
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Pick Up Lines that Don't Work, and Ones that Do!
Naomi: みなさんは、今どこにいますか? Everyone, where are you right now?
Peter: Right, in the previous lesson, you learned how to tell the location.
Naomi: In my case...right now... 私は、ピーターの前にいます。I'm in front of Peter.
Peter: (Laughter) In this lesson, we'll learn more about Japanese verbs.
Naomi: A verb is a word that describes an action, such as 来る"To come"する "to do"着る"to wear"
Peter: This lesson's conversation takes place at
Naomi: 花火大会 a fireworks show.
Peter: Ashley and her co-workers went to see a fireworks show.First, they are talking about a light cotton summer kimono called
Naomi: yukata.
Peter: There are 4 people in the conversation. They are...
Naomi: アシュリーさん、本田さん、光岡さん、鈴木さん
Peter: Ashley, Mr., Honda, Ms. Mitsuoka, and Mr. Suzuki. The formality of the conversation is
Naomi: mixed.
(Turns pages)
Peter: Mitsuoka-san, do you often wear yukata?
Peter: No, I don't usually wear them.
Peter: How about you, Honda-kun? Do you often wear yukata?
Peter: I never do.
Peter: Oh...but I sometimes wear them at Japanese-style inns.
Peter: Hey, Suzuki, what's that book you have?
Peter: This? Taa-daaa! "Techniques for Getting a Date 101."
Peter: Here, Ashley-chan. A present for you.
Peter: Really? Thank you!
(Turns pages)
Peter(Turns pages)
Peter: Whoa, these are funny!
Peter: "Hello. Would you like to go out for tea, young lady?"
Peter: That's so old! You won't succeed with that one.
Peter: "Want to get something to drink?" "Are you alone?" "Are you free now?"
Peter: These are okay.
Peter: "Do you come here often?" This one's natural.
Peter: There are a lot of them!
Peter: Do you all often pick up girls or guys?
Peter: No, I don't.
Peter: Me neither.
Peter: I do...a lot.
Peter: No way!
Peter: Just kidding.
Peter: So "Nampa" means "hit on, to pick up"
Naomi: Actually, 軟 means "soft or moderate" 派 means "group or subculture"
Peter: So it originally means "moderate subculture" 
Naomi: Or "loose" or "Slack" Although it's a Japanese word, "nampa" meaning " hit on " is usually written in Katakana.
Peter: For emphasis.
Naomi: And I have a question. 質問があります。
Peter: 何ですか?What is it?
Naomi: Do you also say "Oi!" in English?
Peter: ( )To get someone's attention? We use it but it's a bit rude.
Naomi: It's the same in Japanese. I would say it's used only by men and exclusively in informal situations.In the dialogue, M. Honda said to Mr. Suzuki [おい!鈴木、その本、何?]
Peter: Hey, Suzuki, what's that book?
Naomi: おい!That's quite informal...
Peter: So we can assume that Honda and Suzuki are pretty close.
Naomi: そうですね。
Peter: And What's the name of the book?
Naomi: ナンパテクニック101
Peter: "Techniques for Getting a Date 101" Now, is there such a book or did you just make that up.
Naomi: もちろん I just made that up. I don't think we have that kind of book.... maybe we do...I don't know if it's popular.
Peter: Quite a different culture. In English, we have famous pick up lines that everyone knows.
Naomi: I don't think we do in Japanese.
Peter: Translating English pick up lines into Japanese doesn't really work, does it?
Naomi: わかりません。。。I don't know. Maybe it would. But the thing is that the culture and humor is so different so even if you could translate the phrase into Japanese, it might not work.
Peter: (Comment)
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 旅館 [natural native speed]
Peter Japanese style inn
Naomi 旅館 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 旅館 [natural native speed]
Naomi 本 [natural native speed]
Peter book
Naomi 本 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 本 [natural native speed]
Naomi 自然 [natural native speed]
Peter natural ; Adj(na)
Naomi 自然 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 自然 [natural native speed]
Naomi 面白い [natural native speed]
Peter funny, interesting, amusing; Adj(i)
Naomi 面白い [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 面白い [natural native speed]
Naomi 古い [natural native speed]
Peter old (not person); Adj(i)
Naomi 古い [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 古い [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: する
Peter: to do This verb "Suru" follows a certain noun this can form a compound verb.For example
Naomi: プレゼント
Peter: means present or gift and it's a noun. So if you want to say "to give a gift" "To give a present"
Naomi: プレゼントする  or the object marker を is sometimes inserted プレゼントをする
Peter: literally "to do present" but it means "To give a present"
Naomi: 成功
Peter: means success, so "to succeed" is
Peter: Literally to do success, but it means to succeed.
Naomi: お茶
Peter: means "Tea"
Naomi: お茶する or of course お茶をする
Peter: means "to drink tea" or "go out for tea", but these days it doesn't always necessarily refer to getting tea. In most cases it refers to going to a cafe or coffee shop and chatting over a drink such as coffee, tea, etc.
Naomi: ナンパ
Peter: hitting on, usually picking up girls
Naomi: ナンパするor of course ナンパをする. OK, what's next?
Naomi: ここ
Peter: Here. As we mentioned in lesson 8 and 10, in Japanese, there are several series of words that roughly correspond to demonstrative pronouns in English. These are referred to as "ko-so-a-do words" . This is because each of these series consist of four words that begin with each of these syllables. Now we'll introduce you the ko-so-a-do series that indicates location.
Peter: So, "Here" or "this place"is...
Naomi: ここ
Peter: KO-KO. Remember? The Ko-series is for whatever is close to the speaker. OK How about, "There" or "that place" ?
Naomi: そこ
Peter: The So-series is for whatever close to the listener/hearer. Next, "Over there" or "that place over there"
Naomi: あそこ
Peter: The A-series is for whatever some distanced from both the speaker and the listener/hearer. Lastly we have "Where?" "Which place"?
Naomi: どこ
Peter: Do-series are interrogatives. Can we here them again?
Naomi: Sure. ここ(here) そこ(there)あそこ(over there) どこ(where)
Peter: For more information for Ko-So-A-Do words, please check out Appendix 9.
Next, let's take a look at some common adverbs of frequency. Being able to talk about how often you do or don't do something is an important skill in conversation.
Naomi: There's a list and detailed write up in the Lesson notes. So please take a look at them.
Peter: Let's go over the adverbs in the Lesson notes.
Naomi: よく
Peter: often.
Naomi: ときどき
Peter: sometimes. Next we'll show you how do you use them in the sentence. How do you say "I eat meat."
Naomi: 私は、肉を食べます。
Peter&Naomi: Let's break down this sentence. 私は "I" and topic marking particle "wa" 肉"meat" を particle that marks the object 食べます "to eat" All together, 私は肉を食べます "I, meat, eat" "I eat meat."
Naomi: If you want to say "I often eat meat", that would be 私は、よく肉を食べます。
Peter: Notice where Naomi put the word "yoku-often." Say that again?
Naomi: 私は よく 肉を食べます。
Peter: Yoku-often was inserted after "Watashi wa"
Naomi: "I sometimes eat meat" would be 私はときどき肉を食べます。
Peter: So it's the same. Tokidoki-sometimes was inserted after "Watashi wa."
Naomi: Well, Japanese grammar doesn't have a strict rule for where you put adverbs of fluency.
But putting the adverb after the topic is common, I think.
Peter: OK. Let's take a look at more adverbs of frequency.Now the following 2 verbs are used in negative sentences. The first adverb?
Naomi: あまり
Peter: Not very often... and
Naomi: 全然
Peter: Not at all or never. Both AMARI ans ZENZEN are used with negative form.
Naomi: Right.食べません is the negative form of 食べません. So...私は肉を食べません
Peter: means "I don't eat meat"
Naomi: 私はあまり肉を食べません
Peter: I don't eat meat very often.
Naomi: 私は全然肉を食べません
Peter: I don't eat meat at all.
Naomi: This is the essential phrase for vegetarians.

Lesson focus

Peter: In this grammar section you'll learn 2 things. First you'll learn more about Japanese verb conjugation. Second, you'll learn how to invite someone to do something.
Naomi: Let's study more about Japanese verbs!
Peter: In lesson 14, we introduced the concept of the dictionary form of a verb (like iku/いく) as opposed to the masu form of a verb (like ikimasu/いきます).
Naomi: There are three classes of Japanese verbs, Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 verbs.
Peter: Now, we'll show you how can you tell which class a verb belongs to.
Naomi: When the verb is in dictionary form, tell its class is rather easy.
Peter: Here's the rule of thumb, the verbs end with RU syllable are class 2, the verbs end with other sounds are class 1. There are only 2 verbs in class 3. Which are...
Naomi: する to do and くる to come. and the corresponding dictionary form is します and 来ます
Peter: Now the conjugation for Class 3 verbs is random, so Class 3 verbs are often called as irregular verbs. In the lesson's PDF, there's a write up about how to distinguish the verb class when the verb is in the masu form. So please also read that.
Naomi: In this lesson, we'll go over the conjugation of class 2 and 3 verbs.
Peter: Can we have a class 2 verb?
Naomi: OK. 食べる to eat.
Peter: Now, this is the dictionary form. When you want to make -masu form. What do you do?
Naomi: Take off る and add ます. So 食べる becomes 食べます
Peter: Can we have another example?
Naomi: いる to exist to have (inanimate)
Peter: So take off RU
Naomi: い
Peter: Add MASU
Naomi: います
Peter: It's pretty simple right? By replacing RU with MASU, you can make the masu from.
How about informal/non-polite negative form?
Naomi: Take off る and add ない So... 食べる becomes 食べない いる becomes いない
Peter: How simple is that. OK. Let's review them with a sentence. How do you say "I eat meat."in an informal situation.
Naomi: 私は肉を食べる 
Peter: TABERU is the dictionary form so it's informal, isn't it? How do you say "I don't eat meat" in an informal way.
Naomi: 私は肉を食べない
Peter: I don't eat meat. If you're talking to your friend, these sentences are perfect. However if you are talking to your boss or teacher, you don't want to use this. You have to say it more politely, which means you're going to use masu form.
Naomi: 私は肉を食べます
Peter: How do you say that you don't eat meat in formal language?
Naomi: 私は肉を食べません
Peter: I don't eat meat. The negative form of masu form of a verb is quite simple, just put "MASEN" in stead of "MASU". (Lesson12)
Peter: Now on to the verb conjugation for class 3 verbs. As I mentioned previously, the conjugation for Class 3 verbs is irregular. Let's take a look at the conjugation between dictionary from and masu from.
Naomi: The masu form of する(to do) is します. The masu form of 来る(to come) is 来ます
Peter: SURU becomes SHIMASU, KURU becomes KIMASU OK? What's the non-polite/informal negative form?
Naomi: する becomes しない, 来る becomes こない
Peter: Sorry... there's no rule for these conjugations. This is something you have to memorize.
Naomi: Not bad. We have only 2 irregular verbs in Japanese. Compared with English, it's nothing.
Peter: Can we hear them again?
Naomi&Peter: Sure. する(to do-dictionary form) しない(don't do, won't do -informal negative)します(to do-masu form)しません(don't do, won't do -formal negative)くる(to come-dictionary form) こない(don't come, won't come -informal negative)きます(to come-masu form)きません(don't come, won't come -formal negative)
Peter: On the next grammar point.
Naomi: How to invite someone to do something.
Peter: You can use the negative form of a verb as a question (with rising intonation) to invite someone to do something. Let's illustrate this with an example. Can we have a sample sentence?
Naomi: クッキーを食べない。
Peter: "Wanna eat some cookies?" Literally, "Cookies, won't eat?" "Won't you eat some cookies?"
Naomi: If you're talking to your boss, that would be クッキーを食べません?or you can add ka to the end クッキーを食べませんか。
Peter: "Would you like to eat some cookies?" 
Naomi: The original phrase is クッキーを食べる
Peter: to eat cookies.
Naomi: By changing the verb 食べる to the negative form you can invite someone to do something.
Peter: Can we have another example?
Naomi: OK. お茶をする
Peter: "go out for tea" So to your friend?
Naomi: おちゃをしない?
Peter: "Wanna go get some tea?" But in a formal situation?
Naomi: お茶をしません? or お茶をしませんか
Peter: "Would you like to go get some tea?"
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with a quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. Your job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question.
Which of the following words means "Here"
Naomi: A)これ B)この C)ここ
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: C)ここ
Peter: KORE means this one, and KONO means this. OK. The second question. Choose the best translation for the following sentence.
Naomi: 私はよく浴衣を着ます
Peter: A)I often wear Yukata. B)I don't wear Yukata very often. C)I never wear Yukata.
Naomi: The answer is?
Peter: A)I often wear Yukata. OK. Third question. Which of following verbs belongs to class3?
Naomi: A)食べる B)着る C)する
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: C)する
Peter: to do. Remember, there are only 2 class 3 verbs, they are
Naomi: する "to do" and くる "to come"


Peter: That concludes this lesson. In the next lesson, Ashley and her friends are taking the train home. We'll be focusing on the conjugation for class 1 verb in the next lesson. So before you listen to the next lesson, please we strongly recommend that you review this lesson to fully understand the conjugation for class 2 and class 3 verbs.
Naomi: じゃ、また。


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