
Vocabulary (Review)

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Naomi: 直美です。 (Naomidesu.)
Peter: Peter here. Too Easy Japanese. In this lesson, you learn what you reviewed in lessons 34 through 37.
Naomi: 34 から(Kara) 37の復習です。(No fukushūdesu.)
Peter: This conversation takes place at
Naomi: 会社 (Kaisha)
Peter: An office. The conversation is between
Naomi: 友達。多分、会社の友達です。 (Tomodachi. Tabun, kaisha no tomodachidesu.)
Peter: Friends and probably workplace friends. Erica is using informal Japanese but Mitsuru is using formal Japanese.
Naomi: お願いします。では、聞いてください。 (Onegaishimasu. Dewa, kiitekudasai.)
三門 満 (Mikado Mitsuru): ひどい・・・ひどすぎる。ひどすぎます。絵理花さん。 (Hidoi... Hido sugiru. Hido sugimasu. Erika-san.)
左 絵理花 (Hidari Erika): あ、ごめんなさい。あ、泣かないで。 (A, gomennasai. A, nakanaide) ...でも、下山先輩は本当に素敵だと思う。 (...Demo, Shimoyama-senpai wa hontō ni suteki da to omou.) 絵理花、下山先輩、だーい好き。話しやすいし、性格いいし。 (Erika, Shimoyama-senpai, dāisuki. Hanashi yasui shi, seikaku ii shi.) ねぇ、下山先輩は彼女がいると思う? (Nē, Shimoyama-senpai wa kanojo ga iru to omou?)
三門 満 (Mikado Mitsuru): 知りませんよ。僕に聞かないでくださいよ。 (Shirimasen yo. Boku ni kikanaide kudasai yo.)
左 絵理花 (Hidari Erika): あ、下山先輩だ。じゃあね、みつるちゃん。(A, Shimoyama-senpai da. Jā ne, Mitsuru-chan.) 下山先輩!下山先輩!絵理花と一緒にランチ行きましょ! (Shimoyama-senpai! Shimoyama-senpai! Erika to issho ni ranchi ikimasho!)
三門 満 (Mikado Mitsuru): え、絵理花さん...。(E, Erika-san) 分かりやすすぎる...。うー。下山め。 (Wakari yasu sugiru.... . Ū Shimoyama me.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。 (Mōichido, onegaishimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegaishimasu.)
三門 満 (Mikado Mitsuru): ひどい・・・ひどすぎる。ひどすぎます。絵理花さん。 (Hidoi... Hido sugiru. Hido sugimasu. Erika-san.)
左 絵理花 (Hidari Erika): あ、ごめんなさい。あ、泣かないで。 (A, gomennasai. A, nakanaide) ...でも、下山先輩は本当に素敵だと思う。 (...Demo, Shimoyama-senpai wa hontō ni suteki da to omou.) 絵理花、下山先輩、だーい好き。話しやすいし、性格いいし。 (Erika, Shimoyama-senpai, dāisuki. Hanashi yasui shi, seikaku ii shi.) ねぇ、下山先輩は彼女がいると思う? (Nē, Shimoyama-senpai wa kanojo ga iru to omou?)
三門 満 (Mikado Mitsuru): 知りませんよ。僕に聞かないでくださいよ。 (Shirimasen yo. Boku ni kikanaide kudasai yo.)
左 絵理花 (Hidari Erika): あ、下山先輩だ。じゃあね、みつるちゃん。 (A, Shimoyama-senpai da. Jā ne, Mitsuru-chan.) 下山先輩!下山先輩!絵理花と一緒にランチ行きましょ! (Shimoyama-senpai! Shimoyama-senpai! Erika to issho ni ranchi ikimasho!)
三門 満 (Mikado Mitsuru): え、絵理花さん...。 (E, Erika-san) 分かりやすすぎる...。うー。下山め。 (Wakari yasu sugiru.... . Ū Shimoyama me.)
今度は、英語が入ります。 (Kondo wa, eigo ga hairimasu.)
三門 満 (Mikado Mitsuru): ひどい・・・ひどすぎる。ひどすぎます。絵理花さん。 (Hidoi... Hido sugiru. Hido sugimasu. Erika-san.)
MITSURU MIKADO:You're cruel...you're too cruel, Erika. (sob)
左 絵理花 (Hidari Erika): あ、ごめんなさい。 (A, gomennasai.)
ERIKA HIDARI: Ah, sorry.
あ、泣かないで。 (A, nakanaide)
Um, don't cry
...でも、下山先輩は本当に素敵だと思う。 (...Demo, Shimoyama-senpai wa hontō ni suteki da to omou.)
...but I think that Shimoyama-senpai is really great.
絵理花、下山先輩、だーい好き。 (Erika, Shimoyama-senpai, dāisuki.)
I looooove Shimoyama-senpai.
話しやすいし、性格いいし。 (Hanashi yasui shi, seikaku ii shi.)
He's easy to talk to, and he has a good personality.
ねぇ、下山先輩は彼女がいると思う? (Nē, Shimoyama-senpai wa kanojo ga iru to omou?)
Hey, do you think Shimoyama-senpai has a girlfriend?
三門 満 (Mikado Mitsuru): 知りませんよ。 (Shirimasen yo. )
MITSURU MIKADO:I don't know (sob).
僕に聞かないでくださいよ。 (Boku ni kikanaide kudasai yo.)
Don't ask me about that (sob).
左 絵理花 (Hidari Erika): あ、下山先輩だ。じゃあね、みつるちゃん。 (A, Shimoyama-senpai da. Jā ne, Mitsuru-chan.)
ERIKA HIDARI: It's Shimoyama-senpai. See you, Mitsuru-chan.
下山先輩!下山先輩!絵理花と一緒にランチ行きましょ! (Shimoyama-senpai! Shimoyama-senpai! Erika to issho ni ranchi ikimasho!)
Shimoyama-senpai! Shimoyama-senpai! Let's have lunch together!
三門 満 (Mikado Mitsuru): え、絵理花さん...。 (E, Erika-san) 分かりやすすぎる...。(Wakari yasu sugiru....)
MITSURU MIKADO:E..Erika...You're so obvious.
うー。下山め。 (Ū Shimoyama me.)
(ruefully) That blasted Shimoyama---.
Naomi: どう思いますか? (Dōomoimasuka?) So what do you think?
Peter: やきもちだと思いますか。 (Yaki mochida to omoimasu ka.)
Naomi: Jealously.
Peter: I think so. え、直美先生、どう思いますか? (E, Naomi sensei, dōomoimasuka?)
Naomi: うーん。あの、満さんもちょっと性格悪いですね。 (U ̄n. Ano, Mitsuru-san mo chotto seikaku waruidesu ne.)
Peter: He is a little nasty.
Naomi: And a bit weak too like ひどすぎます。 (Hido sugimasu.)
Peter: Yeah but I think we are going to find out more and more what happens right as the story goes on?
Naomi: そうかな? (Sō ka na?)
Peter: Well let’s see.
Naomi: And speaking of ひどい (Hidoi), that’s a good word to know right?
Peter: Used quite a bit.
Naomi: そう。 (Sō.) I use it quite often ひどーい。(Hido ̄ i)
Peter: That’s so sad. That means someone is doing something bad to you.
Naomi: Yeah, yeah someone is doing 誰でしょうね。(Daredeshou ne.)
Peter: この私ですか? (Kono watashidesu ka?)
Naomi: 誰だろうなぁ。 (Daredarou nā.)
Peter: Is it me?
Naomi: Umm no comment.
Peter: Okay let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Peter: First word
Naomi: 泣く (Naku)
Peter: To cry.
Naomi: (slow)なく (Naku) (natural speed) 泣く (Naku)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 彼女 (Kanojo)
Peter: Girlfriend.
Naomi: (slow)かのじょ (Kanoji ~yo) (natural speed) 彼女 (Kanojo)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 知る (shiru)
Peter: To know.
Naomi: (slow)しる (Shiru) (natural speed) 知る (shiru)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 聞く (kiku)
Peter: To ask.
Naomi: (slow)きく (Kiku) (natural speed) 聞く (kiku)
Peter: Next
Naomi: 僕 (boku)
Peter: I, me.
Naomi: (slow)ぼく (boku) (natural speed) 僕 (boku)
Peter: Next.
Naomi: 一緒に (isshoni)
Peter: Together.
Naomi: (slow)いっしょに (Issho ni) (natural speed) 一緒に (isshoni)
Peter: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Naomi sensei, what’s the first word we will look at?
Naomi: 聞く (Kiku)
Peter: To ask, to hear or to listen.
Naomi: そうですね。この漢字は面白いですね。 (Sōdesu ne. Kono kanji wa omoshiroidesu ne.)
Peter: So the kanji is pretty interesting.
Naomi: It has a gate and an ear 門と耳がありますね (Mon to mimi ga arimasu ne). So someone is putting one’s ear against a door to get information.
Peter: Eavesdropping.
Naomi: そうそうそうそう。 (Sō sō sō sō.)
Peter: Umm yes a very nice pneumatic to remember this kanji. The next phrase we have is
Naomi: 思う (Omou)
Peter: To think.
Naomi: Peter san, how do you spell 思う (Omou) in alphabet?
Peter: Romaji?
Naomi: Umm.
Peter: O m o u
Naomi: そうですよね。 (Sōdesu yo ne.) 普通 (Futsū) ouはおうになるんですけど (Haou ni naru ndesukedo)
Peter: Like a long vowel O.
Naomi: でも (Demo) This is not おもお (Omō) this is おもう (Omō).
Peter: You need that last syllable as う (U)。思う (Omou)
Naomi: そうそうそう。思う。(Sō sō sō. Omou.) You have to say う (U)。
Peter: I think this is common with verbs that aren’t conjugated.
Naomi: Dictionary form.
Peter: Dictionary form of verbs. Let’s have a look at some sample sentences.
Naomi: そう思う。 (Sō omou.)
Peter: I think so. The first そう (Sō) is the long vowel.
Naomi: そうですね。そう。 (Sōdesu ne.-Sō.)
Peter: And that’s followed by
Naomi: 思う。 (Omou)
Peter: And that’s the verb.
Naomi: そう。だから、おもう。 (Sō. Dakara, omō.) You have to say う (U) sound.
Peter: Now there are some things omitted in here. If you want to have the proper Japanese, it’s そうだと思う。 (Sōda to omou.) So you have the plain form of the copula です (Desu)、だ (Da) the quotation marker と。 (To.) そうだと思う。 (Sōda to omou.)
Naomi: そうですね。そうだと思う。 (Sōdesu ne. Sōda to omou.)
Peter: But this gets shortened to
Naomi: そう思う。 (Sō omou.) If you are reading that sentence in the alphabet, that might be confusing but if you are reading it in kanji, it’s not so confusing.

Lesson focus

Peter: This lesson is designed to review the grammar points you learned from Beginner series season 4, lessons 34 to 37. In this grammar section, we would like to focus on reviewing the usage of the conjunction し (shi). Now し (shi) is a conjunction that gives two or more reasons or causes. It’s often used to add emphasis. The conjunction し (shi) can be translated as ‘and’ and ‘what’s more’ or so on. Naomi Sensei, can we have the sample sentence from the dialogue?
Naomi: 話しやすいし、性格いいし (Hanashi yasuishi, seikaku īshi)
Peter: So he is easy to talk to and she has a good personality and kind of things like that. Now the subject is missing in the sentence. So can you put the subject in and say it again?
Naomi: 下山先輩は話しやすいし性格いいし (Gezan senpai wa hanashi yasuishi seikaku īshi)
Peter: So Shimoyama-senpai he is easy to talk to and what’s more, he has a nice personality among other things. So this is Erica’s line. Before she says this sentence, she said
Naomi: 絵理花、下山先輩だーいすき。 (Erika, gezan senpaida ̄ isuki.)
Peter: Erica likes Shimoyama Sempai so much.
Naomi: She could have said 下山先輩は話しやすいし、性格いいし、私は下山先輩が大好き。 (Gezan senpai wa hanashi yasuishi, seikaku īshi, watashi wa gezan senpai ga daisuki.)
Peter: Since Shimoyama Sempai is easier to talk to and has a good personality, I like him a lot which she think you’d find in a textbook
Naomi: And the second one.
Peter: But sometimes the speaker inverts the first clause and the second clause for emphasis. Basically what that means is sometimes the order is reversed.
Naomi: そうです。 (Sōdesu.)
Peter: And this is pretty common in Japanese.
Naomi: Very common. We often end sentences with し (Shi) to soften the sentence.
Peter: Yeah I think one of the ways I remember this was it’s kind of like you know, you talk about unspoken things. So I always think of that part in a movie or a TV show where someone is looking for something else to say. Oh し (Shi) is nice, but all they could really think of is one thing. This is where し (Shi) would be so useful.
Naomi: あ~そうですね。 (A ~ sōdesune.)
Peter: Because that し (Shi) is describing other things. It’s kind of like that and.
Naomi: そうね。 (Sō ne.) It infers that there are more reasons.
Peter: Exactly. I like Naomi Sensei 優しいし。 (Yasashīshi.)
Naomi: え、それだけ?もっともっと。 (E, sore dake? Motto motto.)
Peter: Well there are other things but that し (Shi) means that yeah there is more. I just can’t really think of that.
Naomi: Can’t think of it right now but there are more reasons.
Peter: There is more? So without the し (Shi), there is no more. With the し (Shi), there is so much more.
Naomi: そうね。 直美さんは優しいから。 (Sō ne. Naomi-san wa yasashīkara.) That’s it. 優しい (Yasashī) is the only reason.
Peter: I think if you met Naomi, you could come up with all of these.


Peter: Now that just about does it for today.
Naomi: それじゃあ、また。 (Sore jā, mata.)


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