか?Poor Ashley is allergic to cats.
Naomi: そうです。猫にアレルギーがあります。She's allergic to cats. ピーターさんはアレルギーがありますか。
Peter: 直美先生は?
Naomi: アレルギーがありますね。 I don't know what I'm allergic to but I do have allergies.
Peter: So the thing you're allergic to is marked by NI.
Naomi: そうです。For example. ナッツにアレルギーがあります。
Peter: I'm allergic to nuts.
Naomi: Or you can just put the object in front of アレルギー. So... ナッツアレルギー
Peter: Nuts allergy.
Naomi: そばアレルギー
Peter: Allergic to buckwheat noodles. One more interesting point. The mother called the father "Anata." Anata means "You" but in this case, when wives use it towards their husbands it's more like "honey" correct?
Naomi: そうです。 I don't recommend using あなた to your friends.To me あなた sounds a bit... cold or distanced.
Peter: So my advice is if you know the person's name, you should call them by their name. And what if you don't know their name?
Naomi: In that case...しょうがないですね。 Nothing you can do.
Peter: Sometimes there are situations where you have to use the word あなた. For example somebody you don't know has just dropped something and you want to say..."is this yours?"
Naomi: これあなたのですか? 
Peter: But otherwise, try to avoid using ANATA.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 車 [natural native speed]
Peter car
Naomi 車 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 車 [natural native speed]
Naomi 乗る [natural native speed]
Peter to ride, to take, to get on; V1
Naomi 乗る [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 乗る [natural native speed]
Naomi せまい [natural native speed]
Peter narrow, small; Adj(i)
Naomi せまい [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi せまい [natural native speed]
Naomi ところ [natural native speed]
Peter place
Naomi ところ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi ところ [natural native speed]
Naomi 荷物 [natural native speed]
Peter luggage, baggage
Naomi 荷物 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 荷物 [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: In this lesson, we saw lots of family-related vocabulary. The system of Japanese family terms is different from English. For example, the word OKAASAN means "mother", however, when talking about your own mother to someone outside your family, you have to say "haha".
Naomi: Here's another example. お父さん is father
Peter: But... when talking about your own father to someone outside your family, you have to say...
Naomi: 父
Peter: We have a long list of family terms in Appendix 12. So be sure to read up on them.
Naomi: 次お願いします Next please.
Peter: Next, we'll go over Japanese conjunctions that correspond to "but" "however" in English. 
Naomi: The first one is でも
Peter: But (from Lesson3)
Naomi: We also had...けど
Peter: But.(from lesson24) KEDO is a shortened version of "keredomo". And in this lesson, we have
Naomi: が
Peter: "Ga"or"Kedo"often appear at the end of a sentence and the sentence just kind of trails off. The listener is expected to know what is inferred.
Naomi: Right. In the previous lesson Ichiro said....
Peter: I want to stay and chat but..."I have to go" or "I can't right now" is inferred.
Naomi: In this lesson, the mother said せまいところですけど...。
Peter: Our house is very small but...."make yourself comfortable" is probably inferred.
Naomi: You'll probably hear...すみませんが。。。。 or すみませんけど。。。very often.
Peter: I'm sorry but... or Excuse me but... じゃ、次お願いします Next please.
Naomi: The next word is 乗る
Peter: to get on, to ride. This is a class 1 verb. The thing you get on is marked by the particle に. So.."To ride in a car" is...
Naomi: 車にのる
Peter: "To get on a bus" is...
Naomi: バスに乗る... The opposite word is 降りる
Peter: To get off,(From lesson 23) It's a class 2 verb. And the thing you get off of is marked by the particle を. So... to get out of the car.
Naomi: 車を降りる
Peter: To get off the bus
Naomi: バスを降りる

Lesson focus

Peter: In this section you will learn how to tell someone not to do something. You'll also learn useful phrases for visiting a Japanese home.
Naomi: First, let's learn how to say "don't do something."using ないで。
Peter: To tell someone not to do something, we put the verb into the informal negative form, and then add "DE". If you want to make a polite request, add "DE KUDASAI" to the informal negative form.
We went over how to create the negative form in Lesson 18, didn't we.
Naomi: The informal negative form of a verb is often called the nai form.
Peter: OK.Naomi-sensei, can you give us a verb?
Naomi: Sure.行く to go
Peter: What's the corresponding informal negative form or nai form?
Naomi: 行かない
Peter: "won't go" To say "Don't go" you add "DE"
Naomi: 行かないで
Peter: If you want to say "please don't go", add KUDASAI
Naomi: 行かないでください
Peter: "Please don't go" Let's do one more example. Can you give us another verb?
Naomi: する
Peter: To do. The nai form is?
Naomi: しない
Peter: "won't do" Add "De"
Naomi: しないで.
Peter: How do you say "Please don't do" as in "please don't do that or this"
Naomi: しないでください
So... 遠慮する is "to hesitate" so....遠慮しないでください is
Peter: Please don't hesitate
Naomi: 心配する to "to worry" so...心配しないでください is
Peter: Please don't worry.
Peter: On to the phrases for visiting a Japanese home.
Naomi: In this dialog, Ashley visits the home of Rei Mitsuoka's parents for the first time.
Peter: Let's take a look at the phrases she used in the dialogue.
When Ashley entered the house she said...
Naomi: お邪魔します
Peter: "Please excuse my intrusion"This phrase is used when you enter somebody's home. After that, Ashley said...
Naomi: お世話になります
Peter: It's really a tough phrase to translate. This phrase is used towards someone who is going to be assisting you or taking care of you in some way. In the dialog, Ashley uses it show her appreciation towards to the parents of Rei Mitsuoka because they are letting her stay with them.
Naomi: 世話 means "care" or "favor" and the phrase
Peter: お世話になる can be translated as "to be taken care of" or "to rely on."
Naomi: お世話になります is the non past. So... you use this BEFORE someone is going to take care of you.
The past form of なります is なりました So... you say お世話になりました after someone took care of you.
Peter: So before the homestay you say to your host family
Naomi: お世話になります
Peter: But after the homestay, when you leave their house, you say
Naomi: お世話になりました。
Peter: And there's one more phrase you need to know, right?
Naomi: What is it?
Peter: "O-sewa ni natte imasu"
Naomi: Right.お世話になっています
Peter: This is commonly used as a formal greeting or introduction, especially in business situations when greeting someone who works closely with your company. Outside of a business situation, when you are introduced to a person who knows one of your family members, you can put the name of the family member and "ga" before "o-sewa ni natte imasu".
Naomi: Right. Rei Mitsuoka's father said...れいがお世話になっています
Peter: Thank you for always helping Rei out.
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question.
Which of the following words is the opposite action of "降りる"
Naomi: A)乗る B)脱ぐ C)置く
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: A)乗る to get on 降りる means "to get off"
Peter: So the opposite action of ORIRU"to get off" is...NORU"to get on". What were choices B and C?
Naomi: B)脱ぐ is "to take off" C)置く is "to put or to place"
Peter: How do you say "Don't worry" in Japanese?
Naomi: A)お世話になります B)お邪魔します C)心配しないでください
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: C)心配しないでください Don't worry.
Peter&Naomi: A)お世話になります -is used towards someone who is going to be taking care of you. B)お邪魔します-is used when you enter somebody's home.


Peter: That concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashley's going to have lunch with Rei Mitsuoka's parents. You'll learn some more phrases for visiting a Japanese home.
Naomi: じゃ、また。


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