
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Okay, without further adieu, let’s get in today's lesson, here we go.
Natsuko: おはようローマ。ナツコです。(Ohayō Rōma. Natsuko desu.)
Peter: Peter here and we are back with another episode. Yes. Again today we have a very interesting conversation for you.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay, so without further adieu, let’s get into today’s conversation. Here we go.
夏子 (Natsuko) : ピーターは英語が得意ですね。明日英語の試験があります。とても心配です!今夜一緒に英語を勉強しませんか。(Pītā wa Eigo ga tokui desu ne. Ashita, Eigo no shiken ga arimasu. Totemo shinpai desu! Kon’ya issho ni Eigo o benkyō shimasen ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : そうですね。明後日、日本語の試験があります。私もとても心配です。今夜と明日はちょっと忙しいです。(Sō desu ne. Asatte, Nihon-go no shiken ga arimasu.
Watashi mo totemo shinpai desu. Kon’ya to ashita wa chotto isogashii desu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : じゃ、今夜一緒に英語を勉強します。明日は一緒に日本語を勉強します。どうですか。(Ja, kon’ya issho ni Eigo o benkyō shimasu. Ashita wa issho ni Nihon-go o benkyō shimasu. Dō desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : いいですね。そうします!今夜何時がいいですか。(Ii desu ne. Sō shimasu! Kon’ya nan-ji ga ii desu ka.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : そうですねぇ、今夜七時はどうですか。(Sō desu nee, kon’ya shichi-ji wa dō desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : いいです。(Ii desu.)
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : ピーターは英語が得意ですね。明日英語の試験があります。とても心配です!今夜一緒に英語を勉強しませんか。(Pītā wa Eigo ga tokui desu ne. Ashita, Eigo no shiken ga arimasu. Totemo shinpai desu! Kon’ya issho ni Eigo o benkyō shimasen ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : そうですね。明後日、日本語の試験があります。私もとても心配です。今夜と明日はちょっと忙しいです。(Sō desu ne. Asatte, Nihon-go no shiken ga arimasu.
Watashi mo totemo shinpai desu. Kon’ya to ashita wa chotto isogashii desu.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : じゃ、今夜一緒に英語を勉強します。明日は一緒に日本語を勉強します。どうですか。(Ja, kon’ya issho ni Eigo o benkyō shimasu. Ashita wa issho ni Nihon-go o benkyō shimasu. Dō desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : いいですね。そうします!今夜何時がいいですか。(Ii desu ne. Sō shimasu! Kon’ya nan-ji ga ii desu ka.)
夏子 (Natsuko) : そうですねぇ、今夜七時はどうですか。(Sō desu nee, kon’ya shichi-ji wa dō desu ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : いいです。(Ii desu.)
Peter: Okay, you know the drill. This time Natsuko will give you the Japanese and I will give you the English translation, okay? Here we go.
夏子 (Natsuko) : ピーターは英語が得意ですね。(Pītā wa Eigo ga tokui desu ne.)
NATSUKO: Peter, you are very good at English.
夏子 (Natsuko) : 明日英語の試験があります。(Ashita, Eigo no shiken ga arimasu.)
NATSUKO: Tomorrow, I have an English test.
夏子 (Natsuko) : とても心配です!(Totemo shinpai desu!)
NATSUKO: I’m very worried.
夏子 (Natsuko) : 今夜一緒に英語を勉強しませんか。(Kon’ya issho ni Eigo o benkyō shimasen ka.)
NATSUKO: Tonight, shall we study English together?
ピーター (Pītā) : そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
PETER: Umm...
ピーター (Pītā) : 明後日、日本語の試験があります。(Asatte, Nihon-go no shiken ga arimasu.)
PETER: I have a Japanese language exam the day after tomorrow.
ピーター (Pītā) : 私もとても心配です。(Watashi mo totemo shinpai desu.)
PETER: I’m also very worried.
ピーター (Pītā) : 今夜と明日はちょっと忙しいです。(Kon’ya to ashita wa chotto isogashii desu.)
PETER: Tonight and tomorrow, I’m a little busy.
夏子 (Natsuko) : じゃ、今夜一緒に英語を勉強します。(Ja, kon’ya issho ni Eigo o benkyō shimasu.)
NATSUKO: Umm, tonight, we’ll study English together.
夏子 (Natsuko) : 明日は一緒に日本語を勉強します。(Ashita wa issho ni Nihon-go o benkyō shimasu.)
NATSUKO: Tomorrow, we’ll study Japanese together.
夏子 (Natsuko) : どうですか。(Dō desu ka.)
NATSUKO: How about that?
ピーター (Pītā) : いいですね。(Ii desu ne.)
PETER: That’s good.
ピーター (Pītā) : そうします!(Sō shimasu!)
PETER: We’ll do that!
ピーター (Pītā) : 今夜何時がいいですか。(Kon’ya nan-ji ga ii desu ka.)
PETER: Tonight, what time is OK?
夏子 (Natsuko) : そうですねぇ、(Sō desu nee,)
夏子 (Natsuko) : 今夜七時はどうですか。(kon’ya shichi-ji wa dō desu ka.)
NATSUKO: How about 7 tonight?
ピーター (Pītā) : いいです。(Ii desu.)
PETER: That’s good.
Peter: Okay, wow! Cooperating.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: What a change from everyday fighting.
Natsuko: Well, we are friends.
Peter: Wow Natsuko! Your acting is getting better by the day.
Natsuko: Oh my god!
Peter: Okay, so very, very nice conversation and long conversation but again bringing everything that we learned together to date plus a few new things.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So there is a lot in there. So what we want to do is jump right in. So Natsuko, can you give us the first word?
Natsuko: 英語 (Eigo)
Peter: This is
Natsuko: English.
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)英語 (Eigo)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 英語 (Eigo)
Peter: Okay, again English. Now we want to focus on the last part of that, right?
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: What is that?
Natsuko: 語 (go)
Peter: And it means
Natsuko: Language.
Peter: Yes, language. It also has some other meanings, but language.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay, now what is the other language we talked about in here? What’s your specialty?
Natsuko: 日本語 (Nihon-go)
Peter: Yes, okay.
Natsuko: And I know you all know this word.
Peter: Yes, again what is Japan?
Natsuko: 日本 (Nihon)
Peter: And then we just add
Natsuko: 語 (go)
Peter: To become
Natsuko: Japanese.
Peter: Yes, now we introduced this structure because this is a very common one for lots of languages.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now Natsuko is going to give you some examples.
Natsuko: Okay.
Peter: What’s the first example we have?
Natsuko: 中国語 (Chūgoku-go)
Peter: Which is
Natsuko: Chinese.
Peter: Okay. What’s the country name?
Natsuko: 中国 (Chūgoku)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)ちゅうごく (Chūgoku)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 中国 (Chūgoku)
Peter: Okay. So we have the country, China.
Natsuko: Yes, 中国 (Chūgoku)
Peter: And then we just add
Natsuko: 語 (go)
Peter: We have
Natsuko: 中国語 (Chūgoku-go)
Peter: Yes, Chinese. See? Let’s give another one.
Natsuko: スペイン語 (Supein-go)
Peter: Which is
Natsuko: Spanish.
Peter: And give us the country inside there.
Natsuko: スペイン (Supein)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)すぺいん (Supein)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: スペイン (Supein)
Peter: Okay, one more
Natsuko: イタリア語 (Itaria-go)
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: Italian.
Peter: Yes. And give us the country inside there.
Natsuko: イタリア (Itaria)
Peter: Plus
Natsuko: 語 (go)
Peter: Yep, breakdown Italy.
Natsuko: (slow)いたりあ (Itaria)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: イタリア (Itaria)
Peter: Okay. Now while this is a common construction, there are also cases where it’s not that way.
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: Okay?
Natsuko: Not the country.
Peter: Not the country. So can you give us an example?
Natsuko: ヒンズー語 (Hinzū-go)
Peter: Which is
Natsuko: Hindi.
Peter: Yes, okay. Can you break this down for us?
Natsuko: (slow)ひんずーご (Hinzū-go)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: ヒンズー語 (Hinzū-go)
Peter: Okay, so sometimes it works out to be the country plus 語 (go), but there are many cases where it’s not this way.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay, next up we have
Natsuko: 得意 (tokui)
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: Very good at something.
Peter: Yes, very good at something or specialty.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay, break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)とくい (tokui)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 得意 (tokui)
Peter: Okay, Natsuko. あなたは何が得意ですか。(Anata wa nani ga tokui desu ka.) Natsuko, what are you very good at or Natsuko, what is your specialty?
Natsuko: 私は料理が得意です。(Watashi wa ryōri ga tokui desu.)
Peter: I am very good at cooking.
Natsuko: 日本料理が得意です。(Nihon ryōri ga tokui desu.)
Peter: Japanese food is my specialty.
Natsuko: イタリア料理も得意ですよ。(Itaria ryōri mo tokui desu yo.)
Peter: Italian food is also my specialty.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Oh Natsuko, very nice.
Natsuko: I am acting, sorry.
Peter: Well, you are getting very good.
Natsuko: Thank you.
Peter: So your acting is your specialty.
Natsuko: Oh yes, maybe.
Peter: Okay, so what’s the opposite of specialty?
Natsuko: 苦手 (nigate)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)にがて (nigate)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 苦手 (nigate)
Peter: And what does this mean?
Natsuko: Not good at.
Peter: Yes, not good at. So Natsuko. あなたは何が苦手ですか。(Anata wa nani ga nigate desu ka.)
Natsuko: 私は早起きが苦手です。(Watashi wa hayaoki ga nigate desu.)
Peter: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: 私は早起きが苦手です。(Watashi wa hayaoki ga nigate desu.)
Peter: 英語でお願いします。(Eigo de onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: I am not good at waking up early.
Peter: Me too. I got to remember that. Give it to us one more time.
Natsuko: 私は早起きが苦手です。(Watashi wa hayaoki ga nigate desu.)
Peter: いいですね。(Ii desu ne.)
Natsuko: Yes. My excuse.
Peter: Okay, what’s next, Natsuko?
Natsuko: 試験 (shiken)
Peter: Uhh, what’s this?
Natsuko: Exam.
Peter: Yes, exam, test.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Uhh
Natsuko: Uhh.
Peter: Okay, so can you break it down?
Natsuko: (slow)しけん (shiken)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 試験 (shiken)
Peter: Yes. Now in the dialogue what did we have?
Natsuko: 英語の試験 (Eigo no shiken)
Peter: English test or English exam.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now notice the construction of this phrase. One more time.
Natsuko: 英語の試験 (Eigo no shiken)
Peter: Yes. Something, something の試験 (no shiken) and it makes it that subject’s test.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay, what else do we have?
Natsuko: 日本語の試験 (Nihon-go no shiken)
Peter: Japanese language test.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay, now we just introduced you to some more words for languages.
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: Now can you make the construction with that?
Natsuko: 中国語の試験 (Chūgoku-go no shiken)
Peter: Chinese language test.
Natsuko: スペイン語の試験 (Supein-go no shiken)
Peter: Spanish language test.
Natsuko: イタリア語の試験 (Itaria-go no shiken)
Peter: Italian test.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Ah brings back memories of high school.
Natsuko: Me too.
Peter: You must have aced all your tests?
Natsuko: No way….
Peter: Come on now, Natsuko. Don’t be modest.
Natsuko: Very gloomy memories.
Peter: Okay. Next up we have.
Natsuko: 心配 (shinpai)
Peter: Okay, and what’s this?
Natsuko: Worry.
Peter: Yes, worry. Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)しんぱい (shinpai)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 心配 (shinpai)
Peter: Okay, now in the dialogue, we had 心配です (shinpai desu), right?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So, worry.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now we also would like to point out that you can turn this into a verb by adding.
Natsuko: する (suru)
Peter: Yes, which we introduced to you last week.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay, so you can say
Natsuko: 心配です (shinpai desu)
Peter: Or
Natsuko: 心配します (shinpai shimasu)
Peter: Okay, now we are going to have some more information up on the website about this to give you the kind of subtle nuance and the differences because I am sure people are going to be scrambling, what’s the difference?
Natsuko: Yes, right.
Peter: Okay, next up we have
Natsuko: 明日 (ashita)
Peter: Okay, and this is
Natsuko: Tomorrow.

Lesson focus

Peter: Yes now, we are going to move into today’s point and today’s point is talking about the future.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now we gave you a little taste of this by talking about tonight, which is
Natsuko: 今夜 (kon’ya)
Peter: Okay, but now we’d like to talk about tomorrow, which is
Natsuko: 明日 (ashita)
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: (slow)あした (ashita)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 明日 (ashita)
Peter: Yes again, when you are talking, you are always going to want to talk about the future and the near future.
Natsuko: Uhoo…
Peter: So this is a very important word.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Now the reason we are waiting a bit is because this is what we like so much about Japanese. Recently we were introducing you to class 2 and 3 verbs and what tense were we using?
Natsuko: Present polite form.
Peter: Yes, now the best thing about Japanese is the present polite form is also the same as the future.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So we can use this when talking about tomorrow.
Natsuko: Uhoo you can say it the same way.
Peter: Right?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So for example, I will study tomorrow.
Natsuko: 明日勉強します。(Ashita benkyō shimasu.)
Peter: In the dialogue, we were going to do a lot of studying tomorrow.
Natsuko: Yes, oh boy!
Peter: Okay, then we also introduced you to
Natsuko: あさって (asatte)
Peter: Yes, famous movie which is
Natsuko: Day After Tomorrow.
Peter: Yes, The Day After Tomorrow.
Natsuko: Oh did you see that?
Peter: Yes, oh but New York.
Natsuko: Oh!
Peter: Now can you break this word down for us?
Natsuko: (slow)あさって (asatte)
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: あさって (asatte)
Peter: Yes, you want to hold the ‘t’ in there and there is a small つ (tsu).
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So give it to us one more time. ゆっくりお願いします。(Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: (slow)あさって (asatte)
Peter: Yes. Okay, and this is the day after tomorrow.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now we have one more to really impress the friends.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And your Japanese teachers.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: What is our last one?
Natsuko: しあさって (shiasatte)
Peter: Very nice and what is this?
Natsuko: Two days after tomorrow.
Peter: Yes, or the day after the day after tomorrow.
Natsuko: Yes, yes right.
Peter: Yeah, but we would usually say in three days. So again this is a very, very nice one that you could really impress the people with…
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Because it’s a word but it’s not used so often, right?
Natsuko: Right. You got to hold your fingers and count the days, one day, two day, three days.
Peter: Yes, so today we wanted to give you some practice about speaking about the future.
Natsuko: Uhoo.
Peter: And the near future, tomorrow. The day after tomorrow and the day after the day after tomorrow.
Natsuko: Uhh…
Peter: All very useful things.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Because you often ask your friend, what are you doing tomorrow? So we are going to give you a little example, why しあさって (shiasatte) would be so useful? It’s very tough for the person you are speaking to to come up with excuses for three days in a row.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Let’s give you a little example of how it might go. ナツコ、今日一緒に晩ごはんを食べませんか。(Natsuko, kyō issho ni bangohan o tabemasen ka.)
Natsuko: 今日は日本語を勉強します。ちょっと忙しいです。(Kyō wa Nihon-go o benkyō shimasu. Chotto isogashii desu.)
Peter: 明日は?(Ashita wa?)
Natsuko: 明日は英語を勉強します。忙しいです。(Ashita wa Eigo o benkyō shimasu. Isogashii desu.)
Peter: じゃあ、あさっては?(Jā, asatte wa?)
Natsuko: あさっては中国語を勉強します。忙しいですね。(Asatte wa Chūgoku-go o benkyō shimasu. Isogashii desu ne.)
Peter: は?じゃあ、しあさっては?(Ha? Jā, shiasatte wa?)
Natsuko: しあさって… (Shiasatte…)
Peter: しあさって、しあさって、しあさっては?!(Shiasatte, shiasatte, shiasatte wa?!)
Natsuko: あ、オッケーです。(A, okkē desu.)
Peter: Yes.
Natsuko: Congratulations.


Peter: Yes. So again this can be very, very useful. Okay, I think that’s going to do it for today.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay.
Natsuko: じゃあ、また明日ね。(Jā, mata ashita ne.)
Peter: See you tomorrow.


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