
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

John: Offering an Invitation. In this lesson, you'll learn how to invite someone out in Japanese.
John: Here's the formal way to say "Do you have plans on Friday night?" in Japanese.
Risa: [Normal] 金曜日の夜、予定はありますか。(Kin-yōbi no yoru, yotei wa arimasu ka.)
John: First is a phrase meaning "Friday night."
Risa: [Normal] 金曜日の夜 [Slow] 金曜日の夜 (kin-yōbi no yoru)
John: Next is the word meaning "plan."
Risa: [Normal] 予定 [Slow] 予定 (yotei)
John: Next is the topic particle.
Risa: [Normal] は [Slow] は (wa)
John: Next is the word literally meaning "there is."
Risa: [Normal] あります [Slow] あります(arimasu)
John: Last is a question particle.
Risa: [Normal] か [Slow] か (ka)
John: Listen again to the formal phrase meaning "Do you have plans on Friday night?"
Risa: [Slow] 金曜日の夜、予定はありますか。 [Normal] 金曜日の夜、予定はありますか。
John: Okay, now let's see the informal way to ask a similar question, "Are you free on Friday night?"
Risa: [Normal] 金曜日の夜、あいてる? (Kin-yōbi no yoru, aite ru?)
John: First is a word meaning "Friday."
Risa: [Normal] 金曜日 [Slow] 金曜日 (kin-yōbi)
John: Next is the word meaning "of."
Risa: [Normal] の [Slow] の (no)
John: Next is the word meaning "night."
Risa: [Normal] 夜 [Slow] 夜(yoru)
John: Last is a casual word meaning "to have free time."
Risa: [Normal] あいてる [Slow] あいてる (aite ru)
John: Listen again to the informal phrase meaning "Do you have plans on Friday night?"
Risa: [Slow] 金曜日の夜、あいてる? [Normal] 金曜日の夜、あいてる?
John: The following is the way to say "I'm going to the movies."
Risa: [Normal] 映画に行きます。(Eiga ni ikimasu.)
John: First is a word meaning "movies."
Risa: [Normal] 映画 [Slow] 映画 (eiga)
John: Next is the word meaning "to."
Risa: [Normal] に [Slow] に (ni)
John: Next is the word meaning "go."
Risa: [Normal] 行きます [Slow] 行きます (ikimasu)
John: Listen again to the phrase meaning "I'm going to the movies."
Risa: [Slow] 映画に行きます。 [Normal] 映画に行きます。
John: Finally is a way to say "Will you join?"
Risa: [Normal] 一緒に行きませんか。(Issho ni ikimasen ka.)
John: First is a word meaning "together."
Risa: [Normal] 一緒に [Slow] 一緒に (issho ni)
John: Next is the word meaning "not to go."
Risa: [Normal] 行きません [Slow] 行きません (ikimasen)
John: Last is the question particle.
Risa: [Normal] か [Slow] か (ka)
John: Listen again to the phrase meaning "Will you join?"
Risa: [Slow] 一緒に行きませんか。 [Normal] 一緒に行きませんか。
Cultural Insight
John: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Risa: Japanese people have many drinking parties at work or with friends at the end of the year, New Year’s, cherry blossom season, to welcome or send-off someone, and even on ordinary days. Even if you cannot drink at all, many restaurants have recently started serving non-alcoholic cocktails. Give it a try!


John: And that's all for this lesson. Don't forget to check out the lesson notes, and we'll see you in the next lesson!
Risa: またね!(mata ne!)

