Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jessi: Days of the Week. Hi everyone and welcome to appendix lesson 4, Days of the Week.
Naomi: Here, you will learn how to say the seven days of the week in Japanese.
Jessi: The important thing to remember here is that all of the days of the week end in 曜日 (yōbi).
Naomi: Right. So, you just have to remember what comes before it.
Jessi: Let’s go through them starting with Sunday. Sunday
Naomi: 日曜日 (Nichi-yōbi)
Jessi: Monday
Naomi:月曜日 (Getsu-yōbi)
Jessi: Tuesday
Naomi:火曜日 (Ka-yōbi)
Jessi: Wednesday
Naomi: 水曜日 (Sui-yōbi)
Jessi: Thursday
Naomi: 木曜日 (Moku-yōbi)
Jessi: Friday
Naomi: 金曜日 (Kin-yōbi)
Jessi: Saturday
Naomi: 土曜日 (Do-yōbi)
Jessi: Did you notice that all seven days end in 曜日 (yōbi)? Can we only hear the first part of each word?
Naomi: Sure.
Naomi: 日 (nichi)
Jessi: Sunday
Naomi: 月 (getsu)
Jessi: Monday
Naomi: 火 (ka)
Jessi: Tuesday
Naomi: 水 (sui)
Jessi: Wednesday
Naomi: 木 (moku)
Jessi: Thursday
Naomi: 金 (kin)
Jessi: Friday
Naomi: 土 (dō)
Jessi: Saturday.
Naomi: So, when you memorize seven days of the week, practice saying 日月火水木金土 (nichi, getsu, ka, sui, moku, kin, dō).
Jessi: That’s a good tip and there you have it, the seven days of the week. Now, how do we ask what day of the week is it?
Naomi: 何曜日ですか (Nan-yōbi desu ka) (Nan) means what, (yōbi) means day, and (desu ka) makes it a polite question.
Jessi: Now, in appendix 3, we learned that the month always comes before the date. When you include the day of the week though, that comes at the end. In English, it usually comes before the month and the date. So please be aware of this difference. Let’s look at some examples. The first one is Monday July 20th.
Naomi: 七月 (Shichi-gatsu)
Jessi: July
Naomi: 二十日 (hatsuka)
Jessi: 20th
Naomi: 月曜日 (getsu-yōbi)
Jessi: Monday
Naomi: 七月二十日、月曜日 (Shichi-gatsu hatsuka, getsu-yōbi)
Jessi: So the order in Japanese is, July 20th, Monday. Let’s look at one more example
Naomi: 二月 (Ni-gatsu)
Jessi: February
Naomi: 十四日 (jū yokka)
Jessi: 14th
Naomi: 日曜日 (nichi-yōbi)
Jessi: Sunday
Naomi: 二月十四日、日曜日 (Ni-gatsu jū yokka, nichi-yōbi)
Jessi: So here, the Japanese order is February 14th, Sunday. It will help to keep in mind that dates in Japanese always start with the larger information and narrow down.
Naomi: That’s right. Year, month, date and time.
Jessi: And that’s all for this appendix lesson. See you next time.
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja mata.)

