
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Yura: Hi everyone, I'm Yura.
Natsuko: And I’m Natsuko!
Yura: In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Transportation &around town. These are five frequently used modes of transport in Japan. Hand picked.
Yura: Natsuko, what’s our first word?
Natsuko: 電車
Yura: train
Natsuko: (slow) 電車 (regular) 電車
Yura: Listeners, please repeat:
Natsuko: 電車
[pause - 5 sec.]
JR, or Japan Rail, is a major train network running almost all over Japan. Other than JR, there are also many local private railways which are all very punctual. -
Yura: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Natsuko: (normal) ジャパン・レイル・パスは、JRのバスや電車に乗り放題の外国人向け特別割引パスです。
Yura: Japan Rail pass is a special discounted flat-rate pass available only to foreign visitors, which allows the holder to ride all JR trains as well as buses.
Natsuko: (slow) ジャパン・レイル・パスは、JRのバスや電車に乗り放題の外国人向け特別割引パスです。
Yura: Okay, what’s the next word?
Natsuko: バス
Yura: bus
Natsuko: (slow) バス (regular) バス
Yura: Listeners, please repeat:
Natsuko: バス
[pause - 5 sec.]
Buses in Japan are operated by many private companies. Depending on the city, passengers enter from either the front or back of the bus. On some buses, passengers pay when they get on at the front door, and on others, they pay when they get off. -
Yura: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Natsuko: (normal) 長距離旅行には、高速バスもあります。
Yura: For long-distance journeys, all-day and all-night buses are also available.
Natsuko: (slow) 長距離旅行には、高速バスもあります。
Yura: Okay, what’s the next word?
Natsuko: 地下鉄
Yura: subway
Natsuko: (slow) 地下鉄 (regular) 地下鉄
Yura: Listeners, please repeat:
Natsuko: 地下鉄
[pause - 5 sec.]
Subways are found mainly in big cities. For instance in Tokyo, there are 13 subway lines operated by Tokyo Metro. -
Yura: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Natsuko: (normal) 東京の地下鉄の駅には、地下3階まである駅もあります。
Yura: Some underground stations in Tokyo go as deep as three floors down.
Natsuko: (slow) 東京の地下鉄の駅には、地下3階まである駅もあります。
Yura: Okay, what’s the next word?
Natsuko: 新幹線
Yura: bullet train, shinkansen
Natsuko: (slow) 新幹線 (regular) 新幹線
Yura: Listeners, please repeat:
Natsuko: 新幹線
[pause - 5 sec.]
The ""shinkansen"" is a special rapid service train (often translated as ""bullet train"") offered by JR. New lines are being developed to link major cities all over Japan. -
Yura: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Natsuko: (normal) 在来線が全て禁煙なのに対し、新幹線には喫煙車両がある場合があります。
Yura: While local trains are all non smoking, some bullet trains have a few cars where smoking is allowed.
Natsuko: (slow) 在来線が全て禁煙なのに対し、新幹線には喫煙車両がある場合があります。
Yura: Okay, what’s the last word?
Natsuko: 飛行機
Yura: airplane
Natsuko: (slow) 飛行機 (regular) 飛行機
Yura: Listeners, please repeat:
Natsuko: 飛行機
[pause - 5 sec.]
Main cities in Japan usually have airports. Along with trains, the plane is one of the main transportation means by which people travel across Japan. -
Yura: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Natsuko: (normal) 日本は列島なので、飛行機はとても便利な交通手段です。
Yura: Since Japan is a country with many islands, airplanes are a very convenient means of travel.
Natsuko: (slow) 日本は列島なので、飛行機はとても便利な交通手段です。
Yura: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Natsuko will give you the Japanese – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Natsuko: 電車
[pause]Yura: train
Natsuko: バス
[pause]Yura: bus
Natsuko: 地下鉄
[pause]Yura: subway
Natsuko: 新幹線
[pause]Yura: bullet train, shinkansen
Natsuko: 飛行機
[pause]Yura: airplane


Yura: There you have it – five frequently used modes of transportation in Japan! Thanks everyone, see you next time!
Natsuko: またね!

