
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

John: Why? In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask and answer “why” in Japanese.
John: Here's the way to ask "Why are you late?" in Japanese.
Risa: [Normal] どうして遅れましたか。(Dōshite okuremashita ka.)
John: First is a word meaning "why."
Risa: [Normal] どうして [Slow] どうして (dōshite)
John: Next is the word meaning "to be late (past tense)."
Risa: [Normal] 遅れました [Slow] 遅れました (Okuremashita)
John: Last is the question particle.
Risa: [Normal] か [Slow] か(ka)
John: Note the rising intonation. Listen again to the question meaning "Why are you late?"
Risa: [Slow] どうして遅れましたか。 [Normal] どうして遅れましたか。
John: Here's the way to answer, "Because I missed the train."
Risa: [Normal] 電車に乗れませんでしたから。(Densha ni noremasen deshita kara. )
John: First is a word meaning "train."
Risa: [Normal] 電車 [Slow] 電車 (densha)
John: Next is the place particle for "on."
Risa: [Normal] に [Slow] に (ni)
John: Next is the word meaning "couldn’t ride."
Risa: [Normal] 乗れませんでした [Slow] 乗れませんでした (noremasen deshita)
John: Next is the word meaning "because."
Risa: [Normal] から [Slow] から (kara)
John: Listen again to the response meaning "because I missed the train" or literally “because I couldn’t get on the train.”
Risa: [Slow] 電車に乗れませんでしたから。 [Normal] 電車に乗れませんでしたから。
John: Now, imagine you’re speaking to your co-worker. Here's a way to ask "Why do you leave early?"
Risa: [Normal] どうして早く帰りますか。(Dōshite hayaku kaerimasu ka.)
John: First is a word meaning "why."
Risa: [Normal] どうして [Slow] どうして(dōshite)
John: Next is the word meaning "early."
Risa: [Normal] 早く [Slow] 早く(hayaku)
John: Next is the word meaning "to leave, to go back."
Risa: [Normal] 帰ります [Slow] 帰ります (kaerimasu)
John: Last is the question particle.
Risa: [Normal] か [Slow] か (ka)
John: Listen again to the question, "Why do you leave early?"
Risa: [Slow] どうして早く帰りますか。 [Normal] どうして早く帰りますか。
John: Here's a response meaning "to not miss the train" or literally “It's the time for the train.”
Risa: [Normal] 電車の時間ですから。(Densha no jikan desu kara.)
John: First is a word meaning "train."
Risa: [Normal] 電車 [Slow] 電車(densha)
John: Next is the word meaning "of."
Risa: [Normal] の [Slow] の (no)
John: Next is the word meaning "time."
Risa: [Normal] 時間 [Slow] 時間 (jikan)
John: Next is the word meaning "is."
Risa: [Normal] です [Slow] です(desu)
John: Last is the word meaning "because."
Risa: [Normal] から [Slow] から (kara)
John: Listen again to the response "to not miss the train."
Risa: [Slow] 電車の時間ですから。 [Normal] 電車の時間ですから。
Cultural Insight
John: Now, it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Risa: As you learned already, Japanese people are punctual, especially in formal situations. Generally, you are supposed to arrive at work and be prepared 5 or 10 minutes ahead of time. Even if your train is delayed a bit, it’s still not a good excuse to be late!


John: And that's all for this lesson. Don't forget to check out the lesson notes, and we'll see you in the next lesson!
Risa: またね!(mata ne!)

